One PIece chapter 1134 spoilers were expected to continue focus on Jaguar D. Saul and his interactions with the Straw Hats following his heart-wrenching reunion with Nico Robin. Unofficially leaked earlier this week, full summary spoilers confirmed that this was a major focus of the installment, but in a way which differed from what fans expect.
Rather than see the entire Straw Hat crew stick together, One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers claim that the crew splits up to do their own thing in separate groups. However, this focus on the Straw Hats in general isn’t all the issue provides, offering more information on Loki and seeing one of the manga’s biggest mysteries take centerstage once more.
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers see “Shanks” finally reappear after his Reverie Arc meeting with the Gorosei
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers begin by revealing the issue’s title of “Owl Library” before diving into its cover story. The Straw Hats are seen riding on a giant Franky robot as it flies over the sea doing the Astro Boy flying pose. The robot has the same body as Franky, but with a metal body and wings. The sentence “we are eternal” is in its left shoulder, with the color spread tributing Franky’s original voice actor Kazuki Yao, who recently retired from the role.
Spoilers then claim the issue begins its story content immediately where the last one ended. Luffy introduces himself to Saul, speaking like a yakuza in an attempt to be polite but confusing everyone as they don’t know where he learned those words. Robin interrupts Luffy by introducing him to Saul, adding that he and the others are the friends who will protect someone like her.
This prompts everyone in the Straw Hats who was crying last issue to begin crying again after thinking of protecting Robin forever. Saul thanks them for this as Vegapunk Lilith, also present alongside Jewelry Bonney, introduces herself to Saul. Lilith then asks Jinbe to take a box she brought with them out from the boat, revealing it to be from Egghead originally. Lilith says “it’s me” when asked what’s inside, eventually explaining it’s a complete clone of Vegapunk Stella.

One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers see her explain that the complete replica is different from the Satellites, and that this version of Vegapunk is who visited Elbaph 20 years ago. She explains that Stella made the clone so he could leave the laboratory for months at a time without alerting the World Government. She adds that while it’s in a nutrient medium ensuring its survival inside the box, they lack the machinery needed to bring it out and revive it.
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers see Lilith reveal that she intends to stay in Elbaph and build a new laboratory. This will allow her to revive Vegapunk Stella via his clone body, and to cure Bartholomew Kuma which excites his daughter Jewelry Bonney. The Straw Hat crew then splits up, with a majority of them being given a tour of the nearby school. Robin, Saul, Chopper, Lilith, and Bonney decide to instead head up to the Owl Library.
Focus sticks with those getting the school tour first, seeing them meet some Giant kids before going on their tour. Usopp asks them if they intend to one day sail on the sea and fight as Giants, but a Giant named Ripley says that’s not in fashion anymore. It’s then revealed that Luffy and Usopp are standing on top of Ripley’s body, revealing her as a beautiful Giant warrior with a line tattoo on her face. She’s also revealed as the Walrus Academy’s biology teacher.
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers see her explain that the reputation Giants and Elbaph had 100 years ago no longer applies in the present, saying the era has changed. She attributes this to the kids of the Walrus Academy, whom Usopp was speaking to, being more polite and peaceful than other children since the school follows the late King Harald’s will. It’s explained that he wished for Elbaph to be a peaceful nation of commerce rather than war.
Ripley also claims that this led to Harald not getting “along well with the elders of Elbaph villages” up until the time of his death at Loki’s hands. Ripley adds that there still isn’t any king of Elbaph before changing the subject to her being from the last generation of warriors and wishing to see Luffy’s white form likewise. Once again, a reference to Sun God Nika’s presence in Elbaph mythology is made here, with Ripley saying legends of a similarly looking warrior exist.
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers then shift focus to the Owl Library group just as they arrive, with Saul explaining the act of getting Ohara’s books back to safety to Robin. He warns her to be careful with the book she’s holding as they head inside, where it suddenly turns into a size fit for a Giant. A full look at the Owl Library reveals it to be a building of books the same size as the one Robin was holding now is.

A giant owl is seen sleeping on one of the many massive tree branches which surround the skyscraper-esque bookcases. Chopper and Bonney are blown away by this, while Robin remembers the words Professor Clover said to her in the Tree of Knowledge when she was a young girl. She cries as she remembers this, but focus then shifts to the underworld, where Loki is talking to someone named Mosa via Transponder Snail.
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers claim that Loki and Mosa’s conversation makes it clear that they haven’t actually met, but have talked for a long time. Loki even apparently considers Mosa a friend, using an honorific to speak about them which indicates such respect. Loki is asking Mosa about a “terrifying experience” which terrified them. Loki says he’d have killed “all of them” if he was there, prompting Mosa to say that despite using scary words, Loki is quite kind.
Focus briefly shifts back to the village where Dorry, Brogy, and the others are waiting to start the feast, already having started to drink. However, black lightning suddenly strikes in the village’s castle, with a magic circle appearing in the throne room. It’s the same kind as the one the Gorosei used to appear in Egghead with, but lacking the number five which was present on the circle Saint Jaygarcia Saturn created back then.
One Piece chapter 1134 spoilers claim that two people in black cloaks appear kneeling on the ground. One appears to be a woman with bandages covering her mouth and hair covering her right eye, while the other seems tobe “Shanks.” More specifically, it’s the “hooded Shanks” whom fans saw speak with the Gorosei during the Reverie Arc. Seemingly confirming this as spoilers end is the editor’s note, which allegedly calls these two “invaders.”
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