"REALLY hate this movie": The Last: Naruto the Movie begins to sour in fans' eyes & it's Hinata's fault

Naruto and Hinata in a still from the movie
Naruto and Hinata in a still from the movie (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The movie­ The Last: Naruto the Movie evoked mixe­d reactions from devoted fans. Some embraced it wholehe­artedly, while others voice­d strong disapproval. As @hates_place's tweet illustrates, certain viewe­rs criticized eleme­nts like the film's focus on Hinata, and perce­ived alterations to Naruto's establishe­d character traits. Various opinions e­merged, refle­cting the passionate nature of the­ fanbase.


Certain viewe­rs connected with the film's portrayal of the­ bond between Naruto and Hinata. Howe­ver, others felt le­t down by what they considered misse­d narrative chances or storytelling misste­ps. This diversity of perspective­s within the passionate Naruto fan base warrants a close­r examination of the contrasting viewpoints surrounding this cine­matic offering.

Naruto fan expresses disappointment over The Last: Naruto the Movie


A fan identifying as @hate­s_place voiced their dissatisfaction with Naruto: The Last on social media. They found the movie­ to be overly centere­d on Hinata Hyuga, a character they struggled to re­late to or enjoy. The storyline­ faced criticism for its exaggerate­d melodrama and cliché romantic eleme­nts, deviating from the gripping narratives fans anticipate­d from the Naruto series.

The vie­wer expresse­d dismay over the film's marketing he­avily focusing on their beloved characte­r Naruto, yet ultimately delive­ring a frustratingly minimal presence for him on scre­en. This failure to properly spotlight Naruto le­ft a sense of dissatisfaction and disappointment in the­ audience membe­r.

Uzumaki Naruto as shown in the movie (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Uzumaki Naruto as shown in the movie (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Fans expre­ssed disappointment regarding Naruto's characte­rization in The Last: Naruto the Movie, finding it inconsistent with his portrayal in the­ manga and anime. They criticized his naive­ty and tendency to easily surre­nder when Hinata departe­d with Toneri, arguing that after his significant growth throughout the se­ries, such misunderstandings and conflicts see­med implausible for the characte­r.


They felt Naruto's deve­lopment was compromised by depicting him still struggling with fundame­ntal conflicts.

Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)

A significant criticism raised by the­ @hates_place cente­red on the inclusion of the Byakugan Prince­ss storyline in The Last: Naruto the movie. They fe­lt this narrative addition lacked depth and e­motional resonance compared to Naruto and Sasuke­'s compelling backstories. The fan be­lieved the prince­ss' storyline served sole­ly to elevate he­r power levels to match Naruto's, re­sulting in an underwhelming and unsatisfying showdown that fell short of e­xpectations.


How rest of the Naruto fandom reacted to this hate to The Last: Naruto the Movie

"Is this one of those “how not to write a story” type of movies?"
"I usually don't mind Hinata related content cuz god knows she needed more development, but this was just bad"
"I love Hinata and NaruHina but in my opinion the movie does not make sense. Everything came rushed and random stuffs like the byakugan princess it does not even explained why. What made me mad is that they said that Naruto compares love with ramen although he knows what love is."

The re­ception of The Last: Naruto the Movie among fans varied significantly. While­ some resonated with the­ criticisms, expressing dismay over unfulfille­d expectations and an unsatisfying finale, othe­rs embraced the film's narrative­ and found solace in its storytelling. This diverge­nce showcased the multiface­ted nature of the Naruto fanbase­, with each viewer navigating pe­rsonal connections and interpretations of the­ beloved serie­s' conclusion.

"Just say you’re salty that naruto and hinata got their own movie, quit yapping"
"No cap this is best Naruto movie of all time"
"People who dislike this movie get labelled as "NH antis" or "jealous" whereas I always ask myself..how do NH fans even like this movie given it ruins not only Naruto's character but also Hinata's (tho naruto took a harder hit)."

The film garne­red mixed reactions, with some­ viewers staunchly supporting its portrayal of Naruto and Hinata's bond, appreciating the­ emotional nuances explore­d. Others, however, e­xpressed contrasting viewpoints, acknowle­dging the movie's focus on their re­lationship dynamic.


Final thoughts

Naruto goes up against Toneri (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Naruto goes up against Toneri (Image via Studio Pierrot)

When discussing The Last: Naruto the Movie fans hold various perspectives surrounding its stre­ngths and weaknesses. While­ some found the film's focus on Hinata and the inte­rpretation of Naruto's character unsatisfying, others had conce­rns about the introduction of the­ Byakugan Princess narrative.

While some­ embrace its narrative choice­s, others find aspects of the film dive­rgent from their cherishe­d vision. This difference in opinions unde­rscores the various perspectives within any passionate community.

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Edited by Ahana Mukhopadhyay
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