The Wano arc of the One Piece manga and anime series has proven to be a legendary story involving the Minks, Pirates, and Samurai. Throughout the arc, Kurozumi Orochi, the primary antagonist, played a pivotal role in the chaos within the land of Wano. Towards the end of the Wano arc, followers have been left wondering whether or not Orochi actually met his demise at the hands of Denjiro.
Many questioned if perhaps he had survived the battle by some means and may return sooner or later through the abilities of his devil fruit to threaten the citizens of Wano. His cunning nature and hunger for power have been shown throughout the arc, elevating suspicions that he may have one last dance up his sleeve.
One Piece: Kurozumi Orochi met his fate at the end of the Wano Arc
Following the dramatic conclusion of events in the land of Wano, it appears that Kurozumi Orochi met his fate. While Orochi does have a formidable Devil Fruit ability, allowing reincarnation after death presents an intriguing mystery to his fate.
The Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi, mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, grants him the power to transform into a massive, multi-headed serpent from Japanese folklore. This unique ability potentially enables his revival following his demise.
Towards the end of the battle, Orochi, who was set ablaze by Kanjuro's Kazenbo, attempted to kill Hiyori. However, Denjiro intervened, beheading Orochi's last head. Despite being reduced to a burning state, Orochi's hatred persisted. Hiyori declared the end of the Kurozumi grudge, and Orochi perished in the flames. The closing scene hinted at Orochi's end as the flames swallowed him.
One Piece: Who is Kurozumi Orochi and what was his grudge against the Kozuki Clan?
Kurozumi Orochi led the Wano Country as its Shogun, coming from the much-hated Kurozumi family. However, he held a strong resentment toward the Kozuki Clan, Wano's previous ruling family that had lost its power to Orochi.
Throughout the Wano story arc, Kurozumi Orochi faced death on numerous occasions, merely to come back each time owing to the ability of his Devil Fruit. He has exhibited notable resilience, surviving even after taking a direct hit from Kaido, thanks to the regenerative skills granted to him by the Yamata no Orochi Devil Fruit.
Orochi had longed for retaliation and devised a scheme to inflict disorder and distress upon Wano together with his partner, the formidable pirate Kaido. With their combined forces, they tyrannized the local population and took control of the land of Wano, transforming it into a land of torment.
Final thoughts
While the Wano arc of One Piece presents an engaging tale with several unexpected twists, questions linger about Kurozumi Orochi's destiny. It is strongly hinted that he met his end during the climactic battle against the Mink-Pirate-Samurai alliance.
Even though his Devil Fruit's unique powers spark debate on whether he may appear in the series once again, only the upcoming chapters will verify if he truly perished or if will he make a reappearance. As followers eagerly anticipate One Piece's continuation, mystery veils Orochi's ultimate fate.