Episode 11 of Overlord season 4 is right around the corner as fans anxiously wait for it to drop. The previous episode ended with Ainz being pissed at the nobles for their actions. He was looking forward to the war, but now, it has become a mere task for him.
In the meantime, the adventure group Red Drop has yet to reveal much more about itself. It is still a mystery as to who was the power-suit-wearing warrior that had appeared at E-Naeul to face off against the Death Knight and Death Warrior. Was he a player, or did he receive the suit from a player?
Overlord season 4 episode 11 will be released next week

Overlord season 4 episode 11, titled Well-prepared Traps, will be released on September 13, 2022, at 10:00 pm JST. The release date and time will vary across different time zones around the world.
The anime will be available to watch on Amazon Prime Germany, Ani-One Asia (for members only), and Crunchyroll. Season 4 of Overlord is set to have a total of 13 episodes, which means that, after the release of episode 11, we will be left with two more episodes of the anime.
The episode is set to be released internationally at the following times:
- Pacific Daylight Time: 6:00 am PDT
- Central Daylight Time: 8:00 am CDT
- Eastern Daylight Time: 9:00 am EDT
- British Standard Time: 2:00 pm BST
- Indian Standard Time: 6:30 pm IST
- Central European Summer Time: 3:00 pm CEST
- Australian Central Daylight Time: 8:30 pm ACDT
- Philippines Time: 9:00 pm PHT
What to expect from Overlord season 4 episode 11?
Based on the previews put out by Madhouse, Overlord season 4 episode 11 will focus on two aspects: The War with the Re-Estize Kingdom and finding out how the Red Drop member acquired the powered suit from Yggdrasil.
While the war with the Re-Estize Kingdom had become a mere boring task of eliminating 400 thousand troops due to the foolish actions of the nobles, there was still an enemy who was lurking around.
In the meantime, Cocytus will enter the Re-Estize Kingdom as the Sorcerer King is left watching from nearby. Soon, Ainz will be forced to make a move. Elsewhere, Cocco Dol, who had been in prison because of Brain Unglaus, will be rescued by the Eight Fingers. It is an underground syndicate that has been controlling the entire Re-Estize Kingdom from the shadows.
What happened last time? Recap of episode 10
Overlord season 4 episode 10, titled The Last King, had Ainz re-direct the war to the country’s capital, trying to keep his promise to Pestonya to avoid annihilating all people. In the meantime, Prince Zanac took over the military power of his kingdom, after he had his father, King Ramposa III imprisoned.
Elsewhere in the kingdom, a secret meeting took place. The meeting was attended by Red Drop leader Azuth Aindra, Blue Rose members, and Theocracy's special forces unit, Black Scripture.
Black Scripture was looking to hire the group members to fight against the Sorcerer Kingdom. However, both groups rejected the proposal.

After some time had passed, it was time for the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Sorcerer Kingdom to meet on the battlefield. But before the battle, Prince Zanac chose to go speak to Ainz to understand the need for their war.
After Ainz was able to relay his willingness to annihilate another kingdom to protect his loved ones, Zanac accepted Ainz’s need for war.
After Prince Zanac headed back to his tent, he was ambushed by the nobles. They beheaded him and brought his head to Ainz. However, Ainz was pissed and was no longer interested in the war. He sent the nobles to the Neuronist and assigned Cocytus and Maze to lead the war.