The mysteries regarding Imu (or Im-sama) and Joy Boy could be the biggest enigmas of One Piece to this day. The revelation of these mysteries could lead to the disclosure of other mysteries.
Many theories in the past have linked these two figures, with the former representing the dark side of the Grand Line and the latter representing the bright side. But what is the relation between these two major historical figures of One Piece?
In this theory, the link between Imu and a very famous pirate from the One Piece series will be established to find out the relationship between the former and Joy Boy. The origins of Imu will also be related to the relationship between these two historical figures, which could show that Joy Boy was killed by Imu.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the One Piece manga series and might contain the author's opinion.
One Piece: Discovering the relationship between Joy Boy and Imu, and why the latter killed the former

Imu is the person who sits on the highest throne in Mariejois and has the whole World Government under their command. The gender of Imu hasn't been disclosed in the series, nor has any other information.
Joy Boy is a historical figure in One Piece who has been mentioned on different occasions. According to Zuniesha, the first Joy Boy existed during the Void Century and a new Joy Boy awakened during the Wano Arc as Monkey D. Luffy.
After the events of the Levely Arc, Sabo revealed everything that he saw about Imu and the Five Elders. Ivankov, upon hearing this, added that before the World Government was founded, there existed a "Saint Imu" in the first 20 Sovereigns. Fans speculate that Imu is Saint Imu or is related to this Saint. Saint Imu belonged to the Nerona House.
The word "Nerona" has "Nero" in its first half. Nero is the name of an ancient Roman Emperor (full name: Nero Claudius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus). Emperor Nero was famous for his greedy nature and also because he killed his mother.
This description could fit Imu because Imu is desperately after Nefartari Vivi as she could be a member of the "D." Imu is also greedy enough to not give anyone else their throne. But who are Imu's parents and would they kill a blood relation?

The word "Imu" has "Mu" in its second half, which refers to a mythical lost island of the same name. The land of Mu became known for its advanced technology and wise people.
It is also termed "the lost continent" because according to myths, Mu sank underwater during history, and still hasn't been found. The land of Mu was ruled by Emperor Ra Mu. The word "Ra Mu" means son of the Sun (or the son of the Sun God in Egyptian mythology) whereas the other name of the land of Mu was the Sun Empire.
So, considering Mu as "Imu," they are the son of the Sun God. The Sun God in One Piece, before Monkey D. Luffy, could be Joy Boy. So, Imu killed their father, who was Joy Boy. But one question remains unanswered—why would Imu kill their blood-related father?

Fans have managed to discover a shocking similarity between Imu and the former warlord, Donquixote Doflamingo. Doflamingo was also a former world noble whose family gave up their status as nobles because his father wanted to live the life of a normal person.
Just like Imu is considered the King of the World Government, Doflamingo was considered the King of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. During the last fight in Dressrosa Arc, Doflamingo used his "16 holy bullets" attack against Luffy. Similarly, when Mother Flame was launched onto Lulusia, Imu released 16 rays.
Doflamingo killed his father because he wanted to live as a Celestial Dragon and rule over the world. So, Imu could have killed Joy Boy (their father) for power, which was to rule over the Sun Empire.
Fans speculate that the Sun Empire could be the equivalent of the Ancient Kingdom. Imu stands as one of the only few people in the series who know about the Ancient Kingdom.
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