One Piece chapter 1105’s unofficial scanlations were released on Thursday, January 25, 2024, bringing with them an exciting and early look at the coming issue’s events and artwork. While nothing is truly canon until present in a Shueisha-certified release, these scanlations often prove just as good as, if not preferable to the official translations and release.
Likewise, discussion is swirling around One Piece chapter 1105’s events, which see the Buster Call attack on Egghead Island begin as Sanji tries to save Bonney, Kuma, and Dr. Vegapunk. However, with Admiral Kizaru and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn still present and looking to fight, things don’t go quite as smoothly as the Straw Hat chef may have hoped.
One Piece chapter 1105 sets up exciting and daring escape from Egghead Island as Buster Call begins
One Piece chapter 1105: Best-laid plans

One Piece chapter 1105 begins with several Marines retreating off Egghead Island ahead of the Buster Call beginning. Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Doll urges Admiral Kizaru and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn to leave Egghead Island, but the two say they’ll stay and to begin the Buster Call as soon as possible.
Dr. Vegapunk then confronts the pair, questioning why they’re doing this when they’re just after his own life. He pleads with them to call off the Buster Call on the basis of how far back it will set humanity from a scientific standpoint. Saturn says Dr. Vegapunk may still be hiding something that could hinder the World Government, adding that even if untrue, there’s no need for further technological advancement.
One Piece chapter 1105 then sees Saturn tell Dr. Vegapunk that he gave the order for the evacuee ship of refugees to be hunted down and destroyed. He claimed this decision was made based on the possibility that those on board had Void Century knowledge. Likewise, he sent a warship to sink them, which causes Dr. Vegapunk to begin screaming at Saturn about how none of them knew anything or committed a crime.

Saturn responds by pointing out that Dr. Vegapunk broke a taboo just like the Oharans did, and that he dug their graves by selfishly digging into the past to satisfy his curiosity. The scene then shifts to the Mark III Pacifistas being told to stay on the island, while other Marine forces are ordered to evacuate.
One Piece chapter 1105 sees Sanji dropping off Bonney, Kuma, Franky, and Atlas at the vacuum rocket to the Labo-Phase, telling them to leave while he goes back for Dr. Vegapunk. He then checks in with Nami, where she reveals the others have made it to the back entrance of the Labo-Phase. They then discover that a Buster Call is coming, causing Usopp and Tony Tony Chopper to freak out.
Sanji then updates them on Luffy’s disappearance, with Nami in turn telling him that Jinbe has just been sent to the Roronoa Zoro versus Rob Lucci fight to ensure the former doesn’t get lost. Vegapunk Edison is sharing how worried he is about Dr. Vegapunk, and how thankful he is that Lilith didn’t fall down to the Fabrio-Phase along with the others. Nico Robin is shown to be sleeping as all this goes on.
One Piece chapter 1105 sees Nami rue the failure of their plan to move the Thousand Sunny, but Vegapunk Lilith and Brook reveal they’ve come up with an alternate plan. The pair are shown to be gliding the Thousand Sunny across the clouds as Brook freezes them. As they discuss how they’ll stop, the Marine forces are shown to begin the Buster Call bombardment, with the Mark III Pacifistas also doing the same from Egghead Island itself.
Dr. Vegapunk sadly watches his home destroyed as Atlas and co begin the journey to the Labo-Phase. However, Admiral Kizaru appears and slices the rocket open, causing all four inside to spill out. As they fall through the sky, Saturn orders the Mark III Pacifista Units to fire at them and kill Bonney and Kuma.
One Piece chapter 1105 sees Saturn muses on how ironic this fate is for the pair, as Dr. Vegapunk laments on his worst-case scenario about Bonney’s piracy coming to life before him. Luffy is then shown to be by an automatic cooking machine, having stuffed himself and being discovered by some Marines. The chapter ends with the ship Saturn sent to sink the evacuees being destroyed by an unknown enemy, warning that “they’re” coming for Egghead.
One Piece chapter 1105: In summation
Overall, One Piece chapter 1105 is an exciting and enthralling issue for the series, which continuously raises the stakes and subverts readers’ expectations. While the fates of Bonney and co are obviously one of the release’s main highlights, fans are also focusing on who could possibly be headed to Egghead Island.
While the most popular theories as of this article’s writing are the Blackbeard Pirates or the Revolutionary Army, the Straw Hat Grand Fleet is also very likely to be the culprits. In any case, fans can expect to see this information confirmed sometime in the next few weeks as the Egghead arc continues to progress through its climax.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.