The wait for One Piece episode 1034 is finally over, as this new adventure was released just a couple of hours ago.
Last week’s episode saw Luffy wield his Advanced Conqueror Haki in his fight against Kaido on top of Onigashima. After the former succumbed to his exhaustion, the Straw Hat Pirates were left alone and without a captain to guide them. Kaido and his forces were slowly but surely overpowering our heroes.
One Piece episode 1034, titled Luffy Defeated! The Straw Hats in Jeopardy?!, focused on Nami trying to save Zeus from Big Mom while the rest of her friends continued fighting Kaido’s forces. Continue reading to learn more about the highlights of the episode.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for One Piece episode 1034.
Yamato returned to the battlefield in One Piece episode 1034
What happened in the last episode?

One Piece episode 1033 started with Sanji fighting Kaido’s grunts while protecting Zoro, who was still healing from his fight with the Emperors. Meanwhile, Luffy tried to keep up with Kaido’s speed and strength, despite the enormous fatigue he felt. Elsewhere, Big Mom used a combination attack to defeat Ulti. The episode ended with Luffy falling from Onigashima due to exhaustion.
Episode 1034: Big Mom’s cruelty

One Piece episode 1034 started with Kaido looking at Luffy as he fell from Onigashima. The Emperor complained about the Straw Hat’s poor handling of the Advanced Conqueror Haki while mocking the name of his attacks. When Luffy hit the water and began drowning, Kaido turned around, claiming that the young pirate ended up being a fake Joy Boy as well.
Inside the castle, Big Mom told Zeus he was no longer a member of her crew. The cloud-like Homie began to cry in disbelief, thinking his creator must be joking. Big Mom remained stoic, even as her other creations started mocking and insulting Zeus. The pink-haired woman, however, had an idea - she would make Hera eat Zeus and augment her power.

Without hesitation, the feminine-looking Homie took a bite out of Zeus, causing incredible pain to her sibling. The sentient cloud begged for mercy, promising Big Mom that he would never show his face in front of her again if she let him live.
In response, the Yonko told her creation that doing such a thing would be stealing, as he would be taking a part of her soul with her. Hera, unmoved by her sibling’s words, continued to eat.
Straw Hats vs Big Mom

One Piece episode 1034 proceeded to show Big Mom noticing that Nami and Usopp were still behind her. With a sweet but cruel smile, the woman then swore that she would end the Straw Hats’ lives. However, she had to remove Otama from the sniper’s hands before commencing her attack. The woman grabbed the girl with two fingers and gently placed her on the ground.
With her friend safe, Big Mom began chasing Nami and Usopp with the intent to kill them. Otama, who grabbed onto the giant woman’s clothes, begged her to let her friends live. The pink-haired woman ignored the small girl’s pleas. Nami and Usopp could do nothing but cry as they kept running.

Suddenly, Zeus appeared beside them, asking Nami for forgiveness. Remembering the time that Zeus had tried to kill her following Big Mom’s instructions, the cartographer decided not to show the cloud any mercy. The cloud Homie continued to beg the redhead to forgive him, admitting that he was a coward and could not contradict Big Mom.
Zeus’ sacrifice
One Piece episode 1034 continued with Nami stopping for a moment to chastise Zeus for betraying her in the past. The Homie admitted that he did not deserve forgivness but asked the cartographer to give him a chance nonetheless. Sadly, Big Mom caught up with the pair as they spoke, readying her weapons to kill her enemies.
Zeus realized that no matter what, he would end up dying that night, so he gathered the courage to stand up to his creator. The Homie told Nami that he would die to protect her, and initiated an attack against the pink-haired woman. Usopp, seeing that Big Mom was distracted, took Otama in his arms once again and resumed his escape.

Nami stood still, watching as Zeus launched towards Big Mom, promising the red-haired woman that he would take care of the Yonko. Unfortunately, the giant woman grabbed the cloud without a hitch and went about absorbing his soul-fragment. After debilitating the sentient cloud enough, Big Mom told Hera to eat the rest. Nami tried to save Zeus but her efforts proved futile.
Chopper’s true power

One Piece episode 1034 went on to show Chopper fighting Queen inside the Live Floor. Despite his multiple wounds, the Straw Hat medic was doing his best to protect his comrades. This proved difficult, as Perospero was using his candy arrows to kill as many fighters as possible. The pale man combined as many arrows as he could into a single one, preparing his strongest attack.
Chopper tried to warn his allies about the incoming arrow rain but was not quick enough. Perospero fired his Apocalyptic Arrow Shower and hit several targets at once. The reindeer tried to protect as many people as possible with his body. In the end, Perospero was successful in killing a number of his enemies, thanks to Queen’s cooperation.
The android then decided to mock Chopper by charging at him with all of his power. Surprisingly, Chopper was capable of stopping the All-Star and used the momentum to slam him against the floor and walls of the Live Floor. Even then, Queen continued mocking the doctor, as he was getting more exhausted by the second.
Oden’s journey

One Piece episode 1034 continued with Yamato running through Onigashima with the Momonosuke doll he created. The young man encountered his father’s men on his way and defeated them in seconds. After taking the fighters down, Yamato screamed with all of his strength, saying that his name was Oden and he would protect Momonosuke.
Far from there, Momonosuke continued reading his father’s journal. The boy learned everything about Oden’s time as a pirate, from his adventures with Whitebeard's crew to his time with the Roger Pirates. Momonosuke also learned about Laugh Tale, the last island his father visited on his journey.
Reading about his father’s adventures gave Momonosuke a newfound desire to keep living. Then, out of nowhere, the boy began hearing a high-pitched noise that caused him severe pain. One of Bao Huang’s Marys found the boy and informed Kaido of his location. The Emperor told the woman he would be heading down immediately, but not before asking her to tell everyone he had defeated Luffy.
A metallic savior

One Piece episode 1034 returned to Nami, Usopp, and Otama. The trio looked sad as Hera continued to absorb Zeus’ soul. After the female Homie was done eating her sibling, she became energized, which greatly pleased Big Mom. Otama, realizing there was nothing else they could do, took Usopp’s hand and told him to keep going.
Nami followed their lead and the trio began running, leaving behind an enraged Big Mom. Despite their best efforts, our heroes were cornered when they encountered a massive pile of debris. Big Mom combined Prometheus and Napoleon to kill her enemies with a single move. Nami, Usopp, and Otama cried as they saw their lives flash before their eyes.

Fortunately for the Straw Hats, a colossal metallic hand appeared from the rubble just then, grabbing Big Mom by the head. The hand belonged to Kid, who used it to slam Big Mom against the floor of the castle. One Piece episode 1034 ended with Captain Kid claiming Big Mom was his prey.
Final thoughts

Despite various flashbacks and weird pacing, One Piece episode 1034 is a good addition to the series. Many scenes felt unnecessary, like Oden’s memories which were already shown in a previous episode, but they were few and far in between. Nonetheless, the important moments of the episode were handled outstandingly. Zeus’ sacrifice was also emotive and heartbreaking.
Next week’s episode will continue with the fights we witnessed in One Piece episode 1034. Kanjuro will make an appearance once again, meaning that he was able to locate Momonosuke despite Yamato’s best efforts. We will also see Kin’emon face Kaido to protect the son of his late master.