One Piece Chapter 1106 is set to release on Monday, February 5, 2024 at 12AM JST. As the Buster Call begins and the Straw Hats’ final escape preparations are completed, it’s a race against time for escaping Egghead Island. However, with Jewelry Bonney and Bartholomew Kuma now in mortal danger, fans are wholly unsure of what to expect from the upcoming release.
Unfortunately, there is no verifiable spoiler information for One Piece Chapter 1106 at the time of this article’s writing. While there are some alleged spoilers floating around, these have not been confirmed en masse by the leaker community for the series, making them dubious at best.
Thankfully, fans at least have verified official release information for the upcoming issue as of this article’s writing, if nothing else. Follow along as this article fully breaks down all currently available release information for One Piece Chapter 1106, as well as speculates on what to expect from the chapter.
One Piece Chapter 1106 likely to see Sanji save Bonney, Kuma, and the others in the nick of time
Release date and time, where to read
One Piece Chapter 1106 is set to release at 12AM JST on Monday, February 5, 2024. For a vast majority of international fans, this translates to a Sunday morning local release window. A minority of international fans, like Japanese viewers, will instead see the episode become available Monday night. Exact time of release varies by region and timezone.
Fans can read the issue via official sources on either Viz Media’s official website, Shueisha’s MANGAPlus website, or Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. The former two services are free, allowing readers to view the first and latest three issues in a series. The lattermost is a paid, subscription-based service which grants readers access to a series in its entirety..
One Piece Chapter 1106 is scheduled to be released at the following times in the corresponding time zones:
Chapter 1105 recap

One Piece Chapter 1105 began with the Marines and Vice Admirals evacuating the island at Admiral Kizaru and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn’s behest, with the pair staying behind as they do so. The two then confronted Dr. Vegapunk, where Saturn revealed he gave the order to sink the civilian ship which left the island the day before. Saturn claims that his crimes were theirs to bear as well, referencing Ohara and comparing the two situations as the same.
While the Marines and Mark III Pacifistas prepared to begin their bombardment, Sanji sent Franky, Kuma, Bonney, and Vegapunk Atlas up to the Labo-Phase. He then checked in with Nami, where it was disclosed that Jinbe had gone to get Roronoa Zoro, Brook and Vegapunk Lilith were moving the Thousand Sunny as planned, and Nico Robin was sleeping. Immediately after these updates, the Buster Call began.
As Dr. Vegapunk mournfully watched the destruction of his home, Kizaru intercepted Franky and co, cutting the rocket tube which they were riding and causing them to freefall. Saturn then had the Pacifistas take aim at Bonney and Kuma specifically. Dr. Vegapunk recounted how this was what he was worried about with Bonney’s piracy as Luffy was found. The chapter ended with the Marine ship Saturn sent after the civilians being sunk by an unknown group headed to Egghead.
What to expect (speculative)
Given how the previous issue ended, One Piece chapter 1106 will likely open up with Bonney and Kuma somehow being saved, either by Sanji or by Luffy given the latter’s reappearance. It’s also possible that both help out, with one saving Kuma and Bonney while the other saves Franky and Atlas (who are also falling, but not being targeted by the Pacifistas).
One Piece chapter 1106 should also begin setting up what will likely be the final fight matchups of the Egghead arc, which will likely be Sanji versus Kizaru and Luffy versus Saturn. While these fights should be interrupted by the eventual arrival of whoever sunk the Marine ship sent after the Egghead civilians, they’re nevertheless likely to be the final matchups of the arc.
Follow along for more One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.