One Piece episode 1105, titled A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy, was released on Sunday, May 19, 2024. This episode makes Dr Vegapunk the focus, despite the fact that he is hardly present. His influence and importance to the world of One Piece, however, is well portrayed.
In the previous episode, viewers witnessed Lucci vs Luffy lose consciousness for a second time, this time alongside Kaku. This proved that the CP0 are not matching up to the Straw Hats’ current strength.
Now, a greater challenge awaits for the Straw Hats. Kizaru’s appearance at Egghead has been hinted at for a while now, but One Piece episode 1105 suggests that he will be the least of the Straw Hats' concerns.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.
One Piece episode 1105 shows the Straw Hats and Vegapunks gaining control of the situation in Egghead
Brief episode highlights

One Piece episode 1105 opens with Zoro and Brook puzzled as to why a CP0 agent would knock out two of her own. Stussy, however, avoids giving a straight answer and assures them that they are not in danger. She then reports the situation to Shaka via a Den Den Mushi.
Shaka reveals to the Straw Hats that Stussy has been working undercover for more than two decades, although this was not the original plan.
In One Piece episode 1105, as the Seraphim continue their rampage, Stussy tells Shaka that she does not have the authority to stop them. Lilith and Edison, who have higher authority than the CP0, arrive on the scene.
However, Lilith is slow, which allows S-Hawk to attack her. Zoro deflects the attack and remarks that the Seraphim appears more like a human than Mihawk. Edison also tries to issue an order but is too slow, and has to be saved by Sanji. After this, the Seraphim cease their attack.

Meanwhile, Stussy uses Sea Prism Stone handcuffs on Lucci and Kaku to prevent them from using their powers when they regain consciousness. Shaka tells her that their objective is to escape the island on the Straw Hats' ship, and that she will be accompanying them.
Meanwhile, Luffy and Chopper keep looking for Vegapunk and Bonney inside the lab.
One Piece episode 1105 then shifts to Sphinx, New World, the hometown of Whitebeard and Marco. Marco learns that the Navy had come looking for Whitebeard's treasure.
The island, not being a part of the World Government, received no mercy from the Navy. However, Weevil showed up and made the Navy retreat.

But then, Admiral Ryokugyu arrived and captured Weevil. This leads Miss Buckingham Stussy to seek Marco's help. Fearing Marco would not be sympathetic to her, she also claims that Vegapunk could confirm that Weevil is Whitebeard's son.
The episode ends with the revelation that St Jaygarcia Saturn of the Five Elders is on Kizaru's ship heading towards Egghead. He admits to having met Vegapunk in the past and says it is unfortunate of the scientist to have betrayed the World Government.
One Piece episode 1105 review

Following the thrill of the previous episode, in which Stussy switched sides and defeated both Kaku and Lucci, One Piece episode 1105 continues to establish storylines that all culminate in Vegapunk.
But the best part of the episode is the big reveal at the end: one of the Five Elders is on his way to Egghead. A fight between the Straw Hats and the top brass of the World Government was not expected so soon.
One Piece episode 1104 recap

In the previous episode of One Piece, it was revealed in a flashback that Vegapunk had asked Kuma to see if his Devil Fruit power could manifest mental images and memories. However, Kuma did not appear to agree with this proposal because he distrusted Vegapunk.
In the present, it was revealed that Kuma had consented to Vegapunk and created a paw-bubble storing his memories, which Bonney had discovered.
Meanwhile, at the Labophase, Kaku used his Awakened Devil Fruit form to fight Zoro, and Lucci ordered the Seraphim to attack Vegapunk's lab. However, Stussy betrayed them. As they lay unconscious, it was revealed that she is MADS' first successful clone, modeled after Miss Buckingham Stussy.
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