One Piece chapter 1112 was officially released earlier this weekend, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the Egghead arc, which is seemingly rapidly advancing towards its conclusion. Likewise, this latest installment takes several steps to further the arc to its end, especially as it relates to the Gorosei and their next moves.
One Piece chapter 1112 most notably sees the Gorosei earn a key victory in their fight by locating the Transponder Snail responsible for the broadcast of Dr. Vegapunk’s message. However, shortly after this discovery, the issue ends by teasing another major unforeseen development that could complicate the Gorosei’s goals.
One Piece chapter 1112 sees the Gorosei do everything they can to stop the Straw Hats’ escape
One Piece chapter 1112: Secret of Punk Records

One Piece chapter 1112 began with a Marine report claiming that the Mark III Pacifista had all been defeated. The battleships then kept firing in order to prevent the Straw Hats’ escape, while Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro of the Gorosei commented on Bonney being just a 12-year-old girl. He added how foolish it was of Dr. Vegapunk to give her the power to eradicate nations as he continued running around Egghead.
Oimo and Kashii are then seen saying they should return to the ship, as Marines fire on them and emphasize that they need to prevent the escape of the Giants and the Straw Hats. Meanwhile, Franky is seen defeating Vice Admiral Red King with a Strong Right, while Bonney turns Vice Admiral Pomsky into a child and then kicks him in the face. Vice Admiral Guillotine begged the two to stop as perspective shifted to the Labo-Phase.
One Piece chapter 1112 then saw Dr. Vegapunk’s message claim four more minutes were left, as Vegapunk York led Saint Marcus Mars of the Gorosei (still in his Itsumade form) to the room where the video was filmed. Mars then destroyed the room with a massive beam attack, but this didn’t stop the broadcast. York added that the Transponder Snail responsible for the broadcast is likely well hidden, prompting Mars to say he’ll vaporize the entire lab.

However, York explained that doing so would destroy the Power Station and the Weapons Development area, as well as blow Punk Records to smithereens in the process. When Mars says she better figure something out then, she says she knows exactly how to stop this, adding that “they” (meaning the Vegapunks) don’t want to rack up any more sins since their relationship is already troubled enough.
One Piece chapter 1112 then sees Mars say he senses the “voice” of a small life form above, suggesting he may possess the Voice of All Things. York is shocked at the implication that Dr. Vegapunk hid the snail there, but says it’ll be a snail they recently finished developing with a shell in the shape of a triangle. Mars asks where the entrance is before flying off to inspect the area.
One Piece chapter 1112: Escape plan interrupted
Focus then shifted to Stussy and Kaku inside the Labo-Phase, where they discussed being relieved that Mars wasn’t interested in them. Kaku asked what that “monster” could’ve been, prompting Stussy to say that from what she’s heard, it’s one of the Gorosei. Kaku called this transformation repulsive before asking Stussy if the Straw Hats abandoned her. However, she says she stayed behind to carry out the final mission of closing the Frontier Dome.
One Piece chapter 1112 then saw Nami’s group discussing leaving Stussy behind, to which Vegapunk Edison says it can’t be helped given how the Frontier Dome is controlled. He added that Stussy wanted to do it herself and they can only respect her wishes and show gratitude by escaping alive.
Nami says they won’t waste the chance, but Robin interrupts her, questioning how they could cover the distance which the Vegaforce 01 was supposed to fly them. Edison says they’re 100% guaranteed to fail without Vegaforce 01 according to his calculations, as Usopp says he finished loading the Coup de Burst. He adds that they’ll have to just rely on everyone’s powers if things don’t work out.
One Piece chapter 1112 then sees Edison begin flying to the edge of the Frontier Dome, saying he’s gonna make sure the Thousand Sunny reaches the ocean. Edison then calculates the damage he’ll take to be 78%, saying he won’t die yet as an explosion is seen. Focus then shifts to Luffy, Dorry, and Brogy, where Saint Shepherd Ju Peter is preventing their escape by breathing in a massive amount of air that holds them in place.
Luffy throws a building at him to counter this, but turns into his Old Man Luffy form immediately after. Dorry and Brogy offer him some fermented shark meat, which restores Luffy to his normal base form. At this moment, Saint Topman Warcury charges, prompting Luffy to hit him with a Gum-Gum Red Roc. However, Warcury’s head is so hard that Luffy’s hand ends up sustaining damage.
One Piece chapter 1112 then reveals that Saint Jaygarcia Saturn has made his way to Nami’s group, and that Nusjuro has made his way to Bonney’s group. The final panels of the issue see Mars finding the Transponder Snail responsible for Dr. Vegapunk’s broadcast. However, he’s seemingly startled by something else he sees in Punk Records, which fans don’t see in this issue.
One Piece chapter 1112: In summation
Overall, One Piece chapter 1112 is an exciting installment that seemingly sets up a major reveal in the next issue. While it’s unclear what this reveal will be, the sound effects used in the final panels indicated some sort of tank running oxygen through it, given the “gurgle” onomatopoeia.
The issue also does a great job of setting up additional drama for the Straw Hats’ escape, namely via the appearances of Saturn and Nusjuro in front of Nami and Bonney’s groups, respectively. Warcury and Ju Peter’s incessant chasing of Luffy and co is also concerning, suggesting that the Gorosei may have one final trick up their sleeve to achieve total victory.
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