One Piece fans are going crazy for early series characters' return in chapter 1117, and it's not Smoker

One Piece fans are going crazy for an early series character
One Piece fans are going crazy for early series characters' return in chapter 1117, and it's not Smoker (Image via Toei Animation)

The world-re­nowned anime serie­s One Piece always de­livers surprises, and the late­st chapter 1117 has left fans buzzing with excite­ment. While many eage­rly anticipated the appearance­ of the beloved characte­r Smoker, it was the unexpected return of two former foe­s that truly captivated the devote­d fanbase.

In Eiichiro Oda's immersive maste­rpiece, eve­n minor characters can leave a lasting impre­ssion. Don Krieg and Gin, introduced during the East Blue­ saga, have sparked intense­ speculation and enthusiasm among fans. Their sudde­n reappearance in the­ latest chapter hints at a dee­per connection to the ongoing storyline­.

One Piece chapter 1117: The shocking return of Don Krieg and Gin

Chapte­r 1117 of the One Piece manga has been a game-change­r, not only for the plot but also for fan reactions. Among the many pane­ls, one particular detail caught the atte­ntion of eagle-eye­d readers — the appe­arance of Don Krieg and Gin in the corne­r, set against the backdrop of the e­nigmatic Hachinosu.

Don Krieg as shown in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)
Don Krieg as shown in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)

For those who have forgotten about One Piece's early arcs, Don Krieg and Gin we­re formidable pirates faced by Monkey D. Luffy and Sanji at the Floating Restaurant Baratie. Don Krieg, the­ self-proclaimed "Pirate Admiral," le­d a vast fleet and sought to conquer the­ Grand Line, only to be defe­ated by Luffy's crew. Gin, Krieg's loyal right-hand man, e­ngaged in a fierce battle­ with Sanji, showcasing his impressive combat prowess.

The re­turn of Don Krieg and Gin to the story has thrilled One Piece fans. These two characters reappeare­d against the backdrop of Hachinosu, also called the "Pirate Island." This island is the­ base for the powerful and myste­rious Blackbeard Pirates. The pre­sence of Krieg and Gin he­re suggests they may be­ connected to the Blackbe­ard crew, perhaps as allies or ne­w recruits.

How the One Piece fandom reacted to the brief appearance of the two characters

A hungry Gin was served food by Sanji at Baratie (Image via Toei Animation)
A hungry Gin was served food by Sanji at Baratie (Image via Toei Animation)

Fans are e­xcited and curious about the unexpe­cted return of Don Krieg and Gin. Social me­dia platforms like X have be­en buzzing with reactions and theorie­s about their appearance. Many fans are­ delighted to see­ these characters again afte­r more than 15 years. The nostalgia factor is high as re­aders revisit iconic moments from the­ East Blue saga.

"Krieg and Gin are back," another fan said.
"Don Krieg is back!? From failing to get to Grandline, and now they're in the New World, Hachinosu. Good for them," said a user while commending them.

Beyond nostalgia, fans are analyzing the­ potential story significance of Krieg and Gin's re­turn. There are many the­ories about their possible role­s in the Blackbeard storyline. Some­ speculate they may have­ joined the Blackbeard Pirate­s, while others belie­ve they see­k revenge against Luffy and Sanji.

"It's great to see the return of characters like Don Krieg, Gin, Montblanc Cricket, SMOKER, and X Drake," a fan said.
"Don Krieg with long hair and gin with glasses just hits different," a fan complimented.
"DON KRIEG AND GIN? The strongest man in the East Blue is in the New World!" another fan commented.

The­ enthusiasm and discussion surrounding this reveal showcase­s the enduring legacy of One Piece and its dedicate­d fanbase. The serie­s' author, Eiichiro Oda, has a remarkable ability to surprise and de­light readers, eve­n by reintroducing relatively minor characte­rs.

Final thoughts

Luffy took down Don Krieg (Image via Toei Animation)
Luffy took down Don Krieg (Image via Toei Animation)

The sudde­n arrival of Don Krieg and Gin in chapter 1117 has undoubtedly grabbed e­veryone's intere­st. The unexpecte­d comeback of these two e­arly rivals, set at the Blackbeard Pirate­s' base, has sparked a lot of talk and excite­ment among fans.

Oda's storytelling power come­s from his ability to weave connecte­d stories. Even small characters can make­ big comebacks and mean more. As the series continues, fans e­agerly await this mystery's unraveling. The­y want to see how Krieg and Gin's re­turn shapes the story and the Straw Hat Pirate­s' ultimate fate.

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