One Piece episode 1038 is scheduled for release this coming Sunday, October 30, at around 11.00 am JST.
The show will first air on local Japanese TV networks like Fuji TV. Moments later, it will become available for international fans to stream via Crunchyroll, where fans can enjoy all the previous episodes of the show as well.
Last week’s episode showed fans the last stand between Momonosuke and Shinobu against Kaido. We also witnessed the beginning of Ulti and Nami’s last confrontation. The latter was assisted by Zeus, who combined with her Climate Baton in a previous episode.
One Piece episode 1038, titled Nami’s Lethal Attack! Otama’s Desperate Challenge! will continue the fight between the two women.
Keep reading to learn more about the release of the episode and what to expect.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece anime series.
Otama may be a key player in One Piece episode 1038
When will the episode come out in other parts of the world?
One Piece episode 1038 will be released to international audiences shortly after it airs in Japan. This means that fans will not have to wait long before enjoying the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates. Below, you will find a table containing the times at which the episode will be released, according to your time zone.
· Pacific Daylight time – 7.00 pm, October 29
· Central Daylight time – 9.00 pm, October 29
· Eastern Daylight time – 10.00 pm, October 29
· British Summer time – 3.00 am, October 30
· Central European Summer time– 4.00 am, October 30
· Indian Standard time – 7.30 am, October 30
· Philippine time – 10.00 am, October 30
· Australian Central Daylight time – 11.30 am, October 30
· Spain – 10.00 am CEST, October 30
· Latin America – 3.00 am PDT, October 30
Fans are encouraged to use the aforementioned streaming service to enjoy One Piece episode 1038. By doing so, they are directly contributing to the official release of the zone.
What to expect from One Piece episode 1038?

Despite Momonosuke’s encouraging words, the Alliance is still struggling to keep Kaido and his men from winning the war. Shinobu and Momonosuke have been left to drown, Luffy is still underwater, and the forces of the Animal Kingdom Pirates do not seem to be diminishing. If things keep going as they have been, the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies will be defeated soon.
Thankfully, One Piece episode 1038 portends a better future for our heroes. In the previous episode, Nami, Usopp, and Otama arrived at the Live Floor. Their arrival could turn the tide in favor of the alliance, as the small girl could use her powers to control the Smile users. Unfortunately, Ulti is still standing in their way.

Based on the preview for the episode, Nami is more than ready to deal with the blue-haired woman once and for all. Thanks to Zeus, her Climate Baton had a major boost in power and abilities.
By making use of this upgrade, Nami could defeat Ulti in a manner of seconds. This would leave the path open for Otama to turn the Smile users into new allies.
One Piece episode 1038 will also feature the continuation of the battle between Jimbe and Whose Who. Fans have been waiting for months for this battle to continue, and their pleas have finally been heard.
Lastly, this upcoming episode will reveal why Shinobu jumped off Onigashima. We will also witness the Heart Pirates’ mission of rescuing Luffy.
What happened in the last episode?

One Piece episode 1037 began with Kaido attacking Momonosuke and Shinobu. The Emperor mocked the pair, telling them they would be defeated in the end.
Before the man could kill them, Shinobu used her powers to escape by destroying the rocks around them. Elsewhere, Nami, Usopp, and Otama were still running towards the Live Floor.
When the trio arrived at their destination, they were attacked by Ulti, who somehow managed to survive Big Mom’s attack. Nami used her new and powerful Climate Baton to cause severe damage to the woman. The episode ended with Yamato calling out for his father while standing on Onigashima’s roof, ready to fight.