Just a few hours ago, One Piece Episode 1023 was released, continuing the intense battle in the Land of Wano. After last week's episode gave fans a break from the exciting events of the main story, it is finally time to learn what will happen to Chopper and Hyogoro.
Hyogoro was seconds away from being completely taken over by Queen's Ice Oni virus, but Chopper had already figured out the cure. Will the Strawhat Doctor be able to save those afflicted with the disease? Let's talk about what happened in One Piece Episode 1023 and find out.
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers.
Chopper saved everyone on the Live Floor in One Piece Episode 1023
What happened last time?
Last episode of One Piece deviated from the main storyline to bring fans a tribute to one of the Land of Wano's heroes, Oden. Presented by his son Momonosuke and Kaido's daughter, Yamato, this tribute narrated Oden's life since childhood.
Oden's story began with his eventful childhood and teenage years, where he caused trouble and fought everywhere he went. Because of his restless nature, his father banished him from the capital.
He moved on and traveled with his friends and followers to Kuri, a lawless land filled with lowlifes and criminals. Oden decided he would become their new Daimyo, something he achieved in little time, bringing order to the once chaotic settlement.
The story continued by narrating the two years he spent as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard and Oden were as close as brothers, so it was hard for both of them when Roger asked Oden to accompany him to Laugh Tale.
After a year with the Roger Pirates, Oden returned to his family in the Land of Wano, which Orochi and Kaido, unfortunately, took over. He tried a peaceful approach to get the Yonko to leave, an attempt that ultimately failed.
Oden decided to face Kaido, however, when he was about to win, he was tricked by Kaido's allies. He bravely saved his friends from their punishment and returned hope to the Land of Wano, dying as the hero he always was to his people.
One Piece Episode 1023 is titled All Set! Chopperphage Nebulizer! And we will use Viz Media's translation for this article.
The horrors of the Ice Oni virus
One Piece Episode 1023 starts with Hyogoro asking his friends to take his life before he goes on a rampage caused by Queen's virus. At the same time, it is revealed that Chopper's cure worked, prompting the doctor to ask his assistants to help make more.
On the Live Floor, Marco is having trouble fighting Queen and King together since he is getting tired rapidly, but his opponents' teamwork is improving. After King crashes him into a building, Queen decides to take off, fantasizing about turning everyone into an Ice Oni.
The episode cuts back to the Yakuza, with Hyogoro rapidly becoming an Ice Oni, but Yatappe still cannot hurt the Yakuza Boss. All the remaining Yakuza members cry because of the imminent death of their father figure, while nearby, Ohmasa is also falling victim to the virus.
Queen's cruelty

One Piece Episode 1023 continues with everyone crying because of the horrible fate that befell their friends, except for Queen, who is as calm as ever. His subordinates ask him why the virus afflicts them if they have served him loyally, irritating Queen, who goes on a rampage against them.
Queen sees them as fodder to die for the Animal Kingdom Pirates' cause. He tried to get the samurai who were protecting Chopper to doubt him, saying he probably just saved himself and ran away. Back with Yatappe and Hyogoro, the Yakuza Boss is prepared to end his life when Chopper arrives with the cure to the virus.
Hyogoro starts turning back into a human with a single dose, surprising everyone around them. The Yakuza praised Chopper for his achievements but wasted no time with them before asking Miyagi and Tristan to prepare the cannon with the cure inside.
Chopper instructs his friends to fire the Chopperphage Nebulizer, curing everyone on the Live Floor of the horrible disease. The Strawhat Doctor finally had a few moments to accept compliments.
Chopper's brilliant plan
One Piece Episode 1023 shows the confrontation between Queen and Chopper. The Animal Kingdom Pirate cannot comprehend how his virus was defeated so quickly, so Chopper explains that he created his virus to neutralize the Ice Oni.
Queen gets irritated when Chopper lectures and tries to kill him, only for his subordinates to save the doctor. Everyone on the Live Floor congratulated the "raccoon" who saved them. Marco takes advantage of the distracted Queen to hold his neck for a moment, allowing Chopper to use his Rumble! Monster Point!, while screaming that he is not a raccoon.
The fight against Kaido and Big Mom continues on the roof, as Luffy tries to attack the Yonko with all of his power, with Law and Kid ready to help. One Piece Episode 1023 ends far from the fight, where the Akazaya wakes up, prepared to return to the battlefield. As soon as they try to go through the door, they are surprised by an individual that looks exactly like Oden.
Final thoughts
After the recap episode we had last week, One Piece Episode 1023 was just what fans needed to bring them back into the fight. We had to wait two long weeks to see if Chopper would be able to save everyone afflicted by the Ice Oni, thus, it was incredible to see him accomplish this.
One Piece Episode 1023 also surprised us by revealing that Queen has lost his subordinates because of his horrible treatment towards them. It appears there is no one left on his side except for King.
The next episode will mainly focus on Akazaya and Momonosuke, as shown in the preview of episode 1024. This means we can expect to learn the truth about Oden's miraculous reanimation next week.