While looking forward to the official release of One Piece chapter 1084, which is scheduled for May 22, 2023, fans can enjoy the fanmade translation of the raw scans. The issue will recount the events of the Reverie through Sabo's flashback, starting where the previous installment had stopped.
Most of the chapter will focus on Nefertari Cobra's meeting with the Five Elders, the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons who apparently rule the One Piece world. The meeting will be interrupted by the sudden appearance of Im, the cryptic true leader of the World Government.
Interestingly enough, the issue will introduce readers to Queen Lily, an ancestor of the Nefertari Family. As Lily played a major role during the establishment of the World Government, the mysterious Im seems to know Cobra and Vivi's predecessor very well.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1084.
A shocking connection between Queen Lily, Im-sama, and the Will of D. is revealed in One Piece chapter 1084
Nefertari Lily was among the founders of the World Government

As the previous chapter ended with Nefertari Cobra about to start his private audience with the Five Elders, One Piece 1084 let readers know the content of this meeting. Cobra introduced his request by recalling the foundation of the World Government.
800 years before the start of One Piece's present narration, at the end of the Void Century, 20 kingdoms formed the "Ancient Alliance" and eventually managed to overthrow the Ancient Kingdom. The rulers of the 20 kingdoms then established what is now known as the World Government.
Internally, the 20 Kingdoms were considered of equal worth. As such, the kings created the Empty Throne, and each of them placed a weapon around the seat to symbolize their vow to never try and sit upon it. They also banned every research over the Void Century and the Ancient Kingdom.
The kings left their countries and went to live in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, becoming known as "Celestial Dragons." However, as Cobra noticed, there was an exception. Despite being part of the alliance, the monarch of Arabasta, Queen Lily Nefertari, refused to become a Celestial Dragon.
Lily decided to return to Arabasta to continue her reign, but she never made it to her homeland, and the country ended up being ruled by her younger brother. Moreover, according to Cobra, among all known texts about the period after the Void Century, there's no mention of Lily.
While Cobra was talking, the Five Elders remained silent, but their frowning glances spoke more than a thousand words. As Cobra directly asked them about what happened to Lily, they said they didn't know any further details about the subject.
It was then revealed to readers that Im had been listening to the conversation the entire time from the "Room of Flowers" in the Pangaea Castle. Suddenly, Cobra, with a somber expression, asked the Five Elders about the real meaning of the "D.", an initial found in the surnames of many One Piece characters.
Cobra declared that the D. is a letter penned by Queen Lily to pass it down from one generation to the next in the meanders of time. The king of Arabasta had not finished speaking, but in a jaw-dropping moment, Im entered the "Phantom Room" where Cobra and the Five Elders were discussing.
To Cobra's shock, Im ascended the stairs to the Empty Throne and sat down on it, leaving the monarch of Arabasta with a horrified and yet silent face. As Im murmured, "Lily...", the chapter concluded, delaying readers to the next issue.
Was Nefertari Lily Im's love interest?
With the current information, it is not possible to say with any certainty what is the real link between Im-sama and Nefertari Lily. What's sure, however, is that there must be some sort of connection. It always seemed odd that the Nefertari Family partook in the foundation of the tyrannical World Government, given that they are known for being kindhearted people.
Still, a predecessor of the family was among the Twenty Kings, and the latest One Piece chapter revealed the identity of this ancestor, i.e., Queen Lily. The fact that she didn't abandon Arabasta to live in Mary Geoise, and went missing shortly after without a trace, clearly implies that something big happened.
Regardless, first and foremost, One Piece 1084 may have implied that Im is more than 800 years old, given that the latter mentioned Nefertari Lily not as "Queen Lily" but just as "Lily." This hints at Im having a significant level of acquaintance with the former monarch of Arabasta, who indeed lived about 800 years ago.
In One Piece chapter 906, Im was shown holding some bounty posters and photographs. Among these pictures, Im either stabbed or cut apart Luffy's, Blackbeard's, and Shirahoshi's. The only picture that the mysterious leader of the World Government didn't ruin was the one of Vivi Nefertari.
The daughter of Cobra and great friend, as well as honorary member of the Straw Hat Pirates, bears a striking resemblance to Queen Lily. That's at least going by Lily's alleged appearance in the thoughts of Nefertari Cobra. Based on this, many One Piece fans started speculating that Im may have been attracted to Lily.
This would explain why the enigmatic leader of the World Government spared Vivi's picture among all others, as the young princess of Arabasta may have remembered Im of Queen Lily. Moreover, it would also explain Im's colloquial tone while mentioning Lily.
Queen Lily and the Island of Women, Amazon Lily

Assuming that Lily really had a relationship with Im or that the latter was at least somehow interested in her, some One Piece fans theorized that the monarch of Arabasta may have been the founder of Amazon Lily, the empire located on the Island of Women.
The name "Amazon Lily" is a reference to Queen Lily in itself. Also, it makes sense that the queen, on the run from Im, escaped on an island that, being surrounded by the Calm Belt, infested by Sea Kings, was naturally difficult to approach for pursuers.
It's possible that Im and Lily were betrothed, but the latter disappeared before the wedding, fleeing to the Island of Women and creating a new state where women reign supreme, and no men and no relationships are allowed. Consequently, Im now wants to take Vivi as his wife, as she comes from Lily's family and visually resembles her.
Lily and the immortal Im-sama
Finally, there's another shocking theory. The silhouette of Lily in Cobra's mind looks very similar to that of Im. Immediately, some One Piece fans speculated that Lily and Im are the same person. Admittedly, this may be a possibility.
The Nefertari Family and the Arabasta Kingdom are clearly based on Ancient Egypt, in which mummification was conceived as a means to obtain immortality. It's possible that Lily was the only evil individual among the Nefertari and had someone use the Ope-Ope Fruit's ultimate ability to make her immortal.
This would explain why Lily never returned and why Im seems to know her so well. The same would likewise make sense if Lily was the owner of the Ope-Ope Fruit and Im forced her to sacrifice her life to immortalize the latter.
Ultimately, there's also the possibility that Im is a different person whose mind has been inserted in Lily's body by using the Ope-Ope Fruit's ability to switch personalities.
Final Thoughts
As it is already known, Cobra won't survive the Reverie, and Sabo will be framed for his death. The king of Arabasta likely became a target for the World Government as he not only was too curious about sensitive topics but even witnessed Im sitting on the Empty Throne.
The fact that Im is the greatest political authority in the One Piece world is kept hidden from the public. If Cobra lived to tell the tale, the damage to the World Government would be beyond repair, as the Empty Throne should have no owner in the eyes of people.
Based on chapter 1084, a personal connection between Im-sama and Queen Nefertari Lily is strongly implied, and revealing it may be the key to understanding the identity of the true leader of the World Government. Unfortunately, One Piece will be on break next week, leaving fans more curious than ever.