Throughout One Piece, many fighters are seen enlisting the aid of animals to ensure their victory. These animals are almost always skilled in combat, and can be seen fighting alongside their masters.
One Piece’s animal fighters are always interesting characters, oftentimes more so than their owners. Regardless, every single one of One Piece’s animal fighters is shown to work in perfect tandem with their owners.
Here are the 10 strongest One Piece animal users in combat (excluding Zoan Fruit users).
Disclaimer: This article is based on the writer's opinion and contains major spoilers.
Otama and 9 others make up One Piece’s strongest animal users in combat
10) Mohji

Mohji is arguably the worst of the best One Piece animal users in combat.
Despite a close relationship with his ferocious lion, Richie, Mohji’s early introduction during Orange Town makes him out to be fairly weak. This weakness is only exacerbated as the series goes on.
9) Mr. 4
Also known as Babe, Mr. 4 has a trusty dog named Lassoo. The dog came to being when Mr. 4's gun ate a Devil Fruit.
The two work well together, with Lassoo launching exploding baseballs for Mr. 4 to hit at enemies. The balls are said to be as heavy as cannon balls, highlighting Mr. 4’s strength.
8) Marguerite

One of the Kuja pirates, Marguerite is the blonde Kuja warrior who initially finds Luffy on Amazon Lily. Like other Kuja, Marguerite has a snake companion which she can use as a bow in combat, hers being green and black. While this isn’t impressive in and of itself, Marguerite can launch Armament Haki coated arrows with the snake, an incredibly deadly attack.
7) Kikyo

Like Marguerite and other Kuja, Kikyo also has a snake companion which she can use in combat. Kikyo's snake is bright red in color, and she is also shown using her snake as a bow and arrow, firing the same Armament Haki coated arrows Marguerite and other Kuja can use.
6) Ohm

Also known by the epithet Skybreeder, Ohm is one of Enel’s priests during the Skypiea arc, seen alongside his giant dog Holy. Ohm has trained holy in hand-to-hand combat, to the point of appearing almost human-like when fighting. Holy is incredibly powerful in his own right, seen when fighting alongside Ohm versus some Shandians, and later on against Zoro.
Ohm can also use Observation Haki (called Mantra in Skypiea), substantially increasing the danger he and Holy represent as a team.
5) Gan Fall

Despite not being able to use Observation Haki/Manta, Gan Fall and his steed Pierre are shown to be a dangerous team in One Piece. Even without Mantra, Gan Fall was able to sneak up on mantra user Shura without the latter detecting his presence during the Skypiea arc.
Combined with the combat prowess and experience Gan Fall and Pierre have with one another, the two are a deadly combo.
4) Randolph

Randolph is an interesting inclusion here, considering he uses a crane in combat and (technically speaking) is a rabbit himself. Given these facts, Randolph is no doubt one of the most powerful animal users in combat. Big Mom trusts him enough to accomplish important, food related tasks on his own, a large sign of trust considering Big Mom’s love of food.
His combat skills are also quite impressive, and he is seen overpowering Nami, Carrot, and Chopper during the Whole Cake Island arc. Furthermore, his interaction with Sweet Commander Cracker implies respect from Cracker for Randolph, emphasizing his skill.
3) Doma

Seen during the Marineford arc, Doma is a New World pirate and ally of Whitebeard’s who brings his unnamed pet monkey into combat with him. The two are a deadly combo, with the monkey being given his own pistol and working in a brilliant tandem with Doma. Doma’s monkey is also seen coming out apparently unharmed from Marineford, which is a substantial achievement and indication of skill.
2) Otama

The most interesting aspect of Otama’s potential and current skill as a One Piece animal user in combat is her Devil Fruit, the Millet-Millet Fruit. With this fruit (which has been shown to work on Zoan Gifters), Otama can give any animal a kibi dongo (essentially millet dumpling) from her cheek. These dumplings put whatever animal eats them under Otama’s total control.
While the Fruit hasn’t been shown used against Zoan Fruit holders yet, it is confirmed to work against Zoan Gifters via Speed’s control. Even if her Fruit doesn’t work on Zoan holders, the potential it holds is still nearly limitless and her control over Gifters is already a confirmed reality.
1) Boa Hancock

A former Warlord who is capable of using all three Haki forms, Boa Hancock is without a doubt One Piece’s strongest animal user in combat. Her snake weapon Salome is constantly seen by her side, both in and out of combat.
Furthermore, Salome is seen being capable of independent combat alongside Hancock, as opposed to being used as a bow like other Kuja do. Her own fighting skills combined with the strength of her partner, Salome, makes Hancock a very difficult opponent indeed.