The ancient weapons in One Piece, known as Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus, are legendary tools of mass destruction with godlike powers. These weapons played a significant role during the Great War in the Void Century and are believed to have dramatically altered the world's geography by raising global sea levels.
A recent theory suggests that the ancient weapons, particularly Uranus, may have achieved this by changing the planet's rotational dynamics, thereby affecting its centrifugal force.
This article explores how the ancient weapons could have fundamentally altered the planet's functionality, contributing to the present-day rise in sea levels and reshaping the world as it is known.
The Ancient Weapons' impact on the One Piece world
The concept of ancient weapons in One Piece and their potential to raise sea levels, particularly Uranus, has intrigued many fans. Uranus likely erased an entire island, left a giant crater, and caused a continuous rise in water levels. The explanation for this phenomenon might lie in centrifugal force. With greater centrifugal force, water accumulates at the equator, whereas with less, it distributes more evenly.
This principle is observable on Earth, where sea levels are slightly higher near the equator than at the poles. One theory suggests that the One Piece world once spun much faster, resulting in more land around the poles and more water concentrated at the equator.
One Piece: The role of centrifugal force and planetary rotation
This theory finds support in the Grand Line's location around the equator, suggesting this area might have been the original sea before global sea levels rose, making the Grand Line's water levels significantly higher than they are now. Regarding the ancient weapons, two crucial facts are known: they can alter the planet's geology by destroying islands and causing worldwide earthquakes.
These factors are vital because earthquakes on Earth have been recorded to change the planet's rotational speed by a few microseconds. While this change is negligible, the earthquakes experienced on Earth are likely less dramatic than those caused by Uranus.
Given that earthquakes can affect Earth's rotational speed, albeit fractionally, it can be hypothesized that more powerful quakes, potentially triggered by not just one but three ancient weapons over a century, could significantly alter the planet's rotational force. This alteration could reduce the centrifugal force holding water at the equator, causing it to spread globally and give the appearance of rising sea levels.
Challenges and plausibility of this One Piece theory
One issue with this theory is that some countries, such as Alabasta and Wano, existed before the Void Century and continue to exist without significant changes. This inconsistency could be due to a retcon or oversight in the story. Nonetheless, the possibility remains valid. By examining the effects of centrifugal force, it is clear that faster planetary rotation would result in more water being concentrated at the equator and more land at the poles.
If the ancient weapons caused massive earthquakes, the planet's rotational speed could have decreased over time. This deceleration would redistribute water from the equator to the rest of the world, creating the illusion of rising sea levels.
Moreover, the geological impact of the ancient weapons, combined with their ability to cause worldwide earthquakes, suggests they could influence the planet's rotational dynamics. If these weapons were used extensively, the cumulative effect on the planet's rotation could be substantial, leading to significant sea level changes.
While the existence of ancient countries like Alabasta and Wano poses a challenge to this theory, it is possible that certain regions were unaffected or adapted to the changing conditions. The intricate history of the One Piece world leaves room for various explanations, and the notion of ancient weapons altering sea levels remains plausible.
Final thoughts
The interplay between centrifugal force, ancient weapons, and planetary rotation offers a compelling explanation for the rising sea levels in the anime and manga series. Despite some inconsistencies, this theory provides a fascinating perspective on the potential impact of ancient weapons on the world's geography.
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