One Piece chapter 1095 scanlations were released on Thursday, October 12, 2023, bringing with them an exciting look at the continuing events of the Egghead Island arc. While this isn’t considered an official release of author and illustrator Eiichiro Oda’s manga series, the scanlations are typically accurate enough overall to be treated as canon.
Fans are excitedly discussing One Piece chapter 1095’s events, which begin the long-awaited God Valley flashback and the reveal of Bartholomew Kuma’s origins. The issue also introduces a brand-new character, whom many fans have high hopes for in terms of her possible relation to another character in the series.
One Piece chapter 1095 introduces an intriguing new character as part of early section of God Valley flashback

One Piece chapter 1095 began with Marines beneath the rank of Rear Admiral being told to evacuate from Egghead Island without taking so much as a peek at Saint Jaygarcia Saturn. The Marines question why he’s here, as well as why there’s suddenly so much black lightning. Meanwhile, Dr. Vegapunk is telling Jewelry Bonney that she has crossed the line for stabbing Saturn, given his title as one of the Gorosei.
The Marines who were told not to evacuate begin taking aim at Bonney, but Saturn tells them to stop worrying since he wouldn’t have allowed himself to be stabbed if he didn’t wish for it. Saturn then uses some sort of aura-based attack from his eyes to assault Bonney, causing her to bleed, but not causing her head to explode as seen with other Marines. Sanji is also hit with the same attack, also bleeding but not having his head explode.
One Piece chapter 1095 then sees Saturn use his free hand to remove the sword, with Bonney still in the other. After he does so, the blood and wound from Bonney’s attack disappear, which both Sanji and Franky notice. The Marines then begin rushing at Dr. Vegapunk, but Saturn tells them to not be hasty and instead keep their weapons pointed at them, making escape impossible as a result.

Saturn then comments on how it’s uncharacteristic of Kizaru to be so slow in executing his orders. The Admiral apologizes for this, saying he has no excuse, adding that he also doesn’t think he can move quite yet after Luffy’s last attack. Saturn seems to accept this apology, saying he can understand this disappointment given the situation.
One Piece chapter 1095 then sees Saturn attempt to stomp on the unmoving Luffy with one of his spider legs. Thankfully, Franky uses his arm to punch Luffy out of the way, grabbing and pulling him back shortly thereafter. Saturn comments on how they’re the kind of pirates who stick together, to which Franky comments on how even someone as important as Saturn is after Luffy specifically.
Saturn then comments on how Luffy and Bonney’s involvement in Dr. Vegapunk’s assassination was unforeseen. However, he adds that with the coasts blockaded by the Marines, it would certainly be interesting to see them escape from such a hopeless situation. Saturn comments on seeing what fate has in store for them while commenting on how heavy a blow Dr. Vegapunk’s betrayal is.

One Piece chapter 1095 then sees Saturn thank Dr. Vegapunk for the work he did during his time with the Marines, before demanding to know the cruelest order in which to kill them. He adds that he wants them each to die cursing themselves for daring to cross the World Government.
Saturn then lectures on how human nature is to blame, questioning why people are always so tempted by taboos. Sanji and the others then realize that they’re unable to move, which Dr. Vegapunk claims is a Devil Fruit ability. Bonney, still in the clutch of Saturn’s hand, claims that Saturn is the one who killed her father.
One Piece chapter 1095 sees Saturn respond that Kuma was born to be a slave, given that he was a descendant of people who committed a “grave sin against the world.” He claims that Kuma was a member of the now-extinct Buccaneer race. As Saturn says this, Dr. Vegapunk seemingly makes some sort of connection with this info.
One Piece chapter 1095: Family history

This starts a brief flashback which runs side-by-side with current events, seeing Kuma telling a young Bonney how he always wanted to be a hero who could save and free people. He claims he wanted to be like the legendary Warrior of Liberation Nika in this way. He’s then seen explaining who Nika is to Bonney, also singing the rhythm of the Drums of Liberation and dancing to them with her as well.
As this happens, Saturn tells the Marines present to aim for Bonney’s head as he holds her up high. Sanji and the others beg for Bonney’s life, but are seemingly ignored. One Piece chapter 1095 sees a young Bonney ask her father if she’ll be freed too, before another flashback begins which takes viewers to the South Blue’s Sorbet Kingdom 47 years prior.
It’s revealed that Kuma was born here, with his father Klap asking the doctor to keep their blood and race a secret. However, the doctor then tells them to run, saying that there were World Government agents in the hospital all along. Klap begs for him to be the one who is taken, claiming his wife is normal and asking her and their son to be set free.
However, One Piece chapter 1095 sees their entire family enslaved, as Kuma’s torturous early life as a slave is shown in excruciating detail. However, when meeting with his father, he lies and says that he’s doing fine and that his master is kind to him. Unfortunately, Klap then tells Kuma that his mother has died and gone to heaven, crying while saying she’s in a much better place now.
Kuma begins sobbing while remembering his mother’s words to him, imploring him to live so the Warrior of Liberation can come and save him. This transitions into Klap telling Kuma about Nika, saying the name was passed down through Buccaneer folklore for generations. He claims that Nika will come and take them out to sea, where they’ll be free under the sun.
One Piece chapter 1095 sees Klap say that people never fail to laugh when they hear his heartbeat, beginning to sing the rhythm and dance to entertain Kuma. However, Klap is suddenly shot and killed by a nearby Celestial Dragon for being too loud. The flashback then shifts to 38 years ago at God Valley, which is also the year of the infamous God Valley Incident.
At God Valley, a Celestial Dragon is speaking about how the Native Cleansing Festival event they’ve gathered for only takes place once every three years. The speaker then claims that this year’s chosen island is the non-affiliated land of God Valley. The speaker says that this “blasphemous name” was given to the island due to its abundance of natural resources.
One Piece chapter 1095 then sees Marine ships approaching the island, with the speaker claiming that the World Government annexed the land specifically for their event. The king of God Valley is then shown arguing with someone about the event, revealed to be a young Garling Figarland who cuts the king down mercilessly.
The announcer for the event then comments on how Garling has started early, giving the apparent frontrunner a ten thousand-point penalty for this “rule” violation. Garling says he needs a handicap to keep things interesting, as the announcer reveals that additional troublemakers and sinner slaves have been gathered to add to the game.
One Piece chapter 1095 then reveals Saint Jaygarcia Saturn’s presence at the event, showing him to look exactly the same as he does in the present day. A fodder World Government agent reports to Saturn that they’ve located the child slave who escaped, revealing his Buccaneer race status to Saturn as well.
The final page of the issue then continues Kuma’s memory flashback from chapter 1074, seeing him dragged back after trying to run away. Someone then calls out to him, commenting on his Buccaneer race and how he has the blood of Giants in him. This is revealed to be a young Emporio Ivankov, joined by his sister Ginny. The chapter ends with Ivankov asking Kuma and the others if they want to die in God Valley or survive and live.
In summation
Overall, One Piece chapter 1095 is an exciting and engaging installment for the series which is also incredibly informative. The beginning of the God Valley flashback alone makes this an excellent chapter, with the additional focus on Saint Saturn’s assault on the Straw Hats only further increasing the issue’s quality.
The chapter’s focus on Bartholomew Kuma’s origins is also very welcome, as is the unexpected reveal that he is a member of the newly introduced Buccaneer race. Speaking of new introductions, the reveal of Ivankov’s sister Ginny has fans questioning whether or not fans have just met Luffy’s mother.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.