One of the most tragic and significant events in the One Piece series is the Tragedy of Ohara, where the island of Ohara was destroyed by a devastating attack by the Marines known as the Buster Call. This event had a profound impact on Nico Robin and her quest to uncover the secrets of the Void Century.
Chapter 1108 of One Piece manga provides a subtle indication that Professor Clover and potentially other scholars from Ohara may have lived through the catastrophic event. This clue has piqued interest and speculation among fans, as it questions the commonly accepted story surrounding what befell Ohara's scholars.
One Piece: Professor Clover and the potential survivors of Ohara
The latest chapter of One Piece featured an interesting line spoken by Dorry and Broggy that caught fans' attention. The two giants mentioned encountering a scholar who mentioned Dr. Vegapunk in his talks. Their discussion implies scholars from Ohara, renowned for striving to decode Poneglyphs and uncover truths about the Void Century, may have somehow survived the catastrophic Buster Call.
This scholar's potential survival leaves many questions about Ohara's erased history and what more could be uncovered about the mysterious Void Century. This discovery has elicited mixed reactions from fans. Some are hopeful that surviving characters from Ohara may contribute to the ongoing narrative. However, others argue that this diminishes the tragedy at Ohara since it was previously assumed that all scholars there had perished in the attack.
While anime fans want to see more from these characters, others feel that knowing they survived takes away the severity of what occurred at Ohara. An idea shared among many fans suggests that the scholar Dorry and Broggy spoke of might be Nico Robin's mother, Nico Olvia.
Olvia herself studied history as an archaeologist and left Robin alone at a young age. As an archaeologist from Ohara involved in translating the Poneglyphs, Olvia seems a probable match for the scholar who survived. Her background aligns with the details provided about the living scholar's origins and area of expertise.
Fans cannot rule out Jaguar D. Saul, the former Vice Admiral of the Giant race who helped Robin flee from Ohara. It was confirmed in One Piece chapter 1066 that Saul survived both the Buster Call and being frozen by Aokiji. Therefore, it could be possible that Saul is the person Dorry and Broggy referred to.
One Piece: The Tragedy of Ohara
Ohara was a peaceful island renowned for its scholars' quest for knowledge, especially researching the Poneglyphs. The World Government considered this research a danger since the Poneglyphs held forbidden details regarding the Void Century.
The scholars' pursuit of information troubled the World Government, threatening to expose long-hidden secrets from 100 years lost to history. While seeking to understand the past, the scholars risked their lives to secretly understand the history.
To prevent the world from knowing the truth, the World Government ordered a Buster Call, deploying mighty warships led by high-ranking Marine officers to sink the island of Ohara. The onslaught succeeded in reducing the entire land and all its scholars to rubble, erasing forever both their home and their studies.
Final thoughts
Chapter 1108 added speculation about Professor Clover and Ohara scholars surviving. This revelation adds intrigue to the ongoing story. The tragedy of Ohara was pivotal, and scholars surviving opens exciting possibilities. Fans eagerly await further developments from One Piece about Ohara's inhabitants and their link to the secrets of the Void Century. It remains unseen how this will affect the story and the Straw Hats' voyage over time.