The Pseudo Harem anime series, adapted from Yu Saito's manga of the same name, premiered on July 5, 2024. The series follows a first-year high school girl, Rin Nanakura, who likes her senior, Eiji Kitahama, and mimics various character personalities, usually found in harem manga series.
The first two episodes of this anime have already released and fans are eagerly awaiting the full release schedule of the remaining episodes. According to an official working on the Psuedo Harem anime, the series has been slated for 12 episodes, with one episode per week.
Complete episode release schedule and streaming details of Pseudo Harem anime series
The third episode of this trending anime series is scheduled for broadcast on July 19, 2024, at 00:30 AM JST.
The series will air on Tokyo MX, BS Fuji, and other affiliated networks in Japan. At the same time, Crunchyroll has secured exclusive streaming rights, allowing international viewers to watch Pseudo Harem episodes on the day of its release.
Here is the complete episode release schedule of Pseudo Harem anime as per PDT, EST and IST timings:
Although the table provides the complete release schedule for the Pseudo Harem anime, fans should be aware that the dates and times listed are subject to change if the studio decides to make adjustments. As of now, there have been no reports of any episode delays.
All you need to know about the Pseudo Harem anime series
Pseudo Harem storyline centers on Eiji Kitahama, a high school sophomore and member of the drama club. His ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when Rin Nanakura, a first-year student, joins the club. Seen as the club's long-awaited savior, Rin quickly develops feelings for Eiji.
As their relationship deepens, Rin begins to mimic various character archetypes typically found in manga-inspired harem stories.
The animation is produced by Studio Nomad, known for their work on series like Bungo Stray Dogs Wan! The series is directed by Toshihiro Kikuchi, renowned for his work on Bungo Stray Dogs and Good Luck, Ninomiya-kun. Yūko Kakihara, who has previously worked on Urusei Yatsura and Buddy Daddies, handles the series composition.
Final thoughts
As the series progresses, viewers can look forward to more entertaining and dynamic personalities from Rin Nanakura and also expect a budding relationship between her and Eiji Kitahama, making Pseudo Harem a must-watch in the Spring 2024 season.
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