One Piece, an anime and manga series created by Eiichiro Oda, has gained popularity over the past twenty years. It enthralls fans with captivating adventures featuring Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of pirates, known as the Straw Hat Pirates. Their objective centers around the search for a treasure called the One Piece. Along their voyage, they face challenges, including rival pirates, powerful marines, and even encounters with divine entities.
Among the intriguing characters in the series, Jinbe stands out—a formidable fishman celebrated for his extraordinary strength. A comparison between Jinbe and Arlong underscores Jinbe's superior prowess and capabilities in One Piece's dynamic and action-packed world.
One Piece: Difference in the power level of Jinbe and Arlong
Jinbe, also referred to as the First Son of the Sea, is widely acknowledged as one of the formidable characters in the One Piece world. His incredible strength comes from his Fishman lineage, which gives him improved abilities and expertise in underwater combat. Moreover, Jinbe is a skilled martial artist with a remarkable command over Fishman Karate, a distinctive fighting technique involving manipulating water and delivering powerful blows.
On the other hand, Arlong, a Fishman pirate and former captain of the Arlong Pirates, falls short compared to Jinbe's might. While Arlong was undoubtedly a formidable villain during the early stages of the series, his power level pales compared to Jinbe's. Arlong primarily relies on his Fishman strength and sharp teeth to overpower opponents, but he lacks the refined techniques and combat experience that Jinbe possesses.
One Piece: First Son of the Sea, Jinbei
Jinbe, a Warlord of the Sea and the former leader of the Sun Pirates, is a highly respected individual in the anime world. Being a Fishman, he was born at Fishman Island and possesses remarkable physical abilities. Jinbe's personality is characterized by his strong sense of ethics and commitment to safeguarding those dear to him.
Throughout the series, Jinbe has showcased his exceptional combat abilities and strategic thinking. His expertise in Fishman Karate allows him to manipulate water to devastating effect, enabling him to strike with incredible force and precision. Moreover, Jinbe's proficiency in Haki further solidifies his dominance in battles.
One Piece: Arlong, the Saw
Arlong, the notorious fishman pirate, played a significant role in the early arcs of the anime. As the captain of the Arlong Pirates, he terrorized the East Blue and held the village of Cocoyashi under his oppressive rule. Arlong's strength lies in his Fishman heritage, granting him superior physical attributes, endurance, and underwater combat skills. He is known for his sharp teeth, which easily tear through solid materials.
However, when compared to Jinbe, Arlong falls short in several aspects. While Arlong was formidable as an antagonist, stronger foes ultimately surpassed his abilities. Arlong lacked the refined techniques and combat experience that Jinbe possesses, making him unable to compete with the First Son of the Sea on an equal footing.
Final thoughts
In One Piece, Jinbe surpasses Arlong in strength due to his mastery of Fishman Karate, proficiency in Haki, and strategic thinking. While Arlong was a significant early villain, his power level doesn't match Jinbe's. Strength in this anime involves character development and experiences, and Jinbe's evolution through interactions with powerful characters solidifies his powerhouse status. As the story progresses, power dynamics may shift, but Jinbe's formidable position remains established.