Overlord is a popular anime series, debuted in 2015. It was adapted from a light novel written by Kugane Muyarama. This is one of the few anime series with 13 episodes in a season and was well-received by fans who were into MMORPG.
Overlord fans have been quite excited since a recent tweet revealed the release window along with a new teaser that has the entire fanbase hyped.
Diving into 'Overlord' Season 4 key visual and the upcoming release
A recent tweet from the official page of Overlord revealed the release window, first preview, and a key visual of the upcoming season. Following the tweet, the team decided on the exact date of release and that it would be broadcast in 2022. However, further announcements will reveal the release date and time.
The first preview of Overlord Season 4 is out and has fans excited for what is to come. While the preview has not revealed much about the show, the quality of the animation and the soundtrack complimenting it has given fans a lot to look forward to.
About 'Overlord'
Overlord was a light novel series, later illustrated by So-bin. Then it received an anime adaptation from Madhouse, releasing the first season in 2015. The series released two more seasons, all of which enjoyed a fair amount of success.
The final hour of YGGDRASSIL has come. But the master of Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga has made up his mind and wants to spend a few more minutes in the game while the server shuts down. But to his shock, the non-player characters have developed personalities, and he is fully conscious despite the clock striking midnight.
Momonga finds this quite odd and wants to learn more about this phenomenon. He calls for his subjects and orders them to begin a thorough investigation to understand the reason behind the events that transpired in the game.