One Piece Episode 1031 was released just a few hours ago, meaning that it is time for fans to return to the Land of Wano and continue watching the assault in Onigashima. Given that the tie-in episodes are finally over, the battle against Kaido resumed in today’s episode.
Last week, fans witnessed a tribute to Shanks in the form of a recap episode about his best moments. This week's episode, titled, Nami Screams – A Deadly Death Race!, focused on Nami and her group as they escaped from Page One. Continue reading to learn more about the highlights of One Piece Episode 1031.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for One Piece Episode 1031. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used in this piece unless otherwise specified.
Otama and Big Mom reunited in One Piece Episode 1031
What happened in the last episode?

One Piece Special Episode 4 chronicled some of Shanks' best moments in the series so far. While Koby recollected how Shanks inspired him during the Marineford War, Makino reminisced about the red-haired Yonko's time in Foosha Village.
One Piece Episode 1031: Zeus is free

One Piece Episode 1031 started with a flashback to the moment in which Big Mom created a new Homie and attacked Kid and Killer with it. It was revealed that Zeus' prison was weakened due to Kid almost passing out after Big Mom’s attack. Thus the Homie was set free and immediately set out to look for Big Mom.
As Zeus looked for his creator, Kaido started to wake up after being knocked unconscious by Luffy’s Advanced Conqueror Haki. Seeing this, Law decided to use his powers to transport everyone on the roof to the inside of Onigashima.
The only ones left behind were Luffy and Kaido. Kaido recalled how Luffy had managed to hurt him previously and became excited to fight him again. Both fighters activated their Advanced Conqueror Haki to clash once more.
Meanwhile, Momonosuke and Shinobu were talking with Kin’emon, who warned them about Kanjuro’s plans to kill the child. Yamato was looking for sewing supplies and after finding them she asked Momonosuke to help her take down Kaido.
Nami and Usopp punish Page One
One Piece Episode 1031 continued inside Onigashima, with Nami and Usopp attacking Page One in all of his weak spots. No matter what the duo did, Page One refused to let go of Komachiyo, who was beginning to get tired of carrying all the extra weight. Tama asked her friend to resist a little longer, as the group had almost arrived at their destination.
Otama was determined to complete her plan of turning all the Smile users into their allies by using the power of her Devil Fruit. Despite trying to act strong, in reality she was terrified and moments away from breaking down. Nami and Usopp calmed her down by promising that they would keep her safe no matter what.

To inspire confidence in Otama, Usopp sued his most powerful attacks, Flower Fireworks and Pinecone Explosives, to cause as much damage as he could to Page One. Sadly, this was not enough to keep the Tobi Roppo down, prompting Otama and the rest to continue running before the Animal Kingdom pirate could catch up with them again.
As they ran, the group came face-to-face with an enraged Big Mom, who was desperately looking for Kid. The woman was still furious with the young pirate for pushing her out of Onigashima’s roof in a previous episode.
Otama and Olin
One Piece Episode 1031 then proceeded to show Otama calming Big Mom down. The Yonko started to talk amicably with the little girl, thanking Otama for taking care of her when she lost her memories. Otama was also elated to see her lost friend once again. Prometheus revealed that Big Mom entered her Mother Mode, which only happened around small kids.
Big Mom asked Otama how Otsuru was, remembering the soup that the woman had given her when she was starving. Otama then had to reveal to Big Mom that Otsuru and Okobore Town was attacked by Kaido’s forces for protecting the Samurai before the raid.
Big Mom’s grief

Learning that everyone who took care of her while she had no memories died at the hands of Kaido and his men enraged Big Mom. Taking advantage of Big Mom blocking their way out, Page One attempted to attack Nami’s group once again. Otama warned Big Mom that they were being attacked by one of Kaido’s lackeys, igniting something inside of the Yonko.
Page One, who believed Big Mom was still on his side, told her to prevent Otama and her group from escaping. Big Mom ignored Page One, preparing to defeat him with a single attack, while claiming that even pirates should have humanity. Nami and Usopp had to hold Otama to prevent the girl from flying away due to the attack’s shockwaves.
Her attack was so powerful it attracted the attention of both Kid and Zeus, who started heading towards Big Mom almost immediately. One Piece Episode 1031 ended with Ulti looking at Big Mom with fury in her eyes for having hurt her little brother in such a way.
Final thoughts

Although One Piece Episode 1031 was not as action-packed as fans expected, it worked perfectly to welcome them back to the Land of Wano. After almost a month with episodes only focusing on One Piece Film: Red, the events of today’s episode accomplished the goal of returning viewers to the Wano hype train.
The scenes between Kaido and Luffy were extremely short, but this was already expected, as the episode was mostly about Nami and her group. Seeing characters like Nami and Usopp get their chance to shine was both welcome and well-deserved.

The revelation that Big Mom is now actively fighting against Kaido’s forces was also extremely surprising. No one was expecting Kaido’s partner in crime to turn her back against him, especially individuals like Page One, who suffered the consequences of allying with Kaido. It seems like Ulti will now become Big Mom’s enemy, at least until Kid arrives on the scene.
Next week’s episode will focus on the many battles that are taking place inside Onigashima at the moment. It will also feature a new appearance from Sanji, who has been missing for a long time in the series. Fans expect this new chapter to be as exciting and explosive as One Piece Episode 1031 was.