One Piece chapter 1095’s alleged raw scans were leaked on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, bringing with it an exciting early look at God Valley and the issue’s overall events. Fans also excitingly get introduced to a brand new character, as well as a look at a younger Emporio Ivankov and Kuma’s family outside of Jewelry Bonney.
The One Piece chapter 1095 raw scans also give fans a look at a young Garling Figarland, who has long been suspected to be related to Shanks, thanks to canon information from Film: RED. Now, with a look at the younger Garling, who looks very similar to Shanks in appearance, fans are almost certain that the two are related.
One Piece chapter 1095 raw scans introduce new characters, new looks at old characters, and more
Raw scans
One Piece chapter 1095’s raw scans begin with a cover page that shows Buggy the Clown trying to get his red nose back from a monkey who stole it. The chapter then dives into its story content, which opens with several Marines seemingly running away from Saint Jaygarcia Saturn. However, he seems to say something to them, which gets them to stop running and calm down.
Saturn then directs his attention to Bonney and Dr. Vegapunk, seemingly attacking them with some sort of aura emitted from his eyes. Sanji tries to attack Saturn, but is attacked in the same manner. Saturn then removes the sword from his chest, which seemingly causes his blood to instantly disappear. Some of the Marines are now running towards Saturn and the Straw Hats, while Kizaru and Luffy are shown to be motionless on the ground.
One Piece chapter 1095’s raw scans then see Saturn try to stomp on Luffy, but Franky thankfully uses his arm to knock him out of the way. He then uses his arm to hold Luffy and drag him back to the group, which is seemingly unable to move due to Saturn’s powers. Saturn then says something to Dr. Vegapunk as he holds Bonney in his hand, squeezing her shortly thereafter.

The Straw Hats say something to Saturn about this, as does Bonney, but he seemingly ignores them before squeezing her once more. This starts a brief flashback of Bonney spending time with her father when she was younger. As Marines take aim at her and the Straw Hats and she seemingly gives up hope, another flashback set 47 years prior to current events begins.
One Piece chapter 1095’s raw scans then introduce viewers to Kuma’s family, showing him being born and his early years. However, it seems that at some point, the family was enslaved and sent to Mariejois, seemingly due to their strength based on the manual labor Kuma is seen doing. It’s also suspected that his mother died at some point here, as a scene of a young Kuma and his father both sobbing is then shown.
Kuma’s dad then seemingly tells him about Nika, singing and dancing as he does so. However, Kuma’s father is then shot by a Celestial Dragon, prompting the flashback to then head to God Valley, 38 years prior to current events. Celestial Dragons are seen gathering with guns in their hands, with the raw scans then showing a young Figarland Garling killing what appears to be a local noble.
One Piece chapter 1095’s raw scans then reveal several slaves in cages, as well as the presence of Saint Jaygarcia Saturn on the island. Interestingly, he looks exactly the same as he does today, despite the flashback being 38 years prior. Nevertheless, Saturn has something reported to him by a World Government agent that seemingly gets his attention despite the commotion taking place before him.
The final page of the chapter then shows a young Kuma being dragged through a field by some other slaves. As this happens, he meets a young Emporio Ivankov, as well as another new character who is seen smiling and eating a hunk of meat. The chapter ends by introducing this new character, whose name is Ginny/Jinny according to text-based spoilers. The issue also announces a break week for the series.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.