Based on Miwa Ueda's original manga, the Peach Girl anime is still renowned to this day for its take on high school love triangles, friendships, and betrayal. It follows the story of Momo Adachi and her struggles with her self-image and romantic life.
A major portion of the Peach Girl anime is focused on Momo's complicated love life, which involves her long-time crush Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori and Kairi Okayasu. Given how Momo had to navigate the complexities and ups and downs of high school relationships throughout the series, fans often wonder if Momo actually got together with Kairi at the end of the anime.
Exploring Momo and Kairi's relationship at the end of the Peach Girl anime
Despite their will-they-won't-they dynamic throughout the series, Momo Adachi and Kairi Okayasu ended up in a romantic relationship with each other at the end of the Peach Girl anime, much to the delight of the fans who were rooting for them to get together.
Throughout most of the series, Momo is involved in a love triangle with Kairi and Toji, her middle school crush and first boyfriend. She also has to deal with Sae Kashiwagi, her best friend in high school, who is also her worst enemy behind her back.
Momo Adachi started the series as a gorgeous yet often misunderstood high school girl, mainly due to her tanned skin and bleached hair, which gave birth to several outlandish assumptions and rumors about her.
That said, all these rumors were started by Momo's so-called best friend, Sae herself, who was envious of the former and constantly schemed to ruin her happiness. In fact, she was only close with Momo to ruin her efforts to get close to Toji.
On the other hand, the relationship between Momo and Kairi began with yet another misunderstanding, as the former had intentionally lied to Sae that she had feelings for the latter.
This led to a whole new bunch of rumors that Momo got into an altercation with some girls from the "Kairi Fan Club." Kairi further fueled the rumors by saying that he and Momo had once kissed two years ago when the latter had saved the former from drowning and given him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Thus, to make the rumors come true, Kairi decides to woo Momo and eventually steal a kiss from her while the latter still has her eyes on Toji. As the series continued, the love triangle between the three got even more complicated. After a series of betrayals and breakups, Momo decides to stay with Toji at the end of episode 24 of the Peach Girl anime.
That said, Momo's heart still wasn't fixated on Toji despite finally being with the one she had loved for so long. Instead, Kairi was all she could think about while on a date with Toji, and she started doubting her decision.
In the final episode of the Peach Girl anime, Kairi goes to Shiranami with Sae to rest his feelings for Momo. However, he ended up losing the phone case that Momo had made for him and immediately dived after it. Sae, on the other hand, texted Momo from Kairi's phone that he was at Shiranami and would soon commit suicide.
Upon receiving this text, Momo finally understands her feelings about Kairi and admits that she loves him more than Toji. Following that, she rushes to Shiranami in the middle of a typhoon, only to find Kairi clutching his phone case while almost drowning due to the huge waves.
Fortunately, she ended up rescuing him and gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, which saved his life. The two then confessed their feelings for each other and kissed passionately. With this, the Peach Girl anime came to an end. While there is no sequel to the anime, fans of the couple can rest assured since Momo and Kairi eventually got married by the end of the Peach Girl Next manga.
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