In One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates have arrived near the end of their journey. Things have been intensifying, big players have been making decisive moves, and some secrets are finally being revealed. It is about time that the final Road Poneglyph's location is disclosed as well.
In the world of One Piece, there are thirty Poneglyphs in total. They are classified into three types. The first type is the Historical Poneglyph, which is the most common. They contain ancient inscriptions that reveal the world's true history. The next Poneglyph is the Instructional Poneglyph, which indicates the location of other Poneglyphs, most commonly historical ones. Finally, there is the highly sought-after Road Poneglyph.
So, what is the big deal about the Road Poneglyphs? Continue reading to find out.
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers from One Piece.
Here is why the Road Poneglyph is so important to everyone who dreams of becoming the next pirate king in One Piece
Why are the Road Poneglyphs so important to pirates?

The Road Poneglyphs are massive red blocks made of indestructible material with mysterious inscriptions on them. Once all four are discovered, they will indicate the location of the Grand Line's final island, the submerged Laugh Tale island.
The pirate king Gol D. Roger left behind his infamous treasure, One Piece, on Laugh Tale island. As a result, Road Poneglyphs are essential to pirates aspiring to be the next pirate king.
However, it's not just about One Piece. When Roger and his crew arrived at Laugh Tale, they discovered the truth about the Void Century, the true nature of the Ancient Weapons, the meaning of the "Will of D.," and Joy Boy's past. The future pirate king will probably discover these secrets as well.
Only three Road Poneglyphs have been discovered so far - one in Zou with the Minks, the other with the Big Mom, and the third with Kaido. The Straw Hats have managed to obtain three Road Poneglyphs. Once they find the last one, it will lead them from Lodestar Island to Laugh Tale.
Where could the fourth Road Poneglyph be?

The Poneglyphs are well-known in One Piece, but they are forbidden subjects of study. The World Government dislikes anyone who seeks the Road Poneglyphs because they are indestructible, contain truths about the world, and information about ancient weapons.
As a result, there has been some speculation about the location of the fourth and final Road Poneglyph, with one theory claiming that the World Government has hidden the Poneglyph to safeguard their secrets.
There have been other theories about the final Road Poneglyph's location. It could be in Elbaf, the fortified island of the Giants, which has long been established as a must-visit destination for the Straw Hats, particularly Usopp.
Shanks, a former Roger Pirates member, could also be hiding the Poneglyph so that only the most deserving person becomes the pirate king. The Poneglyph is also thought to be in possession of Blackbeard or the Revolutionary army.
However, one thing mangaka Eiichiro Oda has done successfully is withhold information for twenty-five years without losing fans' interest. It remains to be seen how events will unfold and whether or not the Road Poneglyph and Laugh Tale Island will be discovered.