Titled The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research, episode 1097 of the One Piece anime adapted a particularly touching moment from the Egghead Arc. Fans are transported to a fascinating trip down memory lane, which explores the shared past of Dr. Vegapunk and Monkey D. Dragon.
One of Vegapunk’s six satellite bodies, Shaka, welcomed some of the Straw Hats into Egghead’s Labophase. He explained the circumstances behind the Ohara Incident, in which the World Government murdered the island’s scholars to prevent them from propagating the truth about the Ancient Kingdom and the Void Century.
Vegapunk Shaka’s tale included the memory of his unexpected reunion with his friend Dragon, who at the time had not yet created the Revolutionary Army. Vegapunk and Dragon’s encounter, which took place about 22 years before One Piece’s current narration, traces an unexpected parallel between the leader of the Revolutionary Army and his son, Monkey D. Luffy.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for One Piece episode 1097.
The latest One Piece episode proves that Dragon and Luffy share the same sense of respect
Vegapunk and Dragon's flashback in One Piece episode 1097

In his account, Shaka gave Nico Robin some startling news, as he revealed that Jaguar D. Saul was still alive. Saul was a kind Giant who reneged on the Marines and promised Nico Olvia that he would ensure the safety of her daughter, Robin. Saul told the little girl (Robin) that someday she would find true friends she could live with.
Shortly after, Saul sacrificed himself to protect Robin from Kuzan “Aokiji”, who at the time was a Marine Vice Admiral. Kuzan used his Devil Fruit powers to freeze Saul, who was thus believed dead. However, for Nico Robin’s happiness, Saul somehow survived.
As revealed by Shaka, Vegapunk visited Ohara a few months after the tremendous Buster Call that the World Government carried out. On the island, he witnessed some Giants, led by a certain bandaged individual. The Giants were salvaging what was left of Ohara’s precious books, and their leader was none other than Saul.

Vegapunk continued his account, explaining that he went to Ohara to pay his respect to the memory of Professor Clover, one of the Ohara scholars, as well as a friend of his. While he was observing the Giants, Vegapunk was approached by Monkey D. Dragon, who had come to Ohara for the same reason.
In fact, Dragon was a friend of Clover too. As they met, after remembering the deceased archeologist, Vegapunk and Dragon discussed a bit. Dragon remembered the scientist that he had invited him to join his group, the Freedom Fighters, but that he had refused to leave the World Government.

Vegapunk replied that, as a scientist, the only help that he could have given was with his inventions, but that the funds of the Freedom Fighters were too limited, so there wasn't much that he could do. He added that, even within the World Government, there could be many reasonable people to be found.
Dragon agreed, but couldn’t help expressing his heartfelt disgust for what the World Government had done in Ohara. To prevent such a thing from happening again, he declared his intention to make an army even greater than the Freedom Fighters. The flashback ended as both Dragon and Vegapunk mourned the Ohara victims by laying two bouquets of flowers on the place of the massacre.
Luffy's moment of respect

About two years before the present One Piece narration, the son of Dragon, Monkey D. Luffy, did something similar to what his father did for the victims of Ohara. Escorted by Jinbe and Silvers Rayleigh, Luffy returned to Marineford, the same place that not long before had been the scene of the Paramount War.
During the conflict, many people lost their lives. Among the deceased were Edward Newgate “Whitebeard”, and even Luffy’s sworn brother, Portgas D. Ace. In front of many reporters and other bystanders, Luffy rang the Ox Bell, a sacred item kept in the plaza of Marineford.
Luffy then laid flowers on the ground, and stood still, with his hat held to his chest and his eyes closed. With that gesture, Luffy paid his respects to the memory of those who died in the Paramount War.
The reporters who witnessed the event photographed Luffy, and spread the news of his actions around the world. This indirectly helped Luffy to send a message to his crewmates. In fact, the young pirate had a mark on his arm that read 3D2Y with the 3D crossed out, meaning that the crew shouldn’t have remained separated for three days, as originally intended, but for two years.
Father and son, different but identical at the same time

Despite being father and son, Dragon and Luffy are two very different people. Dragon is typically seen with a serious face. He is stoic, almost stone-faced, no matter what happens. On the contrary, Luffy is cheerful, relaxed, and, at times, can be very childlike.
Hence, for different if not opposed reasons, stopping and paying respect to someone doesn’t sound much like Dragon or Luffy. With this in mind, seeing Dragon, along with Vegapunk, mourning the victims of the Ohara Incident was depressing, but also quite heartwarming.
In fact, this scene exposed that, despite the appearances, the leader of Revolutionary Army is a sensitive person. Luffy has never met Dragon, which is actually quite absurd, considering that the latter is his father.
Moreover, Luffy behaves very differently from Dragon. Even then, if there’s something that ties the two and evidences their blood relationship, that is their unexpected sensibility. Not even the stoic Dragon or the joyful Luffy can do without honoring the memories of the fallen.
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