The protagonist of the One Punch Man series has an incredible amount of strength, yet his potential is still unexplored. However, there are a few characters in the series who have seen glimpses of Saitama’s full range of prowess, and they are intrigued, to say the least. One such character is Speed-o’-Sound Sonic.
Sonic first made an appearance in season 1, and since then, he has considered Saitama to be his eternal rival. As the series progressed, he developed an obsession with this character.
This has led to an often-asked question: why is Speed-o'-Sound Sonic intrigued by Saitama in the One Punch Man series? The reason for his obsession lies in his personality as well as his goals. Analyzing these will help us understand why he is obsessed with the Caped Baldy.
One Punch Man: Reason behind Speed-o'-Sound Sonic's obsession with Saitama

When Speed-o’-Sound Sonic was first introduced, he was an assassin on hire and was tasked with neutralizing a threat. In his pursuit of defeating Hammerhead, a small mishap led to the target’s escape who later encountered Saitama. He got humbled and fled the forest, buck-naked. Hammerhead decided to turn over a new leaf, and Saitama let him go.
This is when Speed-o’-Sound Sonic encountered the Caped Baldy for the first time. Since he was bald, Sonic assumed that he was one of Hammerhead’s lackeys. However, he tried to attack Saitama twice, and the latter was able to read his movements with relative ease. At first, Sonic was livid that his target had escaped, and now Saitama’s counter had only added fuel to the fire.
Sonic attacked Saitama with everything he had. However, the One Punch Man protagonist efficiently dodged the attack and ended up hitting the ninja in a very sensitive spot, forcing him to flee. At that stage, Sonic declared that he would no longer work for money.
He decided to dedicate the rest of his life to defeating Saitama. This encounter was very important in the One Punch Man series since the assassin looked at Saitama as a worthy rival.
Sonic is the type of character who wants to be the best fighter around. He has spent a substantial amount of his time training and perfecting the art of swordsmanship. He also exhibits a great deal of pride, and losing someone isn’t acceptable.

Since Saitama was one of the first people to utterly defeat him with little to no effort, Sonic's pride was hurt. At the same time, he also respects Saitama in the One Punch Man series. This is the reason why Speed-o’-Sound Sonic is obsessed with the Caped Baldy.
Fans particularly enjoy the effect this has on Genos. The Demon Cyborg is another character who witnessed Saitama’s true power and, therefore, became his student. Genos often looks down on Sonic’s obsession with Saitama. Anytime Sonic challenges Saitama, Genos almost always interferes and attempts to fight the former on his master’s behalf.
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