One Piece chapter 1111 was officially released earlier this weekend, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the Egghead arc following the full Gorosei’s arrival on the island in the previous issue. Likewise, many expected the issue to be primarily combative throughout its release week, especially with Dorry and Brogy rescuing Luffy at the end of chapter 1110.
However, One Piece chapter 1111 instead sees essentially all of the Straw Hats’ allies on Egghead Island begin their escape, including Luffy himself. With this, it seems that the arc is rapidly ending as Elbaf draws nearer and nearer to the horizon.
One Piece chapter 1111 sees Luffy and his crew begin evacuating as the ancient robot awakens
One Piece chapter 1111: Lucci down and Labo-Phase invaded

One Piece chapter 1111 begins with Saint Marcus Mars entering the Labo-Phase by breaking his way through the Frontier Dome defense system while in his Itsumade yokai form. Jinbe spots him doing this, commenting on the Haki he senses coming from the creature before telling Zoro it’s time for them to move.
However, Zoro says the fight isn’t over yet since Lucci is still standing. This prompts Jinbe to grab Zoro before sending Lucci flying with a 5,000 Brick Fist attack. This causes Lucci to land elsewhere in the Labo-Phase, with Mars going after Lucci instead of Zoro and Jinbe as a result. Mars approaches Lucci after the latter has reverted to his human form, with Lucci shocked to see such a massive and terrifying beast speaking to him.
One Piece chapter 1111 sees Mars ask where Vegapunk York is, which Lucci divulges. He also reveals who the two Straw Hats that just escaped were, the five more Straw Hats by where York is, and two Vegapunk Satellites. He also reveals their escape plan and the fact that 85 Cipher Pol agents and four Seraphim are trapped in the Labo-Phase’s basement.

Lucci concludes by sharing that there are six minutes until Dr. Vegapunk’s message, prompting Mars to commend his work and answer all necessary questions. Lucci calls out to Mars as he departs, asking the Gorosei member to find a way to spare Kaku. Mars responds that it’s unlikely since it’s hard to single out a lone insect when exterminating a hive.
One Piece chapter 1111 then shifts back to Luffy, who happily reunites with Dorry and Brogy. The latter pair comment on how Luffy looks like a god spoken of in Elbaf tales, but he has no idea what they’re talking about. Meanwhile, Saint Topman Warcury in his Fengxi form and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn in his Gyuki form comment on how the appearance of giants is an issue.
Luffy then tells Dorry and Brogy that they should run rather than fight, revealing that they ran into Sanji on the way, who had already briefed them on the situation. He adds that they first headed to Egghead after hearing the news reports, while a map of Egghead Island appears, showing where the Straw Hats are located.
One Piece chapter 1111: The retreat begins
One Piece chapter 1111 then sees Dorry blow a horn to signal a retreat to the Giants on the island, which Warcury recognizes and decides to answer with a horn of his own. He then lets out a massive roar laden with Conqueror’s Haki of such potency that Luffy’s hat, shirt, shoes, eyes, and even scars are blown off his body. The Haki is also felt by the warships surrounding the island, causing some Marines to faint.
The trio of Luffy, Dorry, and Brogy then realize how powerful their opponent is. Warcury, however, wastes no time and jumps through the air as he turns two of his tusks into swords with which he tries to attack his enemies. However, Dorry and Brogy block the attack with a move called Sun Shield Svallin.
In chapter 1111, One Piece sees Warcury ask if they have any idea who Luffy is, to which they say he’s their friend before knocking Warcury back with a move called Split Skylda. Saturn comments that if that’s their stance, then all three will be wiped out from world history as he spits balls of venom at the trio.
This prompts Luffy to grab a nearby tree and use his powers to turn it into a baseball bat, which he uses to knock the balls of venom back at Saturn and the other Gorosei. Upon landing, they create a massive explosion that engulfs Saturn, Warcury, and Saint Shepherd Ju Peter in his Sandworm yokai form. Dorry and Brogy celebrate their apparent victory, but Luffy explains that they’re seemingly immortal, prompting the pair to say they’ve never heard of such a thing.
This prompts One Piece chapter 1111 to focus on the other Straw Hat groups, with Nami in contact with Zoro and Jinbe while Jewelry Bonney and Franky’s group arrive at the rendezvous. However, it’s revealed that Vice Admirals Pomsky, Guillotine, and Red King are waiting for them and intend to fight.
The chapter then sees Mars locating and asking York where the broadcast room is, while Kizaru is shown lying down with his arm over his eyes and seemingly rejecting treatment. The issue ends with the ancient robot appearing in the center of Egghead Island, where the raging flames are, muttering the words “Joy Boy, forgive me” in the final panel. Chapter 1111 also sadly announces a three-week break for the series following this release.
One Piece chapter 1111: In summation
Overall, One Piece chapter 1111 serves as an exciting entry into the climax of the Egghead arc, setting up a major brawl for the Straw Hats to finally break free from Egghead Island and the Marines’ grasp. While it’s expected that they will be successful, there’s enough opposition on Egghead currently to force at least a small amount of doubt onto this claim, making the upcoming issues especially intriguing.
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