One Punch Man mangaka Yusuke Murata recently took to Twitter to announce that the manga would be on a break for about a month. However, Chapter 170 was released on the very same day and marked the conclusion of the Monsters Association arc of the series. The chapter had a ton of elements for fans to enjoy and certainly painted Garou in a new light.
The chapter focused a lot on Bang and Garou, but one detail seemed to have shocked the entire One Punch Man fanbase. This particular detail in Chapter 170 hinted at the return of Garou in the future arcs of the series. In addition to this, Garou’s role in the series might take a complete U-turn. Let’s take a look at Chapter 170 and understand why fans have reason to believe that Garou could return in the future arcs.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from Chapter 170 of One Punch Man. Sportskeeda claims no ownership of the media used in this article unless otherwise stated.
One Punch Man: Will Garou return in the future arcs?
The latest chapter of One Punch Man featured Garou giving a lengthy and passionate exposition on justice while a police officer was sitting there confused. In fact, Garou was accompanied by Bang, and the Hero Hunter was there to apologize for the dine and dash incident that took place in Chapter 87 of the series. Bang and Garou were walking along the street, and the master stated that he and Garou could now apologize to everyone who was hurt when Garou was hunting down heroes.
It was clear that Garou was done with his evil ways and wanted to make up for all that he had done in the past. Bang, being his former master, held himself accountable for Garou’s actions and wanted to help him become a better person.
As the two walked down the road, Garou said that he wanted to fight some of the heroes, including Saitama, in order to undergo the awakening process without monsterization. Bang said that he would mentor Garou and mentioned that he was in much better shape thanks to Metal Knight’s maintenance.
It is quite clear that Garou will continue training to become stronger. However, the important detail that seemed to have shocked the entire fanbase was revealed when Sitch was having a conversation with Sekingar in the Heroes Association HQ.
Sitch mentioned that Bang had sent in his papers and that he had resigned from the association. Bang would also become Garou’s official guardian as well. Sitch went on to mention that Bang would be introducing Garou to the Heroes Association. Sitch was contemplating the backlash that the association might face from the rest of the heroes, given the events that had transpired in the recent past.
This is a clear indication that Garou may not only possibly undergo an awakening during the course of One Punch Man, but he will most likely join the Heroes Association as an S-class hero. Garou’s potential, combined with Bang’s guidance, could make him one of the strongest heroes in the association.
Fans are excited to see Garou fight alongside some of their favorite heroes in the future arcs of the series. Readers should stay tuned for more manga and anime updates as 2022 progresses.