One Piece Chapter 1090’s scanlations were released on Saturday, August 12, 2023, bringing an early and exciting look at the series’ upcoming official release. While fans are best served taking everything in the scanlations with a grain of salt until corroborated by the official release, their historical accuracy allows fans to somewhat put stock in them.
Likewise, fans are excitedly discussing the events of One Piece Chapter 1090, seemingly just as exciting as the initial and additional spoilers promised earlier in the week. Fans do indeed see the fighting begin on Egghead Island, as well as the Straw Hats and their allies identify and start to move toward their best method of escape.
One Piece Chapter 1090 sees Luffy sense a “strong enemy” amidst evacuation preparations
One Piece Chapter 1090: Failed Negotiations

One Piece Chapter 1090 begins with a cover story featuring Captain Kuro peacefully reading a book with black cats surrounding him. The issue’s story content opens up with Monkey D. Luffy on the phone with the Gorosei, introducing himself in his typical manner of proclaiming that he will become the King of the Pirates.
Luffy also claims that he and his crew are in an alliance with Dr. Vegapunk and tells the Gorosei to withdraw the Marine forces at Egghead Island if they value Vegapunk York’s life. Kizaru and other Marines are shown to be listening in on the conversation, as are Big News Morgans, Vivi D. Nefertari, and Wapol.
One Piece Chapter 1090 sees the Gorosei ask Luffy, who is currently alive with him in the Labo-phase. Luffy begins to answer but is told not to say anything by Nico Robin, with the call ending immediately after that. Saint Shepherd Ju Peter surmises that the feminine voice they heard is Nico Robin.

Meanwhile, on Egghead Island, Robin explains to Luffy that talking with them will only give information and that they can’t allow their enemy to learn about them quickly. Luffy apologizes, then asks if they think the Marines will withdraw their fleet. Usopp angrily shouts that it definitely won’t, telling Luffy not to underestimate the Marines.
One Piece Chapter 1090 then focuses on Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, who tells Vice Admiral Doberman that they must protect three things. These three are the physical safety of York, Punk Records, and the power plant which can create the Mother Flame weapons. Saturn says that nothing else can be lost in this battle except for those three things.
Doberman points out that Rob Lucci and CP0 are still on the island, as are other Cipher Pol Agents. Saturn tells him that this is a worst-case scenario and that it’s essential to prioritize the most critical factors in such an event. Doberman sheepishly agrees, prompting Saturn to claim humans are like insects in that they can reproduce if their population decreases, to which Doberman again sheepishly agrees.

One Piece Chapter 1090 then sees Vegapunk York reminding the Straw Hats that she made a deal with the Gorosei and that if she’s hurt, they’ll erase Egghead as they did Ohara. Nami hits York on the head with her Climatact, ranting about how they don’t care about the Gorosei while Chopper checks in on Robin’s injuries.
Robin says she’s fine thanks to Chopper, while Kaku laments the injuries he suffered despite facing two of the Seraphim. Vegapunk Lilith is seen crying over the deaths of Vegapunks Shaka and Pythagoras while Usopp tries to tap into the island’s comms. Lucci is then seen summating the situation, getting caught doing so by Kaku, who asks what Lucci is up to.
One Piece Chapter 1090 sees Lucci say he’s simply talking to himself while Usopp contacts the Cipher Pol agents who were once kidnapped. The agents are seen celebrating the Straw Hats while eating food, asking to be moved somewhere else due to how creepy it has the Seraphim right next to them.

The Seraphim are then revealed to be caught in Bubble Shield bubbles, which Dr. Vegapunk claims are blast-resistant and Devil Fruit nullifying. The Seraphim are seen complaining or looking upset about their situation. S-Snake tells the Cipher Pol agents that they don’t have to worry about her and the other Seraphim because they don’t have orders to eliminate them.
One Piece Chapter 1090 then sees Franky tell S-Snake they’re grateful to her for undoing their petrification. Dr. Vegapunk says it’s strange that she acted like that, prompting a flashback that sees Luffy confusing S-Snake for Hancock. He begs her to undo the petrification of his comrades, encouraging her to give in to his demands like the actual Hancock.
Jinbe also says this, calling it funny to know that S-Snake has the same emotions towards Luffy as Hancock. Dr. Vegapunk writes that emotions are transferred through Lineage Factors during the cloning process, while Luffy thanks S-Snake and once again calls her Hancock, prompting her to ask if he said he loved her.
One Piece Chapter 1090: Egghead escape plan hatched

One Piece Chapter 1090 then sees Vegapunk Atlas tell Dr. Vegapunk that she can’t open the Frontier Dome, making their escape impossible. York shares that she made a password to lock everything up with and didn’t upload it to Punk Records and doesn’t plan on sharing it with them.
Stussy tells Dr. Vegapunk that they’re surrounded and that the Marine fleet comprises 100 ships and 30 thousand Marines. Nami then shares that her Log Pose hasn’t picked up on a new destination yet, and is instead still showing the directions it recorded in Wano. She says one is pointing Northeast from here, which Dr. Vegapunk says should be Elbaf’s location.
One Piece Chapter 1090 sees Usopp and Luffy get incredibly excited over going to Elbaf while Stussy catches Lucci staring at her and tells him to stop. Dr. Vegapunk then shares that since their ship is already on the Labo-phase Stratum and escaping from the coast is impossible, they can go to the island’s Northeast side and use Vegaforce 01 to run.

However, Vegaforce 01 can only carry them as far as the airfield of Egghead extends, and it’ll fall as soon as it leaves the area. Franky says this isn’t a problem, as they can use the Coup de Burst to fly an additional kilometer away, guaranteeing their escape. Dr. Vegapunk approves of this plan, but Atlas reminds them to disable the frontier dome before escaping.
One Piece Chapter 1090 sees York tease that they’ll never get the password from her, prompting Atlas, Edison, and Dr. Vegapunk to all start a hacking attempt. Lilith, Luffy, Franky, and Jewelry Bonney, all head to the Sunny and the Vegaforce to move the ship to the other side of the Labo-phase so it’s ready to go.
Lilith is shown to be excited at the idea of leaving Egghead, while Luffy and Bonney lament the food they’ll be leaving behind. Bonney compliments Sanji, asking Luffy why she’s so happy now. Bonney says she feels better after giving up on her plan to kill Dr. Vegapunk, to which Luffy says they won’t be annoyed by her crying anymore like last night.

One Piece Chapter 1090 then shifts perspective back to the Marines, revealing that Rob Lucci has contacted them about what’s happening inside Egghead Island. Saturn discusses Luffy’s arrogance with Kizaru, prompting him to respond that the Straw Hats are all still cornered like rats.
Saturn asks if Kizaru can bypass the Frontier Dome’s laser defense system as a Light Human, which Kizaru says he might be able to. He adds that the one guarding the Dome is his friend, seemingly offering reservations due to this fact. Saturn tells him to ignore his friend, but Kizaru responds that ignoring a man determined to fight for his duty goes against his ideals.
One Piece Chapter 1090 sees Kizaru add that starting their assault now will cause Sentomaru to command the Weaponized Sea Beasts and the Mark III Pacifista to attack their fleet. A frustrated Saturn asks if they know the power plant’s location, to which Kizaru says Lucci shrewdly and cunningly sent them all the information they need for their assault.

The Marines on the 100 ships are then seen taking up battle stations, with the Rokushiki users among them being told to be on standby for assault. The various Marine HQ Vice Admirals are seen giving out orders on who to target with what, while Luffy’s group has just arrived at the Thousand Sunny and the Vegaforce 01.
One Piece Chapter 1090 then sees Kizaru use his Yata no Kagami technique to land on Egghead Island, where a grinning Sentomaru is ready for their fight to commence. Sentomaru blocks Kizaru’s kick while ordering the Pacifista to begin attacking. The chapter ends with Luffy sharing that someone “very strong” is coming, clearly referencing Kizaru.
One Piece Chapter 1090: In summation
Overall, One Piece Chapter 1090 is a fascinating issue that rapidly advances the climax of the Egghead Island arc. As true allegiances are revealed, and the fighting begins, fans can expect the rest of the hook to move quickly, focusing intensely only on worthwhile moments such as fights and significant revelations.
The fact that Luffy and co are already at the Thousand Sunny and Vegaforce 01 further suggests this. While a fight between the Straw Hats and the Marine forces is sure to happen, the series’ central crew is seemingly just waiting on the Frontier Dome to be opened up before making their great escape.
Keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.