The One Piece live-action adaptation has recently come under fire for its alleged CGI and storyline, according to a Netflix insider. The post by Twitter user @DivinitySeeker talks about Avatar: The Last Airbender before pointing out the flaws with the new adaptation of the One Piece franchise.
Live-action adaptations have gained a bad reputation in the anime fandom due to their tendency to miss rather than hit. The skepticism before the global release of One Piece live-action adaptation has been at an all-time high, with this new post confirming fans' worst fears. The critique of the first episode has been long and punctuated with the Twitter user's own opinions as well as his review of the Netflix insider.
One Piece live-action adaptation accused of having nonsensical plotlines, bad graphics, and a poor script
@DivinitySeeker writes that the story made no sense to people who approached the adaptation without prior knowledge of the events in the One Piece franchise and hence failed as a stand-alone piece of media. In a continuation of the first tweet, the user wrote that the first half of the first episode only featured flashbacks:
"On #OnePiece: in the first episode the first half is completely all flashbacks/features a Young Luffy, before we jump to the present and rush through introductions to Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji all within the remaining 15 minutes, a major deviation from the source material."
The post further mentioned that the tone of the show also failed to work in its context:
"As for the tone of the show: it’s not really working. The makeup/look of some of the cast look off, and the show jumps between being over the top goofy to being serious, and it’s jarring and inconsistent. They also built a giant set for Baratie for Episode 3."
User @DivinitySeeker then wrote that they knew nothing more than the information already conveyed, as they were only repeating what they thought could be interesting. They personally feel that the screencaps of the One Piece cast look fine since they seem like normal humans with strange hair colors.
What fans are saying about the One Piece live-action adaptation
If the One Piece live-action adaptation flops, as the first reviewers are saying, it will just be one more entry in a long line of disappointing failed live-action adaptations of anime after Death Note, Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball, Cowboy Bebop, and more. As such, fans do not have trouble believing these words.
The One Piece live-action adaptation is expected to stream on Netflix in late 2023. Fans now wait in anticipation to see if @DivinitySeeker's words come true or if they are yet to receive a welcome surprise.
The original manga is released weekly on Viz Media and MangaPlus, while the anime episodes can be watched on Crunchyroll. Stay updated with all anime and manga news by following us.