One Piece episode 1054, titled Death to Your Partner! Killer's Deadly Gamble, returns with the fight between Killer and Basil Hawkins. The outcome of this fight is extremely important because it will have a direct impact on Law and Kid versus Big Mom.
The previous episode showed that, while the Straw Hats have begun to dominate the war against the Animal Kingdom Pirates and their allies, there is still a long way to go before they can be declared victorious.
At the moment, the biggest challenge is defeating Kaido and Big Mom and stopping Onigashima. Hawkins has had the upper hand in the battle thus far by using Kid's life as a hostage, but it will be interesting to see if Killer can figure out a way to defeat him in One Piece episode 1054.
It is a beautifully animated episode that does justice to the fight scenes.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece anime.
In One Piece episode 1054, Hawkins finally secures victory
Killer vs Hawkins

In One Piece episode 1054, Killer stays on the defensive because Hawkins' Wara Wara no Mi grants him the ability to transfer any injury to another target, who, in this case, is Kid. He also refuses the help of his subordinates because it would endanger Kid's life.
Hawkins then chooses to inflict harm on himself by repeatedly striking his head against a pillar.
Law and Kid fight Big Mom

Meanwhile, in One Piece episode 1054, Kid appears to have sustained significant damage and is unable to continue fighting. Big Mom tries to attack Kid with Napoleon and Hera, but Law stops her with Counter Shock. However, he suffers a serious blow as Prometheus attacks him.
Then Big Mom unleashes the Mama-Raid attack, which fries everyone. While Law manages to stand, Kid struggles due to his headache. In the midst of all of this, Kid has no idea why he cannot keep up the fight and keeps getting injured.
Killer defeats Hawkins

In One Piece episode 1054, Killer is willing to give up his own life to ensure the safety of his captain. But Hawkins only beats him up and tries to make him regret turning down Kaido's offer to the members of the Worst Generation to serve him in exchange for their lives
Killer then severs Hawkins' left arm, and while the damage should have transferred to Kid's body, Kid is not affected because he does not have a left arm. Killer is then able to remove the straw doll from Hawkins' severed arm, releasing Kid from Hawkins' influence. It is also Hawkins' last doll, which means he has nowhere else to direct his injuries.

Hawkins then plays the Straw Man card, but the latter is instantly defeated and cannot be resurrected. The next card drawn is the Tower, which represents the fall of the old and is useless to Hawkins, who is defeated with a fatal blow by Killer.
The chapter concludes with Kid feeling lighter and more alive as a result of his release from Hawkins
A quick recap of One Piece episode 1053

In the previous episode, Momonosuke was asked to create Flame Clouds as they would supposedly keep the island from reaching the Flower Capital. They were meant to keep the island from reaching the Flower Capital. But Momonosuke was having difficulty making them, so Yamato decided to start removing some of the explosives.
On the other hand, CP0 was seen being contacted by Rob Lucci, who had received two orders from his superiors: to bring Wano under the control of the World Government if Kaido lost, and to capture Nico Robin.
The episode ended with a focus on Sanji versus Queen. For some reason, the Straw Hat chef could not only withstand numerous attacks, but he could also repair his body even when it was broken.