One Piece episode 1091, titled "Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science!" was released on January 21, 2024. In this episode, fans saw Luffy's group exploring the futuristic Egghead Island. Meanwhile, the remaining members conversed with the mysterious Dr Vegapunk, who first appeared in the previous episode.
The Straw Hats were divided into two groups in the previous episode because of a mechanical shark. Meanwhile, Helmeppo was seen attempting to put together a rescue team for Koby. Previously, in the Egghead arc, fans saw how terrifying Inu appeared in the new animation style. One Piece episode 1091 demonstrates how the style complements the slapstick humor.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece anime. Viewer's discretion is advised.
Vegapunk's inventions on Egghead are explored in One Piece episode 1091
The existence of multiple Vegapunks is revealed

In One Piece episode 1091, the Straw Hats are surprised to discover that Vegapunk is a woman. But Franky quickly voiced his respect for her, mentioning his experience working in Vegapunk's old lab.
Sanji and Brook, on the other hand, were captivated by her beauty. Robin pointed out that she had never heard of Vegapunk being a woman, and Brook chimed in, stating that Vegapunk is known for having the biggest brain.

Vegapunk then revealed that her name was Lilith, not Stella, suggesting the existence of multiple Vegapunks. Lilith wanted to take the Straw Hats' valuables, and to ensure their cooperation, she called upon the Sea Beast Weapons.
However, Shaka contacted her, reminding her that she was dealing with Yonko's crew and that Zoro and Robin could easily defeat her.
At Egghead Island

In One Piece episode 1091, Luffy, Chopper, Jinbe, and Bonney made their way through an underground passage. It was revealed that Bonney's father had been turned into a soulless cyborg by Vegapunk, so she has come to take revenge.
Emerging from the tunnel, they found themselves on Egghead, an island characterized by its futuristic dome-shaped structures, colossal robots, and flying whales. Luffy, as expected, attempted to ride a giant robot dragon but ended up phasing through it. On the other hand, Bonney spotted a huge parfait, and she, along with Luffy and Chopper, tried to eat it, only to phase through it as well.
Jinbe deduced that it was a hologram. He also found it puzzling that the island was warm despite being surrounded by cold waters.

A giant girl appeared and explained that she had engineered an air-conditioning system for the island. To test whether she was real or a hologram, Luffy punched her in the stomach. Enraged, she retaliated, causing Luffy to crash into an Automatic Cooking Machine, creating a hamburger, fries, and Vegacola. Realizing that the machine could generate food, Luffy, Bonney, and Chopper began to binge.
Meanwhile, the girl expressed frustration over the scarcity of research funding and resources despite the world's growing need for advanced technology. In her frustration, she struck the holographic dragon. While everyone was puzzled, she revealed that she was wearing Light-Pressure Gloves that enabled her to interact with light.
When Jinbe asked her who she was, she introduced herself as Dr. Vegapunk, also known as Atlas.
One Piece episode 1090 recap

In the previous episode, the Straw Hat crew narrowly escaped the jaws of a giant mechanical shark, although it made the Thousand Sunny capsize. Jinbe rescued Luffy, Chopper, and Bonney, guiding them to a nearby landmass.
Meanwhile, at Naval Branch G-14, Captain Tashigi and her team were seen caring for the children they had saved from Punk Hazard. Helmeppo, also at this base, sought Prince's help to rescue Koby from Pirate Island, but Prince refused.

Back with Luffy's group, Bonney was frustrated that Luffy did not recognize her. She revealed that she traveled solo when the mecha shark attacked her ship. She said that now they were stranded on Egghead, an island under the jurisdiction of the World Government and also the location of Dr. Vegapunk’s lab.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Straw Hats crew were saved by a robot, which scared off the shark and helped them resurface. The episode ended with the revelation that the woman controlling the robot was Dr. Vegapunk, who was more interested in the crew's valuables than their safety.