One Piece episode 1048 is about Yamato and his backstory. It depicts not only the struggles and abuse he endured as a child for taking a stand against Kaido, but also the people who supported and sacrificed for him. This explains the weight of responsibility he bears for attempting to be Oden.
In the previous episode, as has been the case for several weeks, fans were treated to a montage of fights involving various characters. Things are looking up for the Straw Hats and their allies, who have placed their trust in Luffy and decided to give it their all until he returns to the battlefield to defeat Kaido.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece anime.
One Piece episode 1048 delves into the great sacrifice made by Wano's samurais for Yamato
Yamato versus Kaido

One Piece episode 1048, titled For the Future! Yamato and the Great Swordsmen's Pledge, begins with Kaido playing mind games with Yamato, attempting to drive him to despair by repeatedly stating that Luffy would not return and thus this fight is futile. Yamato, on the other hand, would have none of it.
Kaido explains to Yamato that their fight is not a family feud because the latter has severed their family ties by taking Oden's identity. The fight continues to heat up as the two exchange powerful blows.
Momonosuke has difficulty flying

Meanwhile, in One Piece chapter 1048, Luffy sits on the back of Momonosuke who is in his dragon form as they take to the skies. However, as soon as Luffy mentions that they are high in the sky, Momonosuke panics and falls down.
Yamato's determination to be Oden

Twenty years ago, in Onigashima, a child Yamato, still the Ogre-Princess, is shown attacking guards because he wants to free the Land of Wano. When they try to stop him, he uses Conqueror's Haki on them, causing most of them to collapse.
Then, in One Piece chapter 1048, a battered, bruised, and bound Yamato is shown, who has been detained by Kaido's subordinates. Kaido is impressed by Yamato, but he would rather have his son dead if he is to assume the identity of his adversary Oden. Kaido then takes Yamato to a cave, chains him, and leaves him there for a month.
Yamato meets the Wano samurais

In One Piece chapter 1048, three vicious samurais are shown to be kept in the same cave as Yamato. Kaido gives them a month to calm down and decide whether or not to join his army. He leaves a meal enough only for one person in front of the four starving inmates so that they would fight each other.
The three prisoners with Yamato are revealed to be the Daimyos who rose up in rebellion after Oden's execution. They free Yamato and serve him the meal. They also train him, take care of him, and teach him to read Oden's journal.
Oden's journal

Oden's journal, which chronicles his travels, mentions Roger asking Whitebeard to let him borrow Oden for a year in order to help him reach the Final Island.
One Piece episode 1048, in an anime-original sequence, follows their journey to familiar locations such as Skypiea until they arrive at Laugh Tale and Roger becomes the Pirate King. Oden also predicts a battle that would occur twenty years later in Wano for the freedom of its people.
The sacrifice of the samurais

Hearing Yamato's determination to become stronger and fight in the war that was going to happen in the future, the three samurais decided to assist him in escaping and thus become a part of that battle in which they would be physically unable to participate. Then, in One Piece chapter 1048, they break out of the cave and sacrifice themselves for Yamato.
A quick recap of the previous episode

The battle between the Straw Hats and their allies against the Kaido and Big Mom alliance continued in One Piece episode 1047. Zoro and Sanji were shown continuing their battle against the King and Queen, and it appeared that they were finally gaining ground.
Meanwhile, Franky was shown to have defeated Tobi Roppo Sasaki. Big Mom, on the other hand, used her Haki against Law and Kid. However, this eliminated many of her own subordinates who lacked a strong will.
Next in One Piece episode 1047, fans learned more about other allies such as Yamato, Raizo, and Nekomamushi. They were all holding out against their respective opponents. Finally, fans witnessed Luffy and Momonosuke in his dragon form preparing to face Kaido.