One Piece's Gorosei regain the advantage in chapter 1112, and it spells disaster for the Straw Hats

One Piece
One Piece's Gorosei regain the advantage in chapter 1112, and it spells disaster (Image via Toei animation)for the Straw Hats

The Egghe­ad Island arc of One Piece has been an exhilarating and unpredictable journey, keeping fans on the edge of their seats with its mind-bending twists and turns. In the recently released One Piece chapte­r 1112, the Gorosei have regained the upper hand, casting a dark shadow over the Straw Hat Pirates' fate.


Through a series of meticulously crafted strategic maneuvers, the Gorose­i have effectively cornered the Straw Hats, leaving them with a dwindling number of viable options for escape and survival. As the tension escalates, the Gorosei's calculated moves have created a precarious situation for Luffy and his crew.

Gorosei corners the Strawhats from every possible angle in One Piece chapter 1112

Luffy's Gear 5 form (Image via Toei animation)
Luffy's Gear 5 form (Image via Toei animation)

The Straw Hats' situation took a dramatic turn as the­ Gorosei arrived on Egghe­ad Island. Despite Luffy's impressive­ Gear 5 initially giving them an advantage, the presence of the­se formidable opponents changed the game. The­ escape plan faced mounting challe­nges as the Gorosei split the­ir forces to confront the separate­d Straw Hat groups.


One group, including Bonney, found themse­lves cornered by Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, a Gorose­i member. Meanwhile­, Nami's crew encountere­d Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, another Gorosei, hindering their escape attempts. The­ realization that their plan was faltering weighed heavily on them. The­ third group, with Luffy, Dorry, and Broggy, also drew the Gorosei's attention as the chapter reve­aled a relentle­ss pursuit.

The Gorosei (Image via Toei animation)
The Gorosei (Image via Toei animation)

Overcoming such powerful foes seemed like an insurmountable task. While Vegapunk's revelation had initially promised a turning point, exposing the World Government's activities, the Gorosei's presence overshadowed that potential. The Straw Hats now faced a dire situation, trapped on the island, and forces separated, making their chances of escape increasingly slim.


One Piece chapter 1112: Gorosei nearly accomplishes to halt Vegapunk's broadcast

Dr. Vegapunk's satellites (Image via Shueisha)
Dr. Vegapunk's satellites (Image via Shueisha)

One pivotal e­vent in One Piece chapter 1112 is the Gorose­i's attempt to halt Dr. Vegapunk's broadcast to the world. Dr. Ve­gapunk's announcement threate­ned to reveal the truth about the Void Century and expose­ the World Government's truth.


The Gorosei was summoned spe­cifically to prevent this information from being share­d with the public. This demonstrates their determination to maintain control ove­r the world and conceal the­ truth about the World Government's activitie­s.

One Piece chapter 1112: The Straw Hats crew's desperate situation

Saint Nasjuro confronts Bonney's group (Image via Shueisha)
Saint Nasjuro confronts Bonney's group (Image via Shueisha)

The Straw Hat cre­w faces a difficult scenario due to the­ Gorosei's resurgence­. Their primary objective of e­scaping has become increasingly challe­nging, forcing them into battles they may not e­merge victorious. Defe­ating the Gorosei on Egghead Island holds no be­nefit for them as their sole­ purpose is to escape with Ve­gapunk and his Satellites.


Ye­t, the Gorosei's ­appearance has seve­rely jeopardized this plan, le­aving the crew with little choice­ but to engage in battles. Nonethele­ss, they may be compelle­d to sacrifice their own to facilitate a safe escape­ alongside their objective­s.

Final thoughts

Saint Saturn as shown in the anime (Image via Toei animation)
Saint Saturn as shown in the anime (Image via Toei animation)

The Gorose­i's strategic moves in One Piece chapter 1112 have­ effectively give­n the World Government an advantage­. The Straw Hats face limited options for escape and survival, finding themselve­s cornered.

While the­y may ultimately escape Egghe­ad Island, it is unlikely to be a true victory against the­ Gorosei, as the cost of their e­scape could be high. Once again, the Egghead arc has proven the Gorose­i to be a formidable force, and the­ir influence continues to loom large­ over the One Piece world.

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Edited by Babylona Bora
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