One Piece Chapter 1110 is set to air on March 18, 2024, but the early spoilers have revealed the conclusion of Zoro vs. Lucci, with the former as the winner. The spoilers could have also set up the final battle on Egghead Island between the Gorosei and Luffy, with the latter assisted by the giants.
As the Zoro vs. Lucci fight has finally concluded, fans have taken to the internet to express their excitement over the triumph of Roronoa. While some fans celebrated the win of their favorite character, others decided to rub salt to the wounds of Sanji fans who doubted Zoro's win.
Sanji fans were now cornered on the internet by Zoro fans. As some fans criticized the cook of the Straw Hats for his unimpressive performance in the Egghead arc, others tried their best to defend their character.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the One Piece manga series.
One Piece chapter 1110: Sanji fans being trolled after Zoro vs. Lucci concludes

According to the spoilers, all Five Elders have arrived on Egghead Island. Saint Saturn summoned them after he couldn't do anything against Luffy and Vegapunk. Moreover, they are all in their awakened ' yokai' forms, just like Saturn's ushi-oni form as seen in chapter 1109.
To fight against the Five Elders, the giants have also joined Luffy's side.
The biggest reveal of this chapter was that Zoro had finally defeated Lucci. Their fight started in chapter 1091 almost six months ago. Lucci was pretty adamant about keeping Zoro busy with him so that the latter couldn't leave to help his other crewmates.
But he was no match against the fan-favorite greenhead and was utterly defeated in One Piece chapter 1110, according to the spoilers.
Reaction from fans
With Zoro now enjoying the spotlight on Egghead Island, Sanji has been put on the spot by Zoro fans as the former hasn't done anything noteworthy since the Egghead Island arc started.
In the earlier chapters, Sanji was seen helping other people on the Egghead Island against the Seraphims. After Kuma's sudden arrival on Egghead Island, Sanji saved him from being killed by Saint Saturn's hybrid form.
Compared to Zoro vs. Lucci, Sanji vs. Zoro could be a more heated debate among the One Piece fandom. With both of them being one of the strongest crewmates of the Straw Hat Pirates, fans couldn't help but praise Zoro and troll Sanji.

Some fans even did a current power scaling and placed Sanji at the bottom, signifying that he is the weakest one currently present on Egghead Island.
If this wasn't enough, some questioned Sanji fans who doubted Zoro's win against Lucci.

The Zoro vs. Lucci fight started in One Piece chapter 1091 which aired almost six months ago. So, Sanji fans took this to defend their favorite character, emphasizing how long Zoro took to defeat his opponent.
Other than that, fans also claimed Sanji to be stronger than Lucci and said that the former has done more important things than Zoro. This could include how he was the first Straw Hat who assisted Gear 5 Luffy against Saint Saturn and Kizaru.
Sanji saved Bonney from the attacks of Kizaru and Saturn, which gave the fans a chance to defend their character in the current ongoing trend against them.
Final thoughts

As the battle on Egghead Island could be reaching its final stages, both Zoro and Sanji are needed to win against the World Government.
Where Zoro is fighting the strong enemies, Sanji is managing the Straw Hats and taking every precautionary measure, similar to what he did during the Arabasta arc when the latter acted as Mr. Prince.
The conclusion of the Zoro vs. Lucci could have ended the debate of the stronger Straw Hat between Sanji and Zoro for some fans, but these two would still remain one of the strongest fighters for Monkey D. Luffy.
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