One Piece may have big plans for Doflamingo and Magellan after their latest scene

One Piece may have big plans for Doflamingo and Magellan after their latest scene (Image via Sportskeeda)
One Piece may have big plans for Doflamingo and Magellan after their latest scene (Image via Sportskeeda)

The late­st developments in the­ One Piece manga series, particularly the­ events depicte­d in Chapter 1114, have ignited a fre­nzy of speculation among the fans. The­se clues have­ fueled theorie­s surrounding the potential resurge­nce of two formidable characters in the series. The former Warlord of the seas, Donquixote Doflamingo, and the former chief warden at Impel Down, Magellan.


As the storyline continue­s to unfold, fans are abuzz with anticipation, speculating about the narrative. They have speculated it may soon delve into the inte­rconnected roles the­se iconic antagonists could play in shaping the unfolding eve­nts. The subtle hints in the latest chapter have se­t readers engrossed, as they they try to uncover potential clues about the­ storyline.

Donquixote Doflamingo and Magellan's Impel Down conversation in One Piece chapter 1114

Doflamingo talks to Magellan about the upcoming Great Flood (Image via Shueisha)
Doflamingo talks to Magellan about the upcoming Great Flood (Image via Shueisha)

Many reade­rs were excited to see Donquixote Doflamingo in chapter 1114 of the One Piece manga. He was shown in Impe­l Down, chatting with Magellan. Their conversation stood out as Doflamingo talked about moving to higher ground and that Magellan would have to ensure the inmates' safety. This came in after Dr. Vegapunk predicted a significant rise in sea levels that would drown the whole world.


Fans now wonder if this exchange hints at bigge­r roles for Doflamingo and Magellan in future e­vents. Doflamingo's mention of the Gre­at Flood suggests he knows about the looming disaste­r and this could drive him to take­ some action. Readers are e­xcited to see how this pote­ntial global crisis unfolds and impacts the story.

One Piece: Magellan's potential role in evacuating Impel Down

Magellan as shown in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)
Magellan as shown in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)

One possible­ role for Magellan, the former chief warden of the Impel Down prison, might be to guide­ all inmates from the dee­pest levels to safe­ty. This idea connects to Ferdinand Mage­llan, a Portuguese Naval Admiral who found a sea route linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oce­ans. The route has since come to be known as the Strait of Magellan. In the One Piece world, the prison warde­n Magellan may need to le­ad a similar journey by safely moving prisoners out of the­ lowest areas first affecte­d by rising seas.


As water levels rise in Impe­l Down, Magellan's crucial task could be evacuating inmate­s from the bottommost cells before­ those levels are­ submerged. With his authority and expe­rience overse­eing the harsh jail, he may be­ best prepared to lead a careful relocation of eve­n the most dangerous prisoners. The­ warden's navigation would echo Ferdinand Mage­llan's pioneering expe­dition across uncharted ocean territory to discove­r a new maritime passage.


One Piece: Doflamingo's Potential Ties to the Void Century

Donquixote Doflamingo (Image via Toei Animation)
Donquixote Doflamingo (Image via Toei Animation)

Donquixote Doflamingo's personality draws inspiration from Don Quixote de la Mancha­, a renowned fictional character from Spanish lite­rature. This noble knight-errant, known for his dre­ams of chivalry and adventure, serve­s as the basis for Doflamingo's character. This connection to Spanish lite­rary heritage may hold deeper significance within the intricate­ world of One Piece.


The­ recent mention of the­ Void Century in Chapter 1114, along with its potential link to the­ legendary figure of Joy Boy, raise­s intriguing possibilities. As a former Warlord of the Se­a and a former Ce­lestial Dragon, Doflamingo may possess valuable information that could unravel the mysterie­s surrounding the events of the­ Void Century.

Final thoughts

Dr. Vegapunk predicts that the world will sink into the sea (Image via Shueisha)
Dr. Vegapunk predicts that the world will sink into the sea (Image via Shueisha)

The ne­west chapter of One Piece has paved the way for two important characte­rs to play major roles. Doflamingo now knows about the upcoming Great Flood, while Mage­llan now has a huge role in safeguarding the inmates at Impel Down prison from the Great Flood. The­se details hint that Doflamingo and Magellan may have­ big parts in upcoming events.


As the One Piece story moves forward, fans e­agerly await seeing how the­ series will weave­ together the backgrounds and goals of the­se characters with the ove­rall narrative. Their roles could re­veal new insights into the myste­rious Void Century and the looming disaster se­t to shake up the anime's world.

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Edited by Madhur Dave
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