One Punch Man mangaka, Yusuke Murata, recently took to Twitter and confirmed the release date for the upcoming chapter. As per the mangaka’s announcement, One Punch Man chapter 185 will be released on June 1, 2023. There has been a slight delay in the production of this chapter due to the mangaka’s health.
This health update was also provided on Twitter, but it seems like Murata has been nursed back to health. Fans were extremely happy to note that the mangaka is feeling better and expressed their excitement in reading the upcoming chapter as well.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the One Punch Man manga and webcomic chapters.
One Punch Man chapter 185 could possibly reveal the heroes that will join Neo Heroes
Chapter 185 release details
As per the announcement on Twitter, One Punch Man chapter 185 will be released on June 1, 2023, at 12 am JST.
The latest chapter will be available on Tonari no Young Jump. For the English version of the manga, fans will have to wait until it’s translated and added to Viz’s catalog. Fans can monitor the r/OnePunchMan subreddit in case they wish to know about a couple of spoilers that are usually released a day prior to the chapter’s release.
In his tweet, the mangaka said that he was unwell but has now recovered and is working on the manuscript for the upcoming chapter.
A quick recap of chapter 184
Chapter 184 started with the Heroes Association approaching Tatsumaki for a commercial to recruit more heroes. The organization felt that this was an important step in bolstering the manpower after being subjected to a recent chain of events.
Tatsumaki begrudgingly agreed to partake in the shoot. She showed her usual temperamental side, which was doctored using AI, making Tatsumaki appear cute. This angered the S-class hero.
Soon, the scene shifted to a meeting where higher-ups were seen expressing their anger over Metal Knight.
His so-called Impregnable Fortress was utterly destroyed by Saitama and Tatsumaki.
Meanwhile, Axel (Accel), the leader of a vigilante group named Hunters, was approached by a Heroes Association scout. He refused her offer and told her that Neo Heroes would replace the current organization. Similarly, Raiden, who was another hero, also informed a scout of his transfer to the Neo Heroes.
The chapter concluded with Axel informing the scout about numerous S-class heroes who plan on joining the Neo Heroes. He even mentioned that donors were transferring their investments to the new organization.
In the last panel, we see Genos being doubtful about the current organization, and possibly making a decision to join Neo Heroes as well.
What to expect in chapter 185
The upcoming chapter could potentially reveal all the heroes that will join the Neo Heroes. Additionally, there is a ton of activity taking place behind the scenes. The Heroes Association is in deep trouble, and it will be interesting to see how they navigate through this chaos. Given that Child Emperor uncovered the truth behind numerous cover-ups, he realized that this organization could not be trusted.
The upcoming chapter could reveal Child Emperor potentially joining Neo Heroes. Similarly, chapter 185 should also shed more light on Genos’ decision as well. It is an important aspect of the manga since it could massively shift the entire trajectory of his career.
Stay tuned for more One Punch Man anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.