Each volume of One Piece contains a SBS section. A full-blown mine of information, this special question corner is used by One Piece author Eiichiro Oda to delve into topics he couldn’t adequately focus on in the manga. The column has a question-and-answer format that allows fans to interact directly with Oda.
While the mangaka often answers evasively, it’s not uncommon for him to use the SBS corner to reveal major unknown details or clarify important ambiguities.
Read on to find out all the information that Eiichiro Oda disclosed— ranging from the origins of Fujitora and Ryokugyu, Yamato’s first Devil Fruit to details about Egghead Vice Admirals, amongst others— in the SBS of One Piece volume 110, which will be released in Japan on November 1, 2024.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1131.
Everything Eiichiro Oda revealed in the latest One Piece SBS
Fujitora and Ryokugyu's past

Issho “Fujitora” and Aramaki “Ryokugyu” joined the Marines during the recent World Military Draft. Due to their insane combat prowess, they were chosen as the two new Admirals to replace Kuzan “Aokiji” and Sakazuki “Akainu”, the former having left the Navy and the latter having become the new Fleet Admiral.
One Piece author Eiichiro Oda revealed some information about Issho and Aramaki's backstories in the SBS of volume 110. A native of West Blue, Issho worked as the Aoi Kingdom’s military chief. During a tremendous conflict, the country was destroyed, and Issho became feared as a war criminal. Perhaps, this is the episode that Issho was referring to when he said he had blinded himself out of regret.
Oda also mentioned that Aramaki once worked as a police officer in South Blue's Taya Kingdom. One day, he was thrown into prison for causing a major incident with a woman. Unbothered by that, the World Government decided to use his remarkable strength, thereby making him one of the new Marine Admirals.
Yamato’s first Devil Fruit transformation

Yamato is Kaido’s daughter, self-proclaimed son due to a particularly deep form of respect and admiration for Kozuki Oden, A powerful fighter who can use all three types of Haki, including the advanced form of the Color of Conqueror, Yamato is also a proficient Devil Fruit user.
Yamato ate the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi no Makami, a particularly rare Mythical Zoan Fruit that bestows the power of a divine wolf. Known as Wano’s guardian deity, this beast not only enhances the user’s physical abilities, but also grants the power to create and manipulate ice.
Several years before the present One Piece narration, Kaido imprisoned Yamato— who at the time was just a child— in a cave without food to punish the former for admiring Oden. Tormented by hunger, Yamato found this fruit and ate it, only to be blessed by its extraordinary powers.
At present, transforming into the Okuchi no Makami causes Yamato to gain a white cloud around the shoulders, grow canine fangs and long, sharp claws, as well as a large white and blue tail, and fur of the same color. As a child, Yamato’s full animal form and human-animal hybrid form looked fluffier and much more delicate, seemingly lacking fangs and claws.
Who gave Luffy food during the Egghead Incident?

During the Egghead Incident, Monkey D. Luffy confronted Admiral Borsalino “Kizaru” to stop him from killing Dr Vegapunk. Eventually, Luffy struck Kizaru with Gum-Gum Star Gun, a formidable attack in which the young pirate used the Gear 5 transformation to enlarge his arm and deliver a spinning hook punch. Luffy also increased the blow's power output by using Armament and Conqueror’s Haki.
The attack sent Kizaru flying away, and apparently damaged him significantly. The Admiral stated that he needed to recover for a bit before getting up. That said, to perform this move, Luffy consumed all of his energy, which caused him to reach his limits and fall to the ground exhausted.
Shortly after, Luffy replenished his stamina by eating a massive quantity of food. The food appeared out of nowhere. None of the people around— neither Saint Saturn, nor Sanji, Franky, or Bonney— saw the mysterious benefactor. Sanji, Franky, and Bonney couldn’t help Luffy at the time, as they were held down by Saturn’s overwhelming aura.

Many One Piece fans assumed that the person who fed Luffy was Kizaru, who was shown in two different positions before and after Luffy started eating. As the user of the Glint-Glint Fruit, which allows him to move at the speed of light, Kizaru was the only person capable of gathering so much food, bringing it to Luffy, and moving away fast enough for no one to notice him.
Directly asked by a fan, One Piece author Eiichiro Oda didn’t explicitly say that the person who helped Luffy was Kizaru, but still made it clear by mentioning, repeatedly, that the action was done “at the speed of light”.
Ordered by the World Government to kill Vegapunk, one of his dearest friends, Kizaru ended up torn between his duties as a Marine and his feelings of friendship. Unable to openly defy the World Government, but still prey to his emotions, Kizaru tried to keep his Admiral rank while secretly helping Vegapunk’s side via Luffy.
If the young pirate stopped Saturn and the others, Kizaru would have saved his friends without having to switch sides. However, the plan failed. The subsequent developments forced Kizaru to attack and kill Vegapunk. This outcome broke Kizaru’s heart, leaving the usually relaxed and laid-back Admiral in deep pain.
Interestingly, this also confirms that Kizaru never put his maximum effort into the fight with Luffy. One Piece had already implied this when Kizaru, sent crashing into a Navy ship by Luffy, asked the surrounding Marines to leave him alone. When they questioned him about his wounds, Kizaru replied that he was hurt “deep inside”. Kizaru’s body was, however, unharmed.
Despite using Gear 5, Luffy’s blows didn’t hurt Kizaru. The Admiral was just suffering inside, feeling the guilt of Vegapunk’s death. If Kizaru had wanted to defeat Luffy, he could have easily struck the pirate’s vital points with a laser. Luffy was lying on the ground, completely vulnerable and defenseless. Kizaru didn’t do that, and instead fed Luffy to help him recover his stamina, which shows the Admiral’s good intentions.
Information about the Egghead Vice Admirals

In addition to Gorosei member Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, Marine Admiral Borsalino “Kizaru”, and thousands of soldiers, the World Government fleet sent to besiege Egghead also included nine Vice Admirals. Since one of them— Vice Admiral Doberman— was already well-known to readers, the SBS of One Piece volume 110 provided some insight about the remaining others.
Most of the aforementioned Vice Admirals are Devil Fruit users. Vice Admiral Pomsky ate the Otter-Otter Fruit, a Zoan Devil Fruit that turns him into a “Sea Otter Human” who can deliver powerful strikes with a seashell-shaped mace. Vice Admiral Urban ate the Cannon-Cannon Fruit, which gives him the ability to turn his own head into a cannon, becoming an “Artillery Human”.
Despite looking similar to Rear Admiral Kadar, a Marine officer who appeared in Fisher Tiger’s flashback, Vice Admiral Hound is a completely separate character from the former. Hound can transform himself into a hybrid between a human and a hunting dog, as he has the powers of Zoan Devil Fruit, the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Hunting Dog.
Vice Admiral Bluegrass uses the Ride-Ride Fruit to turn any living being or inanimate object within the range of her Haki into a vehicle that she can freely control. She was revealed to be on friendly terms with Tsuru, a famous Marine officer who played a prominent role during Gol D. Roger’s era.
Vice Admiral Doll is a martial artist who, according to Oda, has a “rock’n’roll” soul. Vice Admiral Tosa can combine Rokushiki and Armament Haki to perform a two-handed Finger Pistol, literally turning his hands into jaws that bite the target. Vice Admiral Guillotine can use the bladed ornament on his head as a boomerang. As for Vice Admiral Red King, he uses a steam engine to empower his punches.
The ages and heights of the members of SWORD

While encouraging readers to read the One Piece Vivre Card Databook for more precise information, Oda revealed some details about the members of SWORD. This secret Marine unit is formed by officers who have formally resigned from the Navy in order to operate with greater freedom of action.
So far, there are six known members of SWORD— Koby, Helmeppo, X Drake, Prince Grus, Hibari, and Kujaku. Here are their official ages and heights as revealed in the latest SBS:
- X Drake: He is 33 years old and 233 centimeters tall.
- Prince Grus: He is 29 years old and 205 centimeters tall.
- Kujaku: She is 26 years old and 180 centimeters tall.
- Helmeppo: He is 22 years old and 179 centimeters tall.
- Koby: He is 18 years old and 167 centimeters tall.
- Hibari: She is 17 years old and 165 centimeters tall.
Despite his name, Prince Grus is not an actual prince. He is, however, a very wealthy person. Oda also explained that Grus and Kujaku interact with Drake as peers, even though they are younger than him.
Other minor information featured in One Piece SBS volume 110

As usual, Oda used the SBS corner to joke around with the fans. He explained that the Gorosei’s elegant suits are high-end clothes created by Nyornyo Nyarmani, a designer who creates special garments that only the Gorosei can wear. Nyornyo Nyarmani is a reference to Giorgio Armani, a real-life Italian fashion designer who founded a world-class luxury fashion house.
Oda also showed how would Jinbe look like in his old age, drawing the Fish-Man in both his “good” and “bad” future versions. Finally, the author revealed a rather surreal detail about the One Piece world’s Longarm Tribe, a particular race of humans who have two elbows instead of one.
As per Oda’s own words, each of these elbows has its own name. The elbow closer to the hand is called the “Friend Elbow” while the one closer to the shoulder is called the “Love Elbow”.
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