Oshi No Ko, the highly anticipated anime adaptation of the popular manga series by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari, has made waves in the anime community. With the release of the first episode, fans were left on the edge of their seats, eager for more. However, their anticipation was fueled even further when a key visual for the second episode was leaked online ahead of schedule.
The anime adaptation of Oshi No Ko is produced by Doga Kobo, under the direction of Daisuke Hiramaki. After the release of the first episode of the 90-minute-long special, fans were overwhelmed by the stunning storyline and animation of the series.
As they eagerly awaited the second episode, the leaked visual and potential episode title sparked even more excitement and speculation among fans.
Oshi No Ko episode 2 speculated to cover up to chapter 13 of the manga
Earlier today, a Twitter account named @oecuf0 posted a tweet containing a still picture of Oshi No Ko episode 2, which has made fans go berserk on the internet. The account also shared the possible title and how much the episode will adapt from the manga.
The second episode is likely to be titled The Third Option. Additionally, the episode is speculated to cover up to chapter 13 of the manga. This information has fans excited to see how the story will progress and what new developments will unfold in the anime adaptation.
A brief recap of Oshi No Ko episode 1
In the first episode of Oshi no Ko, fans are introduced to Gorou, a doctor and fan of the young idol, Ai Hoshino. Gorou's life takes a turn when he meets Sarina, a young girl who dreams of becoming an idol like Ai but tragically passes away at the age of 12.
Later, Gorou discovers that his new patient is none other than Ai herself, who is pregnant. Despite his best efforts, Gorou dies under mysterious circumstances.
Ai gives birth to the twins, Aqua and Ruby, who are the reincarnations of Gorou and Sarina. The twins retain their memories and mental maturity from their past lives and work together to support Ai.
However, tragedy strikes again when Ai is murdered by an obsessive fan. Aqua realizes that the fan who killed Ai is connected to the mysterious man who murdered him in his previous life.
As the episode concludes, Aqua and Ruby grow into teenagers, with Aqua vowing to avenge Ai's death and uncover the truth behind the mysterious circumstances surrounding their family.
Final thoughts
Fans were already surprised and captivated by the first episode of Oshi No Ko, and the anticipation for the rest of the series is palpable. With leaked visuals and episode titles, the excitement for the second episode has reached new heights.
As Oshi No Ko continues to capture the attention of the anime community, it is clear that the series has struck a chord with its audience. With its unique blend of drama, mystery, and emotional depth, Oshi No Ko has already established itself as a must-watch series.