One Piece Chapter 1089 scanlations were released on Thursday, August 3, 2023, providing an officially released look at the upcoming issue and its events. While still not an official release from publisher Shueisha, the scanlations are typically reliable enough to discuss as canon, with only minor changes in dialogue typically occurring in the official release.
Likewise, fans have been excitedly reading the One Piece Chapter 1089 scanlations since their release and digesting what could possibly be in store for them in the near future. With a Marine assault on Egghead imminent, fans are excited to see what opponents the Straw Hats will individually find themselves facing in the coming issues.
One Piece Chapter 1089 recaps important world events before diving into Egghead Island action
One Piece Chapter 1089: Disastrous aftermaths

One Piece Chapter 1089 opens up with a focus on Foosha Village, where Monkey D. Garp’s "missing in action" status is being discussed by the various villagers at Makino’s bar. Mayor Woop Slap is seen telling people not to worry when someone laughs, causing him to turn and shout at Makino’s baby son.
Woop Slap instantly apologizes upon realizing it was her son’s laugh, prompting Makino to begin holding him while commenting on how her son even recognizes Luffy’s face. As the baby extends a hand toward Luffy’s picture in the paper, the perspective shifts to the Dadan Family hideout, where Dadan is crying while reading the paper, asking Garp and Luffy what they’re up to.
One Piece Chapter 1089 then takes viewers from the East Blue to the South Blue, then to the West Blue, and finally to the North Blue. At this juncture, the narrator says that no earthquake in recorded history matched what was felt on that day, adding that it caused unprecedented destruction across the entire world.
More specific locations are then shown, such as Laboon at the Twin Capes, Iceberg at Water 7, Hina at Marine HQ, prisoners at Impel Down, Momonosuke at Wano, and even Mariejois and Imu. As this happens, the narrator explains that the epicenter of the earthquake couldn’t be determined, so the significance of the geological event went unnoticed.
One Piece Chapter 1089 then sees the narrator point out that the Kingdom of Lulusia was erased six days prior, unbeknownst to the people. While this is seemingly drawing a connection between Lulusia’s disappearance and the earthquake’s occurrence, the issue doesn’t outwardly say this, making the claim speculative at best.
As Imu is shown in Mariejois, a Marine calls in that they’ve reached where Lulusia Kingdom once was. They report that there’s no trace of it left and that a massive hole like a circular waterfall in the middle of the sea is all that remains, very similar to the hole seen beneath the jetty-like island that is Enies Lobby. The Marines claim they can’t sail any closer, but it doesn’t appear as though the hole will collapse in on itself.

One Piece Chapter 1089 sees the narrator claim that the ensuing earthquakes caused the global sea level to rise by one meter, swallowing up several shores and islands as a result. Emporio Ivankov is seen fretting over the rising sea level at the Kamabakka Queendom briefly before the perspective shifts elsewhere, showing an island being submerged entirely.
Meanwhile, back at Foosha Village, Woop Slap and others are seen looking out at the sea, but the Mayor has a seemingly worried expression on his face. Fans are then transported to Egghead Island, where a massive Marine force has surrounded the location. The narrator claims that they possess more than enough firepower to put even a Buster Call to shame.
One Piece Chapter 1089 sees a Marine reporting to someone that sea levels have risen worldwide as a Weaponized Sea Beast attacks one of the ships. Kizaru easily defeats the beast with his Devil Fruit powers as the narrator explains that the Marine force includes over 100 ships, 20 of them great warships, and a total of 30,000 Marines.

Sentomaru calls Kizaru, telling him not to lay a hand on the Weaponized Sea Beasts. The narrator, meanwhile, continues explaining that the operation is being led by nine Marine HQ Vice Admirals and Admiral Kizaru. The issue then focuses on Kizaru, who tells Sentomaru that he isn’t making this easy and asks him to just come out and surrender.
One Piece Chapter 1089 sees Sentomaru reject this and say that they’ll be ready for whatever Kizaru tries next. Kizaru jokes that he’s terrified, as Sentomaru reminds him that the Pacifista lasers are based on research done on Kizaru’s Devil Fruit. Sentomaru brings this up to show his disbelief that Kizaru is now here to kill Dr. Vegapunk himself.
Kizaru calls himself a cog in the machine, saying that no one can protect him from his own choice to research the Void Century. He then recognizes that a fight isn’t in their best interest since everything on the island they break is a net loss to the World Government. Kizaru then asks if CP0 failed to complete their assassination mission, which Sentomaru confirms.
One Piece Chapter 1089: The story so far

One Piece Chapter 1089 then focuses on Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, who is eating a meal in his room and requests that his location remain a secret. He comments on how Big News Morgans’ article on the Egghead situation is a good one, then asking Vice Admiral Doberman what the true reality of the situation is.
Doberman reports that they haven’t heard from CP0 on the success of their mission, but adds that they can draw some conclusions based on Sentomaru’s resistance. Doberman asserts that Dr. Vegapunk and his six satellites are in the Labo-Stratum, as are the four Seraphim currently assigned to protect them.
One Piece Chapter 1089 then sees Doberman assert that they’ve joined forces with the Straw Hat Pirates. Doberman then explains that their advance party included Rob Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy of CP0, as well as many other Cipher Pol Agents. However, those other agents have now been captured by the Mark III Pacifista and imprisoned in the Fabrio-Stratum.
Doberman then explains that since the Frontier Dome is at 100%, they can be certain that nobody can enter or exit the Labo-Stratum. However, Doberman says that they have no idea what has transpired inside the Frontier Dome over the last day. Saint Saturn then asks where the researchers and workers of Egghead have gone, with Doberman revealing that they evacuated yesterday.
One Piece Chapter 1089 sees Doberman add that they know exactly where those ships are now, prompting Saturn to sternly order the ships to be sunk in case of leaked information. Doberman then adds that there’s one more matter in the form of Jewelry Bonney’s presence on the island. However, Saturn says that since they have no more use for that "little girl," they can leave her be.
A Marine then tells Kizaru that they’ve picked up a long-range call from Egghead, with the issue then taking readers to Mariejois. It’s revealed that Vegapunk York is contacting the Gorosei yet again, asking why they’re trying to kill her too after informing them of the Stella’s betrayal. The Gorosei members add that while that is true, she’s still Vegapunk just as much as the original is.

One Piece Chapter 1089 then reveals that Saint Saturn is also listening in on the conversation as York asks why she’d tell them about the Void Century if she had any interest in it. This is followed by Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro asking York how she’s still alive, if CP0 "paid her a visit," and what happened to the Straw Hat Pirates.
York responds by telling them to take a guess since she’s calling them, adding that she has the Seraphim under control and her survival likewise shouldn’t be shocking. She then asks why they have such a large fleet surrounding the island, questioning if they intend to go to war with her. Saint Topman Warcury stays silent, while Saint Shepherd Ju Peter tells her that they’ve had a change of heart about her, asking if she’s able to recreate the Mother Flame by herself.
One Piece Chapter 1089 sees York boast that they do need something from her and that she’s glad she sent them the first one. The Gorosei tell her that this is a special request they’re acting on, prompting her to say that if that’s what they want, then she needs resources on Egghead to recreate the weapon.
She makes them agree not to destroy the laboratory and make her a Celestial Dragon, saying they’ve got a deal once they do one thing for her first. York then bursts into tears and tells them to save her, adding that Luffy is going to kill her. All five Gorosei members and Kizaru are shocked to hear this, as York pleads with them to "crush these psychos."
One Piece Chapter 1089’s final pages reveal that York made the call with Zoro’s sword at her neck, with the entire Straw Hat crew present. Dr. Vegapunk is also there with a bag packed, as is Rob Lucci in the background. Nami, Luffy, Bonney, and Dr. Vegapunk all comment on the situation as the issue ends, announcing a magazine break next week due to the Obon holiday.
One Piece Chapter 1089: In summation
Overall, One Piece Chapter 1089 is an exciting issue that should set up engaging developments when the series returns after Weekly Shonen Jump’s publication break. More likely than not, the next issue will see the action begin as the Marines begin storming Egghead Island with York’s reveal that the Straw Hats are still alive and well.
The issue also does a good job of giving fans significant information on current world events before diving into Egghead Island, including the reveal of how the Mother Flame came to be. Fans can expect these world events to become increasingly relevant as the Egghead Island arc concludes and the series’ final saga continues.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.