The rebel alliance returned stronger than ever before in One Piece episode 1037. Thanks to Momonosuke’s message about Luffy still being alive, the samurai regained their strength and desire for freedom. Regardless of what Kaido and his men said, the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies refused to give up the faith they put in Luffy.
Last week’s episode gave fans a first glimpse of the upcoming battle between Sanji and Queen. The episode also showed Kin’emon sacrificing himself to keep Momonosuke safe from Kaido. One Piece episode 1037, titled Believe in Luffy! The Alliance’s Counterattack Begins!, continued the Onigashima raid focusing on Momonosuke and Nami. Keep reading to learn more about the episode.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for One Piece episode 1037.
Zeus came back to life in One Piece episode 1037
What happened in the last episode?

One Piece episode 1036 began with Sanji saving Chopper from being attacked by Queen. The doctor was crying over Luffy’s supposed death but the cook calmed him down. Elsewhere Kin’emon was trying to stop Kaido from following Momonosuke and Shinobu, sacrificing his life in the process. Oden’s son revealed to everyone in Onigashima that Luffy was still alive.
Episode 1037: The true Shogun

One Piece episode 1037 began with Luffy, who was still sinking into the sea, telling Momonosuke that he would surely defeat Kaido. Between tears, Momonosuke relied upon the message of his allies, reinvigorating their spirits. Everyone in the castle was either overjoyed with Luffy’s message or shocked. On the live floor, Hyogoro told his men to keep fighting no matter what.
Back with Momonosuke and Shinobu, the latter was praising the boy for his bravery. The Kunoichi claimed that Momonosuke was the true Shogun of the Land of Wano. Sadly, the moment was ruined when Kaido appeared, looking to kill Momonosuke. The emperor asked the young boy if he was happy with his decisions.

Oden’s son asked Kaido where Kin’emon was, prompting the gigantic man to mock the fallen samurai. Kaido used his maze to attack the duo, sending them flying out of the castle. Shinobu tried to keep running but soon found out that a rock was blocking their escape. Kaido mocked Momonosuke’s words, claiming that Luffy could never defeat him.
In a display of bravery, Oden’s son told the Yonko that not only would he be defeated, but the entire Animal Kingdom crew would face defeat as well. Kaido laughed at Momonosuke’s words and prepared an attack to end the duo’s lives. Shinobu used her powers to destroy the ground below her and Momonosuke. The duo fell into the sea, which greatly disappointed Kaido.
A new friend?

One Piece episode 1037 continued with Nami, Usopp, and Otama running towards the Live Floor. The trio were ecstatic with the news of Luffy being alive. As they walked, a voice told them that they too were happy about the Straw Hat captain’s return. Nami noticed that the voice came from her Climate Baton, which now had a face.
Nearby, Big Mom laughed at the claim that Luffy would defeat Kaido. Kid, who was still waiting for their fight to commence, mocked the woman, asking her why she was so interested in Luffy. Big Mom replied that she wanted to end the Straw Hat captain’s life herself. She was sad, as she would be unable to kill the young man now that he had drowned.
Trafalgar Law appeared, stating that he was not so sure about Luffy’s death. Big Mom was elated at the idea of killing two of her worst enemies at once. Kid got angry, telling the Yonko that her time was over. Law agreed with Kid, claiming that the New Era belonged to them. The two captains decided to form a temporary alliance to defeat Big Mom.
The Fire Festival
One Piece episode 1037 went on to show the inhabitants of the Land of Wano celebrating the Fire Festival. The streets were filled with people who were enjoying the celebrations. There were games for the kids to partake in, food carts, and traditional music being played. Otoko and Tenguyama were walking around the city while the older man explained the festival to the girl.
The masked man told Otoko that the Fire Festival was a celebration of those who have died in the past. To show their respect, the people of the Land of Wano built a pyre that would create a fire high enough to reach the sky. Otoko wondered if her father was able to see the fire from the heavens. Tenguyama reassured the girl, stating that he definitely could.

Inside Onigashima, the CP0 agents were talking about how impressive it was that none of the rebels surrendered after Luffy’s defeat. One of Bao Huang’s Marys explained to the agents how unpredictable the conflict was. When the raid began, the rebels had 3,000 men fighting for them, while the Animal Kingdom Pirates had 24,000.
However, since all the pirates on the Live Floor betrayed Queen, the numbers ended up being 7,000 rebels against 20,000 Animal Kingdom pirates. One of the CP0 agents revealed that he was not expecting the rebels to get more allies. The Mary told him that the situation could change once again soon.
Nami’s new power

One Piece episode 1037 proceeded by showing that Nami’s group was still running. Usopp was impressed with his abilities, as he believed that the Climate Baton he invented for Nami became sentient out of nowhere. Suddenly, the weapon began talking again revealing to the Straw Hats that Zeus had been fused to the baton when Hera tried to eat him.
Nami was annoyed with the former Homie since she had not forgiven him yet for trying to kill her. The cartographer returned her weapon to its original form and the trio continued running. Once they were near the Live Floor, Usopp asked Otama to use her power to control the minds of the Happy users. Their plans changed when they noticed Bao Huang standing in front of them.

Nami prepared to attack the woman, to prevent her from giving more discouraging messages. Out of nowhere, Ulti appeared and hit Usopp, taking Otama into her hands. The blue-haired woman was furious, blaming Otama for Big Mom’s betrayal. Nami used her baton to hit Ulti in the head, only for the weapon to suddenly transform into a metal mace.
Zeus told Nami that he would use his powers to help her defeat Ulti. The woman was barely standing due to the internal damage she sustained during her fight with Big Mom. Usopp used his Sargaso to save Otama, creating an opening for Nami to defeat Ulti.
Far from there, the Heart Pirates were looking for Luffy, using their sonar to track him down. They found the unconscious captain, who was miraculously still alive. One Piece episode 1037 ended with Yamato arriving at Onigashima’s roof, prepared to fight Kaido, whom he no longer considered family.
Final thoughts

After many weeks of waiting, One Piece episode 1037 finally gave fans a tease of the upcoming battle between Nami and Ulti. The fandom had been waiting for this moment to be animated. Not was Zeus’ fusion with the Climate Baton revealed, but Nami also has a chance to shine in the arc. Sadly, her stellar moment was cut short due to an abundance of flashbacks.
Momonosuke’s defeat, while touching, seems to be another one of Oda’s fake deaths. It is extremely unlikely that such a pivotal character would die in such a manner. Lastly, the time for Luffy’s return is getting closer and closer. Thanks to the Heart Pirates, the Straw hat captain has been saved. It is only a matter of time before Luffy gets back up and continues his fight against Kaido.