One Piece episode 1080, titled A Celebration Banquet! The New Emperors of the Sea, was released on Sunday, October 22, 2023, in Japan. The latest installment explores the consequences of the battle of Onigashima, which have highly displeased the World Government. In the previous episode, the Five Elders displayed concern over Nika's return, and they will now be seen taking action against the pirates in Wano.
Thus, in the middle of the ongoing festivities, viewers can expect to see the arrival of a ruthless and impatient new adversary. His goal will be to take Luffy's head.
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One Piece episode 1080 shows an Admiral has arrived in Wano
Monkey D. Luffy's new bounty

One Piece episode 1080 began with a shot of the Five Elders being furious over Luffy's new bounty picture, which portrayed him in his Gear 5 form. They were particularly keen on eliminating the 'D' from his name although that was not possible as the printing company could not be contacted.
Morgans, the World Economy News Paper's president, oversaw the printing and distribution of this news. He believed that during these changing times, it was crucial to spread the truth.
Thus, through him, the world learned of Kaido and Big Mom's defeat, the CP0's infiltration of Wano, and other significant events. In response to their actions, Luffy, Kid, and Law found an exorbitant bounty of three billion berries placed on each of their heads.
Robin encounters Tenguyama

During the ongoing festival in Wano, Robin stumbled upon another Poneglyph within the room where Tenguyama Hitetsu had been confined for years. Tenguyama then revealed his true identity as Kozuki Sukiyaki, the father of Kozuki Oden and former Shogun of the land of Wano.
Sukiyaki was the one who brought Orochi to power. Consumed by guilt over the death of his son and the radical transformation of his nation, he contemplated taking his own life, though he ultimately refrained from doing so. However, he chose not to inform others that he was still alive.
Robin inquired about Pluton, which was said to be on Wano. Tengu, who was originally surprised by her depth of knowledge, admitted that the ancient weapon was really located there.
Ryokugyu's onslaught

Meanwhile in One Piece episode 1080, at the former excavation labor camp in Udon, Admiral Ryokugyu made an explosive appearance. As soon as Queen and Kaido's former crewmates realized he was from the Navy, they attacked him.
But Ryokugyu had little time to waste, so he drained their bodies using his Devil Fruit abilities. Ryokugyu's primary objective was to capture Luffy so that he could gain Akainu's recognition and praise.
A new Emperor of the Sea

In a flashback, Luffy asked Momonosuke not to tell the people of Wano about him fearing they would turn him into a hero.
He had realized that the people of Wano were waiting for Momonosuke to return and change the country into a place where they could eat and drink as much as they wanted every day.
In the present, amid the ongoing festivities, Kid approached Luffy with a wanted poster displaying his bounty. The episode ended with the declaration that Buggy, Blackbeard, Shanks, and Straw Hat are the new Emperors of the Sea.
A quick summary of One Piece episode 1079

The previous episode began with the Five Elders expressing dissatisfaction with the situation in Wano. Two of the four Emperors of the Sea had been taken down, while Wano's closed borders made it uncontrollable for the World Government.
A week after the battle at Onigashima, there was a sense of joy in Wano as Momonosuke, the new Shogun, took charge. Luffy and Zoro also regained consciousness, after which a banquet was announced.
Meanwhile, Kid was concerned that news of Kaido and Big Mom's defeat might have been leaked, making them potential targets as the new Emperors of the Sea. To prove his words correct, the episode ended with Admiral Ryokugyu flying to Wano.