Following Camellia’s introduction in the last episode, Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 was expected to see Takumi Iruma and co head to the Royal Capital. Officially released on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, the latest installment not only saw their journey begin but also fully concluded it.
However, Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 also introduced a new character who’d be joining Takumi’s party as his latest contracted slave. However, the installment also made it clear that in the shadows, evil forces were finally beginning to target him from afar.
Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 sees Sidonia begin to make moves against Takumi
Brief episode recap
Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 began with a focus on a slave trading company in Barcula’s Royal Capital. Here, a young beastman slave capable of using magic but needing time to hone her skills was seen being rejected by a potential master. The girl, named Reyva, apologized to her current master Burton, who reassured her instead. She then thought of her mother and little brother, who she abandoned to seemingly earn money for.
The focus then shifted to Takumi, who was reading the same magic book Reyva was while working on something in his workshop. The next day, Takumi revealed he was going to Dgambo’s blackshop again today, prompting her and Sofia to concernedly point out his lack of rest lately. He then set out by himself, stopping by the adventurer’s guild first where it was revealed a strange creature had been seen on the outskirts of town.
Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 then saw Takumi pull Camellia and Maple out of his pocket dimension, where they were revealed as the creature people had been seeing. As the guildmaster asked to see Takumi, it was revealed Sofia went to see Mulan to apparently look for another slave for Takumi. After saying she had no one meeting such conditions but she’d reach out to her friends, she happily commented on how Sofia had changed.

Afterward, she ran into Maria, with the pair discussing how they wished they could lighten his load in some way. Sofia offered to help with the cooking, but Maria argued against this before also commenting on how Sofia had changed. She specified that her expression had started to soften from time to time, but added that her “gallant side” was still lovely too. An embarrassed Soffia urged them to hurry so they could meet up with Takumi.
However, Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 saw them find him passed out at Dgambo’s workshop, with the blacksmith warning them that Takumi needed plenty of rest. His carriage was then revealed to have been enchanted with spatial expansion, effectively turning it into a second house complete with bedrooms, a kitchen, a bath, a living room, and a dining room. It also had measures in place to prevent any rocking whatsoever from travel.
Maria then had fun driving the carriage, which Camellia pulled incredibly fast. Camellia leveled up after pulling the carriage around for a few days, with Takumi and co setting off on their journey shortly thereafter. Lord Godwin, Papek, and one of Godwin’s attendants then arrived, equally as shocked at the carriage’s interior as Sofia and Maria were. Each of them likewise made it clear how badly they wanted something like it as their journey began.
Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 saw Godwin and his attendant discuss the need to protect Takumi from those within and outside of Barcula. He did so with apparent gratitude for what Takumi has done for Godwin’s own domain, warning of the Holy Empire of Sidonia as the focus shifted to Akane “several months after” this scene. Akane is seen reading the holy scripture of the Church of Divine Light and how Anat created all races.
The scripture also made it clear that Anat had placed all other races below humans, prompting Akane to get up and look at an apparent restraining collar a nearby beastman had on. In Takumi’s present time, they arrived at the Royal Capital of Bakilatos thanks to Soffia, Maria, Maple, and Camellia taking care of all the monsters on the way. Papek then revealed his intent to offer the king a carriage similar to Takumi’s own to best communicate Takumi’s skills.
Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 saw Takumi agree, prompting Papek to rent space from the Palum Company, owned by Burton (and likewise where Reyva was). That night, Maria and Sofia told him he needed someone to assist with his production, suggesting they look for one such slave at the Palum Company. As Takumi met with Burton, Maria revealed she lost track of Maple, prompting Sofia to go search for her.

She found Maple via the shock she gave Reyva, then noticed that she was a magic user studying alchemy enthusiastically. Takumi then ran into Sofia, asking her to accompany him to meet a candidate which turned out to be Reyva, who found herself unable to speak. Sofia intervened, getting the conversation going between them naturally likewise. Takumi then asked her a question, prompting her to begin crying because she didn’t know the answer.
However, Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time episode 7 saw Takumi invite her to be his slave despite this due to her actually getting it right with what she thought was incorrect. She accepted his offer likewise, asking for all of her wages to be sent home. Focus then shifted to Sidonia in Takumi’s present time, where they decided to use their Church of Divine Light’s followers to do something about Barcula’s defiance as the episode ended.
Final thoughts
The latest episode is a very exciting one, introducing a new character who brings a unique set of skills and abilities to Takumi’s group. Likewise, fans can expect the series to focus on Reyva’s integration into the group both socially and professionally in the next installment. This will likely lead to Takumi’s meeting with the king, in turn possibly setting up a climactic season finale involving the Holy Empire of Sidonia.
Related links
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