One Punch Man is a popular shonen manga series known for its intricate art style. So far, the series has released 154 chapters and is currently in the Monsters Association arc. Fans eagerly await the upcoming chapter as Saitama finally makes an appearance towards the end of the chapter.
According to sources, chapter 155 of One Punch Man will be released during the first week of December. It is important to note that official sources have not confirmed the date of release for the upcoming chapter.
One Punch Man Chapter 155 is releasing soon
One Punch Man Chapter 155 will be released on December 6, 2021. Fans can be on the lookout for spoilers and raw scans that should be available by now. Unlike most shonen manga series, One Punch Man does not follow a release schedule. Therefore it is hard to predict when the next chapter will be released.
Fans will have to wait for a few weeks after the release of the latest chapter since Viz Media takes some time to update their chapter list. However, the latest chapters of One Punch Man will be available on Viz for free.
One Punch Man Chapter 154 recap
The battle between the master and pupil comes to a close as Garou beats Bang, who collapses on the ground and is unconscious. Garou hears Bang’s words, and the case covering the eye breaks. He lets out a huge scream and dashes towards Fuhrer Ugly, who is about to land a lethal blow on Bang.
Meanwhile, King stares down Platinum Sperm as they prepare for a one-on-one battle. King unfolds his hands, implying that he is about to get serious. The heroes start cheering for him as he is about to “unleash” Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wave Motion Cannon. Just as he puts his arms forward in an attempt to unleash the attack, Garou sends Ugly Fuhrer flying into this area.
This knocks out Platinum Sperm, and Evil Natural Water releases a stream of water towards Garou, who deflects it in time. This knocks down all the dragon-level threat monsters. At a normal speed, this looked like something King had done, and he was utterly shocked by the events that transpired before his eyes.
Soon, there appears to be a tear in the fabric of space that pushes out the One Punch Man protagonist, Saitama, and Flashy Flash. Fans are excited to see how the upcoming chapter will progress from this point onwards.