In One Piece episode 1057, titled For Luffy? Sanji and Zoro's Oath, follows the Straw Hat crew and their allies battling fiercely against their enemies in Wano. In the previous episode, fans saw Law and Kid struggle against Big Mom, whose power seemed to grow even stronger despite their awakened abilities.
In One Piece episode 1057, fans can expect to see a lot of other ongoing fights, which are equally important to the outcome of the war. The episode particularly focuses on the Straw Hat cook, Sanji, who faces Queen while grappling with his fear of losing his humanity.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece anime.
Sanji decides to continue fighting in One Piece episode 1057
Apoo makes an offer
At the beginning of One Piece episode 1057, Apoo approaches Drake with an offer to join his group to defeat Luffy once Kaido is defeated. However, since Apoo threatens to harm Straw Hat in the future, Drake decides to stop him.
Apoo tries to use his Devil Fruit powers against Drake, but the latter easily dodges his attacks. He reveals to Apoo that he knows his powers work by following his line of sight. Just as the confrontation between Drake and Apoo intensifies, Yamato appears.
Apoo then attempts to exploit Yamato's dispute with his father by inviting him to join his group, but Yamato is not interested. The latter then clashes briefly with Drake before realizing that he, too, has defected from the Animal Kingdom Pirates. Soon, Fuga and Apoo begin chasing Yamato as he leaves everyone behind and heads for the weapons room.
Cipher Pol pursue Robin
In One Piece episode 1057, CP0 members Guernica and Maha are shown to be mercilessly taking down the Minks who are trying to resist them.
The Minks, who are fighting with all their might, ask Brook and Robin to flee from CP0, hoping to keep them out of harm's way. Brook agrees and takes Robin with him, but they are both perplexed as to why CP0 is present in Wano in the first place.
Sanji versus Queen
Meanwhile in One Piece episode 1057, Sanji finds himself in a dire situation as he flees from Queen. Lost in his thoughts, he runs into a geisha and injures her. This disgusts her friends, who begin throwing objects at him.
This makes Sanji wonder if Luffy would prefer him as a powerless human incapable of fighting enemy women, or as a ruthless soldier of science willing to go to any length to complete his mission. This dilemma leads him to destroy the Raid Suit.
Sanji then calls Zoro over Den Den Mushi and requests that he kill him if he loses his humanity. Zoro agrees, demonstrating his unwavering loyalty to his crewmate. Sanji then unleashes a powerful blow on Queen.
A quick summary of One Piece episode 1056
One Piece episode 1056 followed Yamato, who watched Law and Kid battle against the mighty Big Mom, while he himself went to remove the explosives from Onigashima. Meanwhile, Orochi ordered Kazenbo to set fire to Onigashima, sparking a race between the fire specter and the Oden.
The episode then showcased Law and Kid's formidable abilities as they unleashed their Awakened Devil Fruits against Big Mom. Their attacks, however, were in vain because Big Mom sacrificed a year of her life to increase her size and strength, making her more powerful than before.
As the episode came to a close, Big Mom used her Soul-Soul Fruit to turn rubble and weapons into living enemies for Law and Kid to fight.