If recent One Piece chapters have shown us anything, it’s that the Straw Hat pirates are rapidly approaching Yonko crew level, if not already there. Sanji and Zoro’s respective power ups have solidified this, making the three strongest Straw Hats able to hang with nearly any other top three in One Piece.
While their bounty values certainly reflect this jump in power, the epithets associated with them certainly do not. “Cat Burglar” Nami and “Cotton Candy Lover” Chopper don’t really fit who the characters are anymore in contemporary One Piece.
While some epithets still fit, there are some that need to change. With One Piece's Wano arc rapidly approaching its close, the time is now to reintroduce some Straw Hats once more with new epithets. This will truly make them feel like a Yonko level crew, and while not every member needs a new nickname there are some who certainly do.
One Piece: Which Straw Hats should and shouldn’t get a new epithet at the end of the Wano arc?
1) “Devil Child” Nico Robin: Shouldn’t

Recently in the Wano arc, Nico Robin fought against the Flying Six member, Black Maria. During this fight, Robin debuts a new devilish form against Maria and says for her friends she’ll even become a demon. This one line truly summates her growth as a character throughout One Piece.
As a result, the “Devil Child” moniker is very fitting for who Robin is, as we currently see her in One Piece. Robin embraces the nickname, seemingly making it an important part of her sense of self in the process. Therefore, Robin’s Devil Child epithet is extremely fitting and doesn’t need to change.
2) “Pirate Hunter” Zoro: Should

Given One Piece Chapter 1033, “Pirate Hunter” Zoro just really doesn’t feel right for the Straw Hat vice captain. Zoro has evolved beyond being a simple sword-wielding bounty hunter to a true swordsman who can tame even the most powerful of swords.
One Piece has drawn several parallels between Zoro and Legendary swordsmen Ryuma, the most recent being King’s comment that Ryuma was one-eyed as well. Ryuma was eventually called the “God of Swordsmen” and while Zoro isn’t God status yet, he does have a demon form used throughout One Piece. Therefore, the new epithet of “Demon Swordsman” Zoro is incredibly well fitting.
3) “First Son of the Sea” Jinbe: Shouldn’t

Being one of the elder statesmen of the Straw Hat crew, it doesn’t feel fitting to rebrand Jinbe this late into his piracy career. The moniker fits Jinbe too well, with the fish-man becoming a Schichubukai and arguably taking the first steps since Otohime to integrate fish-man and human society. Therefore, Jinbe’s epithet is fine and doesn’t merit changing.
4) “Black-Leg” Sanji: Should

Sanji’s epithet is an interesting case, as “Black-Leg” Sanji is still somewhat fitting. Sanji wears black pants, and his base style is still the Black-Leg style after all. However, Sanji’s kicks have received several upgrades throughout One Piece, as recently as in One Piece Chapter 1034.
While “Red-Leg” Sanji would be fitting considering his flamed feet, “Red-Leg” already belongs to Zeff, who taught Sanji how to fight in the first place. Considering Sanji now has the Diable Jambe and Ifrit Jambe, “Flame-Leg” Sanji would be a fantastic epithet for the Straw Hat chef.
5) “Cyborg” Franky: Shouldn’t

The “Cyborg” moniker is much too fitting for Franky to change it. While a pre-timeskip Franky might’ve merited a change in epithet, post-timeskip Franky has leaned too much into his cyborg aspects to merit a rebrand. There’s nothing that really fits the metallic man post-timeskip better than “Cyborg” Franky, and as a result Franky shouldn’t receive a new epithet after One Piece's Wano arc.
6) “Cat Burglar” Nami: Should

While Nami’s “Cat Burglar” nickname was incredibly well fitting for her pre time-skip character, it doesn’t really fit who she contemporarily is. Although still having a deep love for money, Nami isn’t necessarily stealing and robbing as she used to during One Piece's first half.
What has been constantly emphasized throughout One Piece is Nami’s affinity for predicting sudden weather patterns. Therefore, “Weather Witch” would be a great epithet, which describes Nami in addition to reading very well.
7) “Soul King” Brook: Shouldn’t

Unlike other Straw Hat members, Brook has already received an epithet change. During his time with the Rumbar Pirates and his early Straw Hat days, Brook was known as “Humming” Brook. The “Soul King” nickname didn’t come about until during the timeskip when Brook toured the world as a singing musician.
With Brook already having changed off of one epithet himself, it doesn’t make sense for the chuckling skeleton to receive a third epithet. As a result, “Soul King” Brook will stay just that at the end of the Wano arc.
8) “God” Usopp: Should

Like Brook, Usopp has already had two epithets, those being “Sniper King” and “God” Usopp. Unlike Brook, however, “God” Usopp is not a fitting title and merits change at the end of Wano. While the “Sniper King” epithet was associated with his masked alter ego, it is one that fits Usopp very well.
Usopp has already proven himself as a sniper; his shot on Sugar quite literally saved the day in the Dressrosa arc. Therefore, Usopp should drop the epithet of “God” and instead become “Sniper King” Usopp, a much more fitting title.
9) “Straw Hat” Luffy: Shouldn’t

Like others on this list, “Straw Hat” Luffy simply encapsulates Luffy too perfectly. It’s iconic and incredibly fitting to the character. Luffy is a very simple man, and this simple moniker based off his appearance envelops that theme incredibly well. Therefore, no matter how big Luffy gets, he should always be known as “Straw Hat” Luffy, come Wano’s end and beyond.
10) “Cotton Candy Lover” Tony Tony Chopper: Should

“Cotton Candy Lover” was always a gag epithet linked closely with the World Government’s belief that Chopper is the crew’s pet. In addition to his low bounty, the gag is meant to highlight how not-intimidating Chopper is to opponents.
Yet after Chopper’s doctoring success during the Onigashima Raid, he just feels like too valuable a Straw Hat member to not be taken seriously. If the audience takes him seriously, other characters within the One Piece world should as well. In an homage to Chopper’s Monster Point and the “I’m not a tanuki” gag, the epithet of “Monster Tanuki” along with a true bounty would be a fantastic new choice.