Chapter 1091 of One Piece showed the World Government fleet starting its attack on Egghead, where the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies are barricaded in. The two strongest members of the crew, Luffy, the captain, and Zoro, his right-hand man, are already engaged in battle, as they are fighting Marine Admiral Kizaru and CP0 top agent Rob Lucci.
Currently, the other Straw Hats are not facing any enemies, and it's not a given that they will. However, One Piece 1091 highlighted two Marine officers, allegedly foreshadowing them as Nico Robin and Franky's destined opponents during the Egghead Incident.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1092.
Future One Piece chapters may show Franky and Robin taking on two Marine Vice Admirals
Franky's feats and abilities in One Piece

Prior to joining the Straw Hat Pirates due to the events of Enies Lobby, Franky, at the time known as "Cutty Flam". He was the leader of a group of bounty hunters and ship dismantlers. Currently, Franky is the shipwright of the Straw Hats and allegedly the fifth-strongest fighter of the group.
Franky possesses superhuman physical strength, which he uses to perform boxing and wrestling moves. It must be noted that he is a cyborg with a bionic physique that grants him extreme durability. Moreover, his body is equipped with various cybernetic enhancements and weapons, adding to his overall strength.
As a result of upgrading his skills during the time skip, Franky can shoot rapid-fire bullets from his hands as well as breathe out large fireballs. His strongest move is the Radical Beam, a highly destructive laser beam that, according to Vegapunk, can potentially damage even the Seraphim cyborgs should it hit them.

If needed, Franky can operate from inside the General, a huge mecha made out of the particularly tough Wapometal, which makes it even more damage-resistant than a Pacifista robot. The General's giant body allows Franky to slam his enemies and deliver ravaging punches. Furthermore, it enables him to perform the General Cannon, firing a large blast of compressed air.
Admittedly, Franky is a rather capable fighter. In Water Seven, he was able to throw hands with Luffy. In Enies Lobby, he overwhelmingly defeated two CP9 agents, Nero, on the sea train, and Fukuro.

After the time skip, Franky easily beat Ikaros Much from the New Fish-Men Pirates, as well as Donquixote Pirates members Baby 5 and Buffalo. In Dressrosa, despite having limited himself to only using bare-handed physical blows, he defeated Senor Pink, an officer of the same crew.
In the Wano Arc, Franky took down Jaki, an ancient giant part of the Beasts Pirates' Numbers, with a single blow. Subsequently, he defeated Sasaki, one of the Flying Six, an elite group of executives in Kaido's crew.
Nico Robin's feats and abilities in One Piece

As the only survivor from Ohara's lineage and one of the very few people who can decipher Poneglyphs, Nico Robin has always been pursued by the World Government, which put particularly high bounties on her head. Having spent her life on the run, Robin has developed into a strong and resourceful woman.
A former member of Crocodile's Baroque Works with the codename Miss All Sunday, Robin joined the Straw Hat Pirates after the Arabasta Arc, thus becoming the crew's archaeologist. As the user of the Flower-Flower Fruit, Robin can sprout duplicates of her body parts or her entire body from any surface within range.
The replicated parts act as an extension of her own body, which means that if they are hurt, her actual body gets injured. Owing to her Devil Fruit abilities, Robin can overpower her enemies by sprouting limbs in gigantic sizes or massive numbers.

After the time skip, Robin developed the ability to create full-fledged clones of herself, which she could use to deceive her opponents. In Wano, Robin showed the peak of her strength, going all out with her Devil Fruit powers and combining them with her newfound ability to perform Fish-Man Karate-style palm strikes.
As such, she was able to significantly overpower Black Maria, a member of the Beasts Pirates' Flying Six. Admittedly, however, beating Black Maria caused her to exert herself, even requiring Brook's help.
Cautious and cunning in battle, Robin also has very good reflexes. She was able to react to Cavendish's speed in Hakuba form and restrain him. A testament to how dangerous Robin's body-sprouting powers are, Vegapunk even likened their functioning to Roronoa Zoro's incredibly quick slashes, which are nearly instantaneous.
Why Doll and her comrade might be potential adversaries for Robin and Franky
One Piece chapter 1091 emphasized two mighty Marines whose traits mesh well with Franky and Robin's with regards to both fighting skills and characterization. As Vegapunk's Sea Beats and Mark III Pacifista, which formed Egghead's first defense line, started attacking the World Government fleet, these two officers took action.
A Vice Admiral, whose name is yet to be revealed but who can be distinguished easily by his noticeable multiple chins, immediately defeated one of the Sea Weapons. To do that, he used a mechanical arm very similar, at least from an aesthetic point of view, to that of Zephyr from One Piece Film: Z.
Interestingly, this move, called Steam Knuckle, notably resembled Franky's trademark Strong Right. In both cases, the attack involved launching the fist forward and then retracting it with a chain. This allegedly implies that the Vice Admiral has cyborg-like enhancements like Franky.
The Navy officer's grim and yet very eccentric appearance also recalls Franky's quirky look. Some fans noticed that the Vice Admiral's design is very reminiscent of Queen's and, concerning the stripy outfit, Mr. 2 Bon Clay's. Some even speculated that he could be Queen's twin brother. Thus, there's also the theory that this officer may be Sanji's next opponent.
The other Vice Admiral highlighted in One Piece 1091 was Doll, a female officer already introduced in the previous chapters as the chief of the Marine G-14 base. Doll's abilities are yet to be fully disclosed, but in the latest installment of the series, she was shown kicking a Mark III Pacifista in the face.
The fact that Doll could damage one of these cyborgs, who are upgraded versions of the already very durable Pacifista, implies that she possesses an extremely high level of physical strength, especially as he didn't even bother to use Armament Haki in her attack.
Doll's gothic appearance, with leather clothes and a spiked choker, strongly resembles Nico Robin's trademark goth girl style. Moreover, Doll seems to be a rather cold-blooded and non-empathetic person, as she roughly tells Helmeppo to stop complaining about the fate of Koby.

This behavior is very similar to the one Robin had during her days as a Baroque Works agent. However, after joining the Straw Hats, Robin formed a genuine bond with her teammates, gradually becoming much more gregarious and kind.
The fact that Doll doesn't seem to value her colleagues while Robin, despite possessing a merciless side as well, eventually becomes very attached to her companions, establishes a potential reason for conflict between the two women.
Doll and Nico Robin may socialize based on their shared tendency to like macabre things and dress in goth style, but they might fight aggressively over their different understandings of how to value comrades. Moreover, Doll likely uses Rokushiki.
Despite being part of the Enies Lobby Arc, Robin didn't fight the CP9 agents, who are well-known Rokushiki users. So, a fight with Doll might be the perfect occasion to finally see Robin facing someone who employs this iconic style of martial arts.
So far, it's unclear how powerful the two Vice Admirals are, with the only certainty being that, by virtue of their formal rank, they can use Armament Haki and Observation Haki with at least decent proficiency.
The two officers' overall level of might should be at the very least around the Flying Six's, possibly around that of the lower Commander-tier fighters. Thus, they would be worthy opponents for Franky and Nico Robin, given the traits they seemingly share with them.
Be sure to keep up with One Piece's manga, anime, and live-action, as 2023 progresses.