With the release of One Punch Man chapter 191, fans witnessed Garou's long-awaited return. While his return was huge for fans, that event wasn't the most significant plot point in the latest chapter. The manga's latest chapter saw Sekingar and Metal Bat transfer to the Neo Heroes, and King confesses his biggest secret to Bang.
In chapter 190, Child Emperor renamed himself Wild Emperor and joined the Neo Heroes. Meanwhile, Zombieman looked for a way to get his limiter removed like Saitama. Elsewhere, McCoy planned on betraying the Hero Association and joining the Neo Heroes.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the One Punch Man manga.
One Punch Man chapter 191: King reveals secret of "King Engine" to Bang

One Punch Man chapter 191 opened with Sekingar handing over his cybernetic eye and hand to the Hero Association as he had decided to resign from the organization. All the executives were shocked as McCoy took the initiative to question his decision.
Upon questioning, Sekingar revealed that he was transferring to Neo Heroes for a better position. While McCoy tried to paint him as a traitor, Sitch immediately came to his aid as he was the one who was sending Sekingar to the Neo Heroes. The Neo Heroes organization looked fishy from every angle, so Wild Emperor and Sekingar were transferred to investigate it undercover.

As Sekingar was heading toward the Neo Heroes' chopper's location, he found Metal Bat waiting for him. Metal Bat revealed that he was set to act as a bodyguard for Sekingar at Neo Heroes. Thus, both of them headed for their new workplace.
One Punch Man chapter 191 shifted its focus to Silver Fang's dojo, where Garou had become a member. While he regularly got scoldings from Bang for his bad behavior, his overall demeanor had changed. He was trying to turn over a new leaf and had acquired a part-time job as well.

Soon after Garou left for work, an unexpected visitor arrived at the dojo. A shocked Charanko immediately ran to Bang, informing him about the visitor. The visitor was none other than King, who wanted to speak to Silver Fang.
Following his encounter with Atomic Samurai and his subordinates, King was close to getting caught for his lies. Given that he could no longer handle the pressure of hiding the truth, he wanted to come clean. Hence, King revealed to Bang that he was weak and had no powers.

Humorously, when King went to Bang wanting to reveal the same, his "King Engine" was "turned on," hence Bang could not hear him at first. Nevertheless, King conveyed the same to Bang properly and expressed his desire to become strong.
Final thoughts on One Punch Man chapter 191
One Punch Man chapter 191 saw King wanting to train under Bang. Hence, fans can expect King to join Silver Fang's dojo and become strong. That said, this development could also lead to Garou learning King's secret. With that, fans can hope for several humorous events in the manga's future.