10 One Piece characters with better pre-timeskip designs (& 10 whose designs improved after timeskip)

One Piece characters
Roronoa Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece characters have undergone remarkable transformations throughout their journey, presenting a changing world and ever-growing characters. The designs were remade to show growth and a serious tone with the series while progressing from its pre-time skip era into post-time skip adventures.


While some characters still held a little of their old charm, some truly seemed to get right that design of these characters before they ruined it all with the time skip, and other characters had now finally very better designs befitting their evolved roles, notably looking much more visually appealing.

Here are ten One Piece characters with better pre-timeskip designs and ten whose designs improved after the time skip.

Disclaimer: The list is not in any particular order and any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda as a whole.


Franky and 9 other One Piece characters with better pre-timeskip designs

1) Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Tony Tony Chopper as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Tony Tony Chopper’s pre-timeskip design is often seen as superior due to its charm and simplicity. That first look at his small, rounded hat and the blushing, cute, childlike appearance really nailed the innocent and cute personality. This was focused more on his status as the cute but capable mascot of the team.


On the other hand, his post-timeskip hat is oversized, and while cute, it is disproportionate, making it just a bit bulky to complement his look. As a result, Chopper becomes one of the One Piece characters whose pre-timeskip design looks more visually balanced and appealing compared to his post-timeskip version.

2) Nami

Nami as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Nami as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Nami's pre-timeskip design showed far more of her sassy, independent personality. Her clothes were quite modest, yet stylish, showing her as someone in control who was confident without the exaggerated features. In contrast, the post-timeskip has a heavy focus on fanservice, where she has been clothed many times in bikini tops that show her midriff and exaggerated figure.


Whereas this new look can be excused with Nami's carefree attitude, the change in her appearance from that before the timeskip drags down the strong, self-assured image she had. This makes her one of the One Piece characters with a pre-timeskip design more fitting and appealing than the latest one.

3) Franky

Franky as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Franky as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Franky is one of the best One Piece characters with better pre-time skip designs since he found the perfect balance to his quirky personality with an overt and muscular aspect to his appearance while still being taken seriously compared to his original look.


Even pre-time skip, Franky was a manly cyborg with a unique, tasteful design that kept him a standout character, avoiding being overly exaggerated. However, his post-timeskip design became way overdone into a bulkier, more metallic look that, despite it being inventive in itself, really lost some of its charms.

4) Nico Robin

Nico Robin as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Nico Robin as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Nico Robin's pre-timeskip design is one of the most mysterious and elegant in the series, suiting perfectly with her enigmatic personality. At that time, her style was characterized by sophisticated outfits and was much more reserved, making her intellect and mysterious air appear quite fittingly.


Although the post-timeskip design was skewed a bit more toward the sexualized approach, having overstated gestures to accent her physique and revealing attires, this change rather felt alienated from her established persona. This makes her one of the One Piece characters with a better pre-timeskip design.

5) Brook

Brook as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Brook as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Brook's pre-time skip design was iconic because of its simplicity and his sense of humor, it perfectly captured the persona of this eccentric musician of the Straw Hats. His stylish outfit, a tattered suit and top hat, matched well with his skeletal form, allowing him to be instantly recognizable.


This was something that had been handled with a lot of elegance in his former look, even if the pre-timeskip look does seem quite painful compared to his sometimes almost gaudy post-timeskip design, post-timeskip design often overshadows his personality with exaggerated elements.

This made Brook one of those One Piece characters who had a better design before than after the timeskip.

6) Buggy

Buggy as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Buggy as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Buggy's pre-timeskip design perfectly realizes the chaotic nature of his character and the comic value that makes him one of the best characters of that era. Beginning with a wild, exaggerated clownish look, inclusive of excessive makeup, striped clothes, and a visible red nose, both the flamboyant personality and pirate status are visually realized.


The overall simplicity and boldness of his design go with his original role of being an odd, rather powerful opponent. His pre-timeskip look captures the flair and unpredictability much more than the post-timeskip one, making him one of the One Piece characters with a better pre-timeskip design.

7) Eustass Kid

Eustass Kid as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Eustass Kid as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

With his wild and spiky hair, fierce grin, and rugged pirate getup full of spikes and belts, Eustass Kid perfectly epitomized a violent and brutal pre-timeskip design. The pre-timeskip look matched well with his fearsome reputation as a violent pirate who never turned aside from conflict.


In the post-timeskip, although it retained some of the rough design feels, the look was more polished and lost some of the raw edges that made his pre-timeskip design so powerful, placing him among the One Piece character with a more attractive pre-timeskip design.

8) Killer

Killer as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Killer as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Killer's pre-timeskip design in One Piece stands out for its simplicity and menace, fitting well as Eustass Kid's right-hand man. His masked, mysterious look only went hand-in-glove with his double scythe-like weapons to give him a very different and intimidating demeanor.


His redesign post-timeskip didn't quite hold up to the punch of the original, considering his new design seemed so polished and not raw like before. That is why he is one of the One Piece characters whose design was better before timeskip.

9) Crocodile

Crocodile as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Crocodile as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Crocodile's pre-skip design is fitting for a crafty, cold-blooded villain. A very sleek look with clean features, the suit, the fur-line coat, and the big hook hand, add to its assured posture, dark attire, and signature cigar, so there's no mistaking the menace that is this former Warlord of the Sea.


This design reflects his strategic nature and immense power as the mastermind behind Baroque Works. After the timeskip, while he still looks iconic, some of the sharpness and elegance that made him stand out for the majority of his first major arc is lost, placing him among the One Piece characters with attractive pre-timeskip design.

10) Rob Lucci

Rob Lucci as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Rob Lucci as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Rob Lucci's pre-timeskip character design flawlessly represents a cold-blooded assassin. His smooth, black-suit attire, sharp facial features, and stoic expression all combine to bring on a threatening aura about a man who is the leader of the fearsome CP9.


his design focuses on his intimidating presence and calculating nature, which makes him one of the more memorable villains. His post-timeskip one is not dull, but this design still keeps it superior through its simplicity and precision, making him one of the One Piece characters that had a better design before the timeskip.

Roronoa Zoro and 9 other One Piece characters with improved post-timeskip design

1) Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Monkey D. Luffy as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Luffy's post-timeskip design vastly improves the visual effect his character holds. His new outfit, much more rugged and adventure-ready with the sleeveless red vest and the tattered and longer shorts, speaks much about his growth and its harshness on him.


The addition of a more defined scar under his left eye and the filled-out physique underline his development from a carefree pirate to a seasoned leader. This new design shows his physical strength and inner growth which raises the stakes of his journey, making him one of the One Piece characters with improved design.

2) Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Roronoa Zoro as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The post-timeskip design of Roronoa Zoro greatly improved the portrayal of a strong swordsman. His hair, earrings, and overall look remain the same, but the addition of a prominent scar and a more refined outfit indicates his growth—that now he is no longer a young warrior but an experienced fighter.


It's a design that reinforces his determination to become the world's greatest swordsman. His classic bandana returns to underline the development of his character, both in spirit and ability, over the years. This makes Zoro one of the One Piece characters with better design post-timeskip.

3) Sanji

Sanji as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Sanji as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Sanji's post-timeskip design is relevant because it visually represents the actual maturation of his character. This sleek but rough look mirrors his development throughout the series. With a stronger, more masculine physique and an anchor goatee added to these clothes, he becomes much more refined while accentuating his rougher edges.


It makes the pervy nature in him more overpowering and much more in sync with already defined personality traits that give more dimension to his character. This places Sanji among the One Piece characters with an improved design after the two-year timeskip.

4) Usopp

Usopp as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Usopp as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Usopp's post-timeskip design sets him apart from his first appearance. The new look makes him way more menacing, and charismatic, showing that he has grown a lot. His muscular build and the new clothing reflect his brutal development during the time skip.


The addition of his trademark long nose and a much more adventurous outfit, complete with a revamped hat and very distinctive goggles, all serve to drive his quirky personality even better.

His design change doesn't only make Usopp look cooler but also suits the character development into the beloved and revered member of the Straw Hat crew that he has become, placing him among the One Piece characters with improved design.


5) Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard)

Blackbeard as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Blackbeard as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Blackbeard's post-timeskip design further scaled up his presence, easily making him the most feared villain of the series. His turning from a normal pirate into a more menacing and authoritative figure went flawlessly with his rise in power.


The additional bulk, combined with a dark and exceedingly intricate coat, with an iconic tricorne hat, all serve to underline the former pirate's new position of Emperor of the Sea. Everything makes him seem vastly more awesome and sinister, matching his ambition and ruthless nature, among the One Piece characters with better character design than before.

6) Perona

Perona as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Perona as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The character design fleshed out Perona from being an eccentric antagonist pre-timeskip to a much more mature and deep personality. Meanwhile, though her pre-timeskip look was extremely Gothic Lolita-inclined, her post-timeskip look streamlined this aesthetic with greater sophistication.


Add to this longer hair and a more composed expression, and she looked less childish and more confident. This development of the design was in step with her character's growth in strength and independence, especially after her time with Mihawk, making her one of the One Piece characters with a better post-timeskip design.

7) Koby

Koby as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Koby as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The post-timeskip design of Koby is huge, turning an unremarkable cabin boy into a proud captain of the Marines. He has been growing up and getting taller, with new muscles representing his rigid training and newfound strength.


This design change empowers his presence in the series, strengthening it throughout the visual realization of the development he has physically undergone during the time-skip period. Koby's post-time-skip look captures his character development, establishing his importance in the Marines.

8) Helmeppo

Helmeppo as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Helmeppo as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Helmeppo’s post-timeskip design showcases his remarkable growth from a cowardly and spoiled character to an assured and capable Marine officer. His sharp, clean uniform is true to the marine cause and outlines his turn from entitled noble to disciplined swordsman.


Helmeppo's short hair, refined glasses, and more muscular physique showcase how much he has matured and gotten strong. This makes him stand out in return, making his development into this individual capable of holding his ground, being among the One Piece characters with more developed designs.

9) X Drake

X Drake as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
X Drake as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

X Drake's post-timeskip design elevates his character, fitting perfectly with his role as an extremely powerful member of the Worst Generation. It translates well into his development, where he shows an even more imposing and battle-hardened appearance.


His armor, through which his ancient Zoan Devil Fruit can be tracked back, further establishes him as a great warrior. The enhanced reptilian features give an added weird and fierce dimension to the dinosaur-themed helmet. This makes Drake one of the One Piece characters whose design improved after the timeskip.

10) Trafalgar D. Law

Trafalgar D. Law as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Trafalgar D. Law as seen in anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Trafalgar D. Law's post-timeskip design in One Piece epitomizes his growth from a formidable newbie pirate to a key figure in the New World. The newly updated outfit, with a long black coat and the emblem of the Heart Pirates, further adds to this air of mystery and authority.


The refined hat does some great work to put a large emphasis on a character who is a solid brawler and master tactician at the same time. This places Law among the One Piece character who has better character design after the timeskip.

Final thoughts

There have been impressive design changes in the One Piece characters throughout the series. While characters such as Nico Robin pointed out quite a few striking designs in the pre-timeskip age articulating their peculiar traits or roles, some others, like Trafalgar D. Water Law, seem to benefit a lot from the post-timeskip redesigning, which much better reflects his growth and status.


The contrast between the pre and post-time-skip designs serves to underline the series' capability concerning adapting and improving its characters visually according to the respective story developments.

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Edited by Bharath S
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